The Moodle 'cron' process is a PHP script (part of the standard Moodle installation) that must be run regularly in the background. The Moodle cron script runs different tasks at differently scheduled intervals.

The cron program (that runs the Moodle script) is a core part of Unix-based systems (including Linux and OSX) being used to run all manner of time-dependent services. On Windows the simplest solution is to create a task in the Windows Task Scheduler and set it to run at regular intervals. On shared hosting, you should find the documentation (or ask support) how cron is configured. Most shared hosting systems use CPanel to manage sites, and usually will have a section for Cron Jobs on the panel.

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This really does depend on the system you are using and you should find and read the documentation for your platform or hosting. In most cases getting the Moodle cron to run consists of establishing the correct command (above) and then adding it, and the time to run the command, to some sort of file. This might be either through a specific user interface or by editing the file directly.

Using the 'web based' version of cron it is perfectly ok to place the cron process on a different machine to the Moodle server. For example, the cron service on a Unix server can invoke the cron web 'page' on a Windows-based Moodle server.

Sometimes, a particular cron task may not be working correctly. In Moodle versions before 2.7 - any cron task that was throwing exceptions would prevent the rest of cron from running. The only way to monitor if cron was completing each time, was to add some automated checking of the output of running cron (e.g. searching for the string "Cron completed at ").

Each time cron is run, after the scheduled tasks the ad hoc tasks are also run. While scheduled tasks can run at most once a minute, ad hoc tasks can be queued at any moment, and generally you want them processed as soon as possible and to not have to wait for the scheduled task to run first. If you only run the normal admin/cli/cron.php then not only might it have to wait to process all the scheduled tasks first, if it has already finished you will have to wait until the next minute for cron to start again for it to be processed.

As your site grows many of the scheduled tasks will take longer to complete, and also there will be more ad hoc tasks queued which need to be processed. The cron system is designed to work in parallel but each individual process can only process one task at a time so you must run multiple cron cli's. You can generally run a fairly high number of cron processes on a dedicated cron instance before needing to run multiple cron instances. To run more than one process simply spawn multiple cron processes each minute:

A special program (typically called - not surprisingly - 'cron') is used to run the Moodle cron script at a regular interval. The Moodle cron script runs tasks include sending mail, updating Moodle reports, RSS feeds, activity completions, posting forum messages and other tasks. Since different tasks have different schedules, not every task will run in Moodle when the cron script is triggered.

The cron program (that runs the Moodle script) is a core part of Unix based systems (including Linux and OSX) being used to run all manner of time-dependent services. On Windows the simplest solution is to create a task in the Windows Task Scheduler and set it to run at regular intervals. On shared hosting, you should find the documentation (or ask support) how cron is configured.

Using the 'web based' version of cron it is perfectly ok to place the cron process on a different machine to the Moodle server. For example, the cron service on a Unix server can invoke the cron web 'page' on a Windows based Moodle server.

In cpanel there is a place to run cron jobs, looks like the Moodle cron job it is referencing is defined here. If you send a support email to I can take a look at your specific instance and test the cron job, then report back here with my finding if I solve it.

Otherwise there will be a separate log file/email for everytime that you cron runs, and if you have it set for every minute, it can fill up space alarmingly quickly. Moodle logs the most important information you will need to know in the scheduled tasks area of the admin.

Also know that cron is connected to your version of PHP, so you may want to switch your PHP version to a specific version. (If you have it set to inherit, your PHP version might change without your knowledge based on your site admin, where if you define a specific version, now you have to be aware of updates and depreciations).

Actually, the error message I am getting is PREPENDING the /bin/sh into the email message I am getting. The actual command does not have /bin/sh in it. I don't know where that is coming from, and I would understand why I was getting an error if that was the case. but my actual cron command does not have /bin/sh in it.

First of all, that readme file is incorrect. The path that Dougiamas referenced shold have included the /cli folder. A CRON will not run unless it is in the /cli (command line interface) folder, because by design cron jobs are essentially doing the same thing as running a command line command.

Secondly, I found out that version 2.9 of Moodle has implemented a new security measure. Here is some selected text from that portion of the moodle help pages. I will give you my bottom line solution at the end of this post, but I think this documentation is pretty important, so I am including it here.

"The Moodle 'cron' process is a PHP script (part of the standard Moodle installation) that must be run regularly in the background. The Moodle cron script runs different tasks at differently scheduled intervals.

Sure, the URL variety of cron CAN be password protected, and it is by default in moodle. It probably isn't a good idea to turn off the need for a password for the web-based cron. But I know that when I turned off the password requirement in the web-based cron, then the CLI cron worked correctly.

From the command line you open the file that contains all the cron jobs, using the cron job editor thingy. If it is the first time you might be asked which command line editor to use. Nano is the easiest. [good luck]

I've checked permissions on the account running the task and I'm sure it is set right, but I've no idea why it isn't working. Read and Execute on the c:\moodle\admin\cli\cron.php, read and execute on c:\php\php.exe

That sounds interesting. Please would you tell us a bit more about your code? Is it php, or more imbedded in apache/C/the server?

I wonder if moodle could (or even if later versions of moodle do) refuse to run a cron while a previous cron is still running. 

We are having a similar problem. Sometimes two different moodles attempt to update at the same time, or sometimes for one reason or another a backup does not finish and the cron runs again resulting in multiple sessions accumulating till the server keels over, so so I hear.

I've got Moodle installed on Azure via a Bitnami image. All worked well except I kept getting issues logging in as an admin, but only every-so-often. After checking, it seemed as though there was an issue with access to the files within the moodledata folder. To fix it I run

On most linux systems, if you insert a MAILTO="" above your cron entry in crontab, it will email you the output of the cron task. Note that MAILTO applies to all following tasks, so if you only want it for that on, insert MAILTO="" after your cron job to again disable the email.

I should have mentioned that I have no direct access to managing cron tasks. All I have is an interface provided by the hosting company that allows me to configure jobs, including being informed by email of job executions. However, the email I receive does not give any details of the jobs executed, such as you might see when running admin/cron.php from a web browser. That is why I ask if that information is logged anywhere so I can access it without depending on email messages.

Alternately, I suppose it should be possible to include commands within the cron.php itself to output to a file, or put a wrapper around that file to handle it. But I am not sure how to do that, and am wary of modifying these files.

So the cron scheduler in your control panel doesn't allow running a script--just accessing a URL? Then I guess this is really a question for your hosting company. Non-standard server environments can make it difficult to get what you need.

I am sorry. I will try to be clearer. I have a Debian 10 VPS on which I installed the latest version of Hestia. I created a Hestia user and logged into the user account and created a Moodle website. Moodle requires a Moodle cron job. So I clicked on the cron tab and added the cron job. This cron job has created errors and not ran properly. I have been trying to resolve these errors for more than a week. My goal is to figure out how to get Hestia to work with Moodle. Moodle has some major challenges when it comes to the Moodle cron job. There is little documentation and more than 5000 questions about the process on the Moodle forum! I am hoping to use Hestia to over-come some of these challenges.

In researching Hestia default cron jobs, CLI core scripts, I noted that Hestia cron commands began with sudo followed by the cron command. In order to use sudo without the password, Hestia assigns the admin user to the /etc/sudoers special group. 006ab0faaa

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