This will be a basic guide where I will attempt to explain the basic combat mechanics of taiwu, which can easily be one of the most confusing aspect of the game, and also one that changed quite a bit since EA.

The next set of stat are the attack stats, as mentioned above, these are affected by your primary stats, your allocation of True Qi, equipment, and passive effect of any of your equipped skills. In taiwu, two thing determines whether an attack does anything, whether the attack hits, and whether the attack does pierces the defence of the defender.

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The purpose of the combat is to inflict enough defeat marker on a enemy to win. The current version of taiwu, unlike EA, no longer has a HP system.The amount of defeat marker needed to beat an opponent is solely dependent on the nature of a fight, a spar can be resolved with 10 defeat markers, where as a fight to the death needs 30.

Well, that was quite a handful to take in, but hopefully this helps explain some of the mechanics behind the combat of taiwu, and I will probably spend some more time to provide a bit more detail on weapon stats, poison, and character assistance when time permits. be457b7860

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