Image Generator is a service that allows you to fully customize your texts andvisualize them in various formats. This user-friendly tool enables you to adjustfont style, font size, background color, font color, and your text content.

Image Generator enables you to customize the background and font colors to makeyourtexts visually appealing. You can choose your preferred colors or utilize colorpalettes to achieve specific color harmonies. This allows you to adjust yourtextsto reflect the identity of your projects or brand.

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Thanks, but the logo in my pic is alot older, note the A's and the round dot over the i. I actually made the Kawasaki logo using a similar font, but I had to adjust a couple of the letters. He wants the other decal reproduced so I figured I'd get the right font and be done with it.

Once called "the strike heard round the world,"1 the first major labor dispute in the U.S. auto industry ended after General Motors signed a contract with the United Auto Workers Union on February 11, 1937.

1936 would prove pivotal. In July of 1936 there were hundreds of deaths in auto plants in Michigan that were thought to be a result of a heat wave combined with difficult working conditions3. On November 12, 1936, three welders participated in a "quickie sit-down" strike and were fired when they arrived to work the next day. Their firing resulted in a sit-down protest of 700 men on November 13 at the Fisher Body No. 1, until the the three men were rehired later that day. This success "had an electrifying effect on Flint's auto workers," and saw United Automobile Workers union membership growing from approximately 150 to 1500.4 On December 30, 1936, General Motors workers started their sit down strike, which at the time was legal, gaining control of the Body Plant Number One in Flint. On January 1, 1937, workers controlled a second Plant in Flint. Although the strike was gaining power, some of the General Motors' plants were still running - most notably Chevy Plant Number Four, the largest plant owned by GM. But on February 1, 1937, the striking workers took control of this plant.

Editor's note: An earlier version of this article incorrectly listed November 12, 1936 as the first day of the strike. The text was updated on December 30, 2022 to clarify the November 12 strike was a smaller, separate strike than the one that began on December 30, 1936 and lasted 44 days, until February 11, 1937.

In the vast majority of cases, FineReader Engine can successfully read texts without any prior training. However, when recognizing decorative or outlined fonts or low print quality documents, own patterns can be trained and the recognition quality increased.

Jaluit Atoll in the Marshall Islands has recently been in the news regarding the possibility that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan were captured by the Japanese and taken to Jaluit Atoll in July 1937. Whether that happened or not is a matter of speculation. We do know, however, Norwegian Alfred Parker, captain of the Panamanian-registered M. S. Fijian, was there, according to his account, from March 28 to April 24, 1937. His ship sank after an explosion on March 25, near the island Majuro. The captain and crew, consisting of Norwegian and Chinese nationals, were rescued by the Japanese vessel, Shinko Maru. They were taken by this vessel to Arno Atoll. After staying at Arno for 36 hours, the Shinko Maru proceeded southwest to Jaluit Atoll. At Jaluit the captain and crew of the Fijian disembarked under police supervision. [1]

From 1935 onwards the nature and extent of Japanese activities in the mandated islands remained cloaked in secrecy and mystery. Foreigners had never been encouraged to travel within the mandated islands, and with formal annexation, the Japanese, for the most part, excluded them. In the latter half of 1936 and early 1937, when the United States Government requested permission for the United States Navy auxiliary ship USS Gold Star (AG-12) to visit Truk, Palau and Saipan, the Japanese refused. This, and other actions the Japanese took with regard to the mandated islands, gave rise to suspicions among the Western powers that Japan was fortifying the islands contrary to her commitments stipulated under the terms of the League Covenant. [10]

[3] Despatch, No. 315, Richard F. Boyce, The Consul at Yokohama to the Secretary of State, June 25, 1937, File: 862i.01/329, Central Decimal File, 1930-1939, General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59.

[4] Despatch, No. 315, Richard F. Boyce, The Consul at Yokohama to the Secretary of State, June 25, 1937, File: 862i.01/329, Central Decimal File, 1930-1939, General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59.

[10] Telegram, No. 177, The Charg in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State, September 4, 1936, File: 811.3394/239: Telegram, Central Decimal File, 1930-1939, General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59; Telegram, No. 210, The Charg in Japan (Dickover) to the Secretary of State, October 13, 1936, File: 811.3394/243: Telegram, ibid.; Telegram, No. 54, The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State, February 12, 1937, File: 811.3394/251: Telegram, ibid.; Philip A. Crowl and Edmund G. Love, Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls,  The War in the Pacific, United States Army in World War II (Washington, D.C.: Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, 1955), p. 206; Lt. Col. Robert D. Heinl, Jr., USMC and Lt. Col. John A. Crown, USMC, The Marshalls: Increasing the Tempo (Washington, D.C.: Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1954), p. 2.

Changes in Toyota Motor Corporation's statements of income and loss are indicated. Unconsolidated data covers the period from 1937 to 2012, and consolidated data covers the period from 1988 to 2012. Also, unconsolidated data for Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd. is provided for the period from 1950 to 1982.

Gill Sans is based on Edward Johnston's 1916 "Underground Alphabet", the corporate font of London Underground. As a young artist, Gill had assisted Johnston in its early development stages. In 1926, Douglas Cleverdon, a young printer-publisher, opened a bookshop in Bristol, and Gill painted a fascia for the shop for him in sans-serif capitals. In addition, Gill sketched an alphabet for Cleverdon as a guide for him to use for future notices and announcements. By this time Gill had become a prominent stonemason, artist and creator of lettering in his own right and had begun to work on creating typeface designs.

Gill was commissioned to develop his alphabet into a full metal type family by his friend Stanley Morison, an influential Monotype executive and historian of printing. Morison hoped that it could be Monotype's competitor to a wave of German sans-serif families in a new "geometric" style, which included Erbar, Futura and Kabel, all being launched to considerable attention in Germany during the late 1920s. Gill Sans was released in 1928 by Monotype, initially as a set of titling capitals that was quickly followed by a lower-case. Gill's aim was to blend the influences of Johnston, classic serif typefaces and Roman inscriptions to create a design that looked both cleanly modern and classical at the same time. Designed before setting documents entirely in sans-serif text was common, its standard weight is noticeably bolder than most modern body text fonts.

Following the traditional serif model the italic has different letterforms from the roman, where many sans-serifs simply slant the letters in what is called an oblique style. This is clearest in the "a", which becomes a "single storey" design similar to handwriting, and the lower-case "p", which has a calligraphic tail on the left reminiscent of italics such as those cut by William Caslon in the eighteenth century.[8][13] The italic "e" is more restrained, with a straight line on the underside of the bowl where serif fonts normally add a curve.[8][c] Like most serif fonts, several weights and releases of Gill Sans use ligatures to allow its expansive letter "f" to join up with or avoid colliding with following letters.[13]

In the regular or roman style of Gill Sans, some letters were simplified from Johnston, with diamond dots becoming round (rectangles in the later light weight) and the lower-case "L" becoming a simple line, but the "a" became more complex with a curving tail in most versions and sizes.[18][46] In addition, the design was simply refined in general, for example by making the horizontals slightly narrower than verticals so that they do not appear unbalanced, a standard technique in font design which Johnston had not used.[8][31] The "R" with its widely splayed leg is Gill's preferred design, unlike that of Johnston; historian James Mosley has suggested that this may be inspired by an Italian Renaissance carving in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.[11][47]

Despite the popularity of Gill Sans, some reviews have been critical. Robert Harling, who knew Gill, wrote in his 1976 anthology examining Gill's lettering that the density of the basic weight made it unsuitable for extended passages of text, printing a passage in it as a demonstration.[45] The regular weight has been used to print body text for some trade printing uses such as guides to countryside walks published by the LNER.[57] William Addison Dwiggins described it and Futura as "fine in the capitals and bum in the lower-case" while proposing to create a more individualistic competitor, Metro, for Linotype around 1929.[58] Modern writers, including Stephen Coles and Ben Archer, have criticised it for failing to improve on Johnston and for unevenness of colour, especially in the bolder weights (discussed below).[59][20] More generally, modern font designer Jonathan Hoefler has criticised Johnston and Gill's designs for rigidity, calling their work "products more of the machine than the hand, chilly and austere designs shaped by unbending rules, whose occasional moments of whimsy were so out of place as to feel volatile and disquieting".[60] 006ab0faaa

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