Monkey VPN Privacy Policy

Welcome to Monkey VPN. Monkey VPN is committed to protecting users’ privacy and personal information security. This privacy agreement is intended to explain to users Monkey VPN’s policies and practices for collecting, using and protecting user information. Please read this Privacy Agreement carefully to understand your rights and obligations.

1. Information collection and use

1.1. Types of information collected: Monkey VPN may collect information about user devices, such as device type, operating system version, IP address, etc. This information may be used to analyze and improve Monkey VPN's service quality and ensure system security.

1.2. Information Purpose: The information collected by Monkey VPN is mainly used for the following purposes:

Provide, maintain and improve Monkey VPN services;

Analyze users' usage of Monkey VPN services to improve user experience and optimize services;

Prevent fraud and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Monkey VPN and its users.

1.3. Information Sharing: Monkey VPN will not sell, rent or trade users’ personal information to any third party unless explicitly authorized by the user or required by law. Monkey VPN may share anonymized statistics with third parties but will not include any personally identifiable information.

2. Data security

Monkey VPN will take reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect the security of users' personal information and prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

3. Access and modification of personal information

Since Monkey VPN does not require users to log in, users cannot access or modify their personal information. If users have any questions or concerns about Monkey VPN's handling of personal information, please contact us at

4. Age limit for use

Monkey VPN’s services are only available to users aged 18 and above. Users under the age of 18 are not allowed to use Monkey VPN’s services.

5. Updates to the Privacy Policy

Monkey VPN reserves the right to update the privacy agreement at any time. The updated Privacy Agreement will be posted on the Monkey VPN app and will be effective from the date of update.

6. Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Agreement or Monkey VPN’s handling of personal information, please contact us at

Thank you for reading Monkey VPN’s Privacy Agreement. By using Monkey VPN's services, you agree to all terms and conditions of this Privacy Agreement.