I am looking for something similar in Chrome/Chromium - that is: options that would allow to change the action (the way a media or text file is opened - by what application) in a way similar to that available in Firefox.

If you are on Windows, and I believe you do, Chrome follows the system's file type associations (located in Control Panel > Programs > Default Programs > Set Associations). Unfortunately, Chrome does not offer a similar feature to Firefox's.

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Beyond this point it really depends what information you're specifically trying to find. Addressing the question I am not familiar with a carbon copy of the Firefox dialog box you seek, but the above URL is a good starting point for you.

You can still set the system associations Control Panel > Programs > Default Programs > Set Associations or in windows 10 going to settings and going system > defaults the click on set file association, protocol association, or just change the general defaults

There is an addon Open in external app for Chrome that accomplishes this. It unfortunatly only works on Windows as it needs Visual C++ runtime files.It also needs a secondary tool ("a small helper application" as it is described) that should be downloaded from within the addon's interface once installed.

As an administrator, you might need to configure Chrome as the default browser on computers in your domain. You must complete these steps to set Chrome as the default browser on domain-joined computers running Microsoft Windows 10 and above. In addition, Windows has recently made some changes that require setting an additional policy to use Chrome as the default browser for web links that appear in Outlook and Teams.

The default application association file is an XML file that associates a file type with an application. For example, if you associate .html or .htm files with the Chrome application, then by default Chrome is launched each time the user opens an html or htm file.

For domain-joined computers, you create a single shared XML file that automatically sets Chrome as the default browser application. You must place this file in a shared folder, on your server, that all of the domain-joined computers can access.

Note: If Chrome is not installed on the target computer, the file associations are not applied and users must choose an application when they open a link (http or https) or file (html or htm).

It is possible to have various Chrome channels installed side-by-side in Windows. Below are example xml files showing how to set a specific Chrome channel as the default browser to open html, htm, http and https files or links.

Note: The default association policy is set at each login. The user can change an association after they login, but the change applies to that login session only. The association will be reset to the policy at the next login.

The Group Policy Management console lets you create and manage Group Policy Objects (GPO) for your domain. These GPOs control the policies that are applied to all your domain-linked computers. After you create the GPO, you use security filtering to apply it to the computers in your domain.

To set the default associations configuration file for domain-linked computers, you edit the related GPO on your windows server. In the following steps, use the same GPO and domain names from Step 2 (in this example, chromeforwork.com).

On your target computers (that is, the Active Directory domain-joined computers running Windows 10 and above), you can verify that the GPO you created has been applied, and that the computer is using Chrome as the default browser.

Microsoft has made changes to Windows and now web links in Outlook and Teams open in Microsoft Edge by default. To configure Windows to open web links in Chrome, complete one of the following options.

Using the Group Policy Management console, you can create and manage Group Policy Objects (GPO) for your domain. These GPOs control the policies that are applied to all your domain-linked computers. After you create the GPO, you use security filtering to apply it to the computers in your domain.

An association is a connection between a Search Console property and an entity or property in another Google service. For example, your Search Console property might be associated with your Google Analytics property to allow the data from both products to be combined and shown in Search Console Insights.

The effects of an association depend on the type of thing being associated with your Search Console property. For example: a Google Analytics association shares your Search Console performance data with the associated Google Analytics property; an Android Play Store app association enables app indexing (when Google Search shows deep links into the associated app).

An association is requested by a user in another Google service, such as Google Analytics or Chrome Web Store. This request is sent to the owners of the Search Console property, who can approve or deny the request. Use Search Console to accept or reject association requests, see your current associations, and delete an existing association. The only exception is Google Analytics, where an association can be requested either in Google Analytics or in Search Console.

A Google Analytics property can be associated with only one Search Console property at a time, and vice-versa. If you no longer see a previously created Analytics association, it means that you or another site owner either removed it or overwrote the association with another.

You can associate your Google Analytics property with your Search Console property to see Google Analytics data in Search Console Insights, as well as Search Console data in Google Analytics. Google Analytics UA data will stop being supported in Search Console Insights starting July 1, 2023. If a Search Console property is associated with both a Google Analytics UA and Google Analytics 4 property, then Search Console Insights will only show data from the Google Analytics 4 property.

To associate your property, open the associations page for your Search Console property, click Associate, then follow the instructions in the dialog. In order to see your Google Analytics data in Search Console Insights, choose a stream that best matches your Search Console property and that covers the pages on your site that you would like to track.

Any Search Console data exported from Search Console to your associated Google Analytics property will be subject to the Google Analytics terms of service. At the same time, any data exported from your Google Analytics property to your associated Search Console property will be subject to the Search Console terms of service.

When you associate a Search Console property with a Google Analytics property, anybody with access to that Google Analytics property may be able to see Search Console data for that site. For example, if a Google Analytics administrator adds a user to a property, that user may be able to see Search Console data in Search Optimization reports.

Google Analytics account administrators can move their Analytics property from one Analytics account to another. Any associated Search Console properties will maintain their association as part of the move. After the move, any users of the new Analytics account will be able to see data from the associated Search Console property without a notification in Search Console. Learn more

The default applications your computer uses to open files can be changed if you prefer to use something other than what is currently set. When working with PDF files, for example, you can change your settings to open files in Chrome instead of Acrobat. On a PC, the setting can be managed in the "Default Apps" interface, whereas Mac users simply need to right-click on the file in question to configure a new default app. If your aim is to manage how Google Chrome associates files, on the other hand, you can focus on disabling -- or installing and enabling -- associated Chrome extensions instead.

When attempting to open a file that is associated with a new piece of software, Windows recognizes the fact that the new software can handle it and gives you the opportunity to change your default application. To modify file associations at any other time, however, you'll need to access the "Default Apps" options within the Windows Settings app. However, you also can get there by searching for the word "default" at the Start screen and selecting "Default Apps" from the available options.

You can select "Set Defaults by App," highlight "Google Chrome" on the next screen and click "Manage" to configure which files are opened with Chrome. However, you won't be able to manage file types that are not already associated with Chrome, like PDFs or audio files.

Instead, go back to the "Default Apps" screen, select the option to "Choose Default Apps by File Type" and add Chrome to those file types you want it to open. To re-associate PDF handling, for example, scroll through the list and select the app icon for "PDF" and then select Chrome.

Apple explains that file associations on a Mac are modified using the file's icon and the "Get Info" window. Highlight the icon for a file with the extension you want to re-associate and press "Command-I" on your keyboard. In the "Get Info" window, expand the "Open With" section and select a new application to use as the default for launching these types of files. Exit the window to save your changes.

Along with using your operating system's preferences, Chrome can manage file associations through Chrome extensions. When you download a PDF from the Web, for example, Chrome usually uses its built-in PDF viewer to open it in the browser window, but you might have an extension that uses another software like Adobe Acrobat.

Google says you can manually change or disable these extensions if you prefer. In your address bar, type "chrome://extensions" and then switch off any of the Chrome extensions that are causing you issues. You can also install new extensions that can handle certain types of files. 152ee80cbc

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