Hi, I'm Vinanti Shah, a gold medalist counselor from Ahmedabad.

"Happiness is not out there for us to find. The reason- that it is not out there is, it's inside each and everyone of us.

Opening up about what and how one feels is a hard thing to do nowadays. People always think about what others will think rather than being themselves and thinking about themselves first.

I am here to help out people as a counselor and make them believe that they can live a very happy and fulfilling life. Whatever it is one going through, all can come to me for guidance and support.

સામેની વ્યવિ પોતાની વાતનેકેવી રીતેલેશેકેસમજી શકશેકેનહી, ું તેમુુંઝવણ હુંમેશા રહે છે.

“મોટીફ” એક એવી કાઉન્સેલીગું સેવા છે, જ્ાુંઆપની પ્રાઈવસીની ખાતરી છે. પ્રશ્ન કોઈપણ હોય – અુંગત, ધુંધા-રોજગાર, ભણતર કેઅન્ય, અમેતમનેસાુંભળી તેમાુંથી બહાર આવવાની વદશામાું સાથેકામ કરીશુું.

To Maintain COVID-19 Safety, Telephonic Counselling Is Also Available

Consulting By Appointments Only

Timings: Monday To Saturday

In Person Counselling: 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Telephonic Counselling: 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Get in touch at: +91 9879565476, +91 79 26633605

Address: 19 Sahajanand Plaza, Bhattha Cross Road, Paldi 380007