So, I wanted to see what a small web server was like, and I discovered mongoose, a nice, small, simple web server for static sites. Then the horrors arose when I tried downloading it. I tried grabbing it from this site: , and found that Chrome always complained about some network error. I then had a friend try downloading it, thinking it was a bad link, but he downloaded it just fine. So I thought, okay whatever, I'll have him transfer it to a flash drive and I can get it off there. I then discovered that I can't get the file off the flash drive. The Windows file copy dialogue would get hung up on 75%, and then suddenly jump to 100% and the file would flicker in the folder, and then disappear. So, I was like okay, maybe I don't need it on my computer, and I'll jut run it off my flash drive, so I ran it, and windows complained saying that the file didn't exist, and suddenly the file on the flash drive disappeared.

I was looking for a simple web server for testing my HTML's on a Android device. Since Android browsers do not seem to be able to load local HTML's, I tried to create a web server on my computer. For a simple web server, I tried to use Mongoose.

Mongoose Web Server Windows Download

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I think it is easier to try GitHub - yhirose/cpp-httplib: A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library. It is only a header include file for client + server. I have used this in Windows and Linux without any problems. A basic server look like this:

If you would like to test your Three.js applications, then as described in the How to set up a local web server with Python recipe, you can run it in three different ways. If the first two approaches fail, you can always use a simple portable web server using Mongoose. This recipe will focus on the Mongoose approach.

The platform you are using will affect how you run Mongoose. If you're running Windows, you can just copy the downloaded file (an executable) to the folder from where you want to host your files from (for example, the directory where you extracted the sources for this book), and double-click on the executable to start the web server on port 8080.

If you can't install a local web server, you can take a look at the Solving cross-origin-domain error messages in Chrome recipe. This recipe provides you with an alternative way of running the more advanced Three.js examples.

Mongoose executable does not depend on any external library or configuration.

If it is copied to any directory and launched from there, it starts to serve that directory on port 8080

(so to access files, go to :8080).

If some additional config is required - for example, different listening port or IP-based access control,

then a mongoose.conf file with respective options can be created in the same directory where executable lives.

 This makes Mongoose perfect for all sorts of demos, quick tests, file sharing, and Web programming.

Database methods to create, find, update, or delete records are asynchronous. What this means is that the methods return immediately, and the code to handle the success or failure of the method runs at a later time when the operation completes. Other code can execute while the server is waiting for the database operation to complete, so the server can remain responsive to other requests.

Installing Mongoose adds all its dependencies, including the MongoDB database driver, but it does not install MongoDB itself. If you want to install a MongoDB server then you can download installers from here for various operating systems and install it locally. You can also use cloud-based MongoDB instances.

Mongoose requires a connection to a MongoDB database. You can require() and connect to a locally hosted database with mongoose.connect() as shown below (for the tutorial we'll instead connect to an internet-hosted database).

You can get the default Connection object with mongoose.connection. If you need to create additional connections you can use mongoose.createConnection(). This takes the same form of database URI (with host, database, port, options, etc.) as connect() and returns a Connection object). Note that createConnection() returns immediately; if you need to wait on the connection to be established you can call it with asPromise() to return a promise (mongoose.createConnection(mongoDB).asPromise()).

The code fragment below shows how you might define a simple schema. First you require() mongoose, then use the Schema constructor to create a new schema instance, defining the various fields inside it in the constructor's object parameter.

A schema can also have instance methods, static methods, and query helpers. The instance and static methods are similar, but with the obvious difference that an instance method is associated with a particular record and has access to the current object. Query helpers allow you to extend mongoose's chainable query builder API (for example, allowing you to add a query "byName" in addition to the find(), findOne() and findById() methods).

Every model has an associated connection (this will be the default connection when you use mongoose.model()). You create a new connection and call .model() on it to create the documents on a different database.

\n Database methods to create, find, update, or delete records are asynchronous.\n What this means is that the methods return immediately, and the code to handle the success or failure of the method runs at a later time when the operation completes.\n Other code can execute while the server is waiting for the database operation to complete, so the server can remain responsive to other requests.\n

\n Mongoose requires a connection to a MongoDB database.\n You can require() and connect to a locally hosted database with mongoose.connect() as shown below (for the tutorial we'll instead connect to an internet-hosted database).\n

\n You can get the default Connection object with mongoose.connection.\n If you need to create additional connections you can use mongoose.createConnection().\n This takes the same form of database URI (with host, database, port, options, etc.) as connect() and returns a Connection object).\n Note that createConnection() returns immediately; if you need to wait on the connection to be established you can call it with asPromise() to return a promise (mongoose.createConnection(mongoDB).asPromise()).\n

A schema can also have instance methods, static methods, and query helpers. The instance and static methods are similar, but with the obvious difference that an instance method is associated with a particular record and has access to the current object. Query helpers allow you to extend mongoose's chainable query builder API (for example, allowing you to add a query \"byName\" in addition to the find(), findOne() and findById() methods).

Mongoose is small and easy to use web server built on top ofmongoose library. It is designed with maximum simplicity in mind. For example,to share any directory, just drop mongoose executable in that directory,double-click it (on UNIX, run it from shell) and launch a browser at :8080 Note that 'localhost' shouldbe changed to a machine's name if a folder is accessed from other computer.

When started, mongoose first searches for the configuration file.If configuration file is specified explicitly in the command line, thenspecified configuration file is used.Otherwise, mongoose would search for file mongoose.conf in the same directorywhere binary is located, and use it. Configuration file can be absent.

Unlike other web servers, mongoose does not require CGI scripts be located ina special directory. CGI scripts can be anywhere. CGI (and SSI) files arerecognized by the file name pattern. Mongoose uses shell-like globpatterns. Pattern match starts at the beginning of the string, so essentiallypatterns are prefix patterns. Syntax is as follows:

I was able to get the installer to complete! Here's how I did it:

I downloaded the Mongoose web server ( ) as it's light weight, free, and doesn't require any installation. Just drop it in a folder that will serve as the root of the "web site".

Then I created a folder in the root folder called "bioshock". I copied the patch file posted above in there and renamed it to "installer" with no file extension.

I then started mongoose on port 80 by running "mongoose-5.0 listening_port 80".

The last thing I had to do was update the host file (c:\windows\system32\driver\etc\hosts) to point to my local machine. The line to add is "". Just add it to the end of the file.

BIOSHOCK_patch.gz is the file downloaded by the autopatcher during the installation process.

I am saving this file in case the server goes down because the BioShock executable is not included on the CD.

This doesn't protect against the activation servers going down but at least it removes one of the points of failure.

I'm trying to run it on a system running Windows XP. I just tried installing it again in a VM (the ethernet to the system can be a bit sketchy at times) and it seems like the autopatch servers really have been taken down. What should I do with the file attached? Should I run it while the auto patcher screen is up during the install? Or should i copy it into the game directory?

Since SafeDisc and Securom no longer work on windows 7 through 10 (although you can get around it on 7 and 8) they don't have the servers on anymore I would gather. The steam remasters are what they expect people to buy. It's a shame really... They should release a post mortem patch to address this. 006ab0faaa

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