International Montessori Spielgruppe of Schaffhausen


+41 (76) 410 2775

Schedule a visit at Schwarzadlerstrasse 1, Schaffhausen 8200 CH


We offer daily morning or afternoon programs for little ones aged 2 to 5 years old. Either from 9 am to 11am or 2:30pm to 5pm.

We also offer AFTERSCHOOL art classes for children from 4 to 12 years of age.

Would you like to be involved as well? Great, because we make events and workshops for the parents, so you can continue to help your child by knowing more about the Montessori method or by having a fun art class.


​To avoid any insecurity we follow a consistent routine with the children. Come visit us and we will tell you all about it!

It includes music, story time, food preparation and time for concentration work. We also offer SPECIAL classes such as Yoga, ART and Music, along with rythm and Movement.

International Montessori Spielgruppe

​We value your child's independence, freedom of movement, right to make choices and allow her to explore her talents in a safe, caring and nurturing environment.

Play Area

We have outdoor and indoor areas for your little one to explore, get hands-on activities or just have a quiet reading or nature exploration time. We accept a limited number of children by age group so that each child can benefit from the mixed-age environment.


Juliana Centola is an Art Educator from Brazil with experience working with children for over 20 years.

She has Montessori AMS Certification to work with children from 3 to 6 years old and also from NAMC to help infants and toddlers from 0 to 2 years of age.

Along with other professionals we Speak English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Russian.


 was the first female doctor in Italy. Along with a lot of courage she had nurturing eyes for children's curiosity. That led her to develop a magnificent method using concrete materials to help develop brain injured and healthy children. The main ideas that Montessori suggests are that we should follow the Children's Interests, give them freedom of movement, and help them by arranging a perfect environment for learning.


​The materials used in a Montessori School are usually made out of natural materials such as wood, glass and metal.

The furniture is also perfectly sized for little hands and bodies.


The Practical life activities invite children to interact with simple materials that are useful for daily living. They will learn the cycle of work and become better prepared with problem solving techniques. They will develop sense of order and will be prepared to help their family and peers. Practical Life area gives the chance for children to become independent and able to perform tasks for the good of themselves and the environment. They will develop a strong sense of self-esteem by taking care of the classroom, their home and themselves without the constant need of help of an adult.


This area explores dimensions, weight, size, textures, colors, tastes, smells, auditory abilities and anything that is related to the senses. It is Juliana's passion and favorite area in the classroom.


Through a spoken language, the child becomes a member of their community and culture.

So communication helps creating great bonds with the society and environment around the child. They learn through repetition and imitation. The Pre-reading activities prepare the children to follow left to right order and to recognize patterns and categorize things. This will benefit the child's capability to read and write in the future.


The order, concentration and body movements coordination acquired by the children are all preparing the children to have a smoother introduction to Math. Important concepts are taught through a very concrete way in the beginning. Numerals are introduced slowly after the quantity is perceived by the child. Numbers and quantities are used until the objects and counters are left aside and the use of numbers only is possible. There's a strong abstraction process from concrete objects , numerals and objects, counters and finally numerals alone. The goal is to have the children doing simple math facts just by the thinking. Teaching math in a Montessori classroom is a long process that gives childen a strong basis to face challenges in the next school years.


Is where children explore the planet and what it is made of. Its a mixture of Science, Geography, History in a way that children can explore and sense through their own investigations. In the Montessori classroom children follow their interests and can achieve deep investigations and findings.


+41 (76) 410 2775

Schwarzadlerstrasse 1, Schaffhausen 8200 CH