MOMA-PPO: A Model-Based Solution to the Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Coordination Problem

Paul Barde, Jakob Foerster, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Amy Zhang. 

International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2024.

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Strategy Agreement

Partially observable two-agents reacher

Agents only observe the joint they control (theta_1 and theta_2 for red and blue agent respectively) and the target location (in black).

clockwise expert (in dataset)

counter-clockwise expert (in dataset)

ITD3+BC agents fail at agreeing on a convention

MOMA-PPO agents are able to agree on conventions and can even alternate between the two conventions depending on the target position

Stategy finetuning

Partially observable four-agents ant

Each agent controls a different limb and only observes the joints of the limb it controls. The yellow (white in gifs) agent is the only one to additionally observe the torso (in white).


ITD3+BC trained team fail to coordinate and run in circle because the white agent does not manage to compensate for the other agents.


MOMA-PPO trained teams are able to produce satisfactory behaviors and the white agent learns to steer the ant towards the correct direction.