However, if you get errors about mspdb80.dll or windows.h, this probably means that the environment isn't set up correctly. Open a cmd prompt with the correct Visual C++ environment variables and compare the INCLUDE, LIB, LIBPATH, and PATH environment variables in the two shells.

If the project has been built successfully there will be a .dll named MyCustomNode in the project's bin folder. For this example we left the project's file path as Visual Studio's default at c:\users\username\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects. Let's take a look at the project's file structure.

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The main portion of the GUI window displays statistics for thecurrently selected process that is running under DynamoRIO. All suchprocesses that were run with the -stats option (see Runtime Options) are listed in the listbox at the top ofthe window below the menus. The log file (see Runtime Options) for the currently running programis displayed at the bottom of the window. Pressing the Explorebutton will launch the Windows explorer at the directory containing thelog file, making it easier to view it and anydynamorio_traces.log files.

On Windows, the GUI shows the command line it is using when itlaunches each application. This is useful for determining the path tothe target application as well as how to invoke the DynamoRIO injector.The injector's first argument must point to the DynamoRIO library to use(remember, there are three versions of it in this release). The rest ofthe arguments form the command line that would be used to launch thetarget application natively. Here is an example of launching notepadfrom bash inside a cygwin shell.c:/dynamorio/bin/drinject.exe c:\\dynamorio\\bin\\debug\\dynamorio.dll c:\\WINNT\\system32\\notepad.exe

On Linux, we use the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to inject theDynamoRIO library into a target process. The dynamorio scriptcan be used. It relies on the DYNAMORIO_HOME environment variable tofind the initial injection library. Which DynamoRIO library proper isused can be specified by pointing to its containing directory with the DYNAMORIO_SYSTEMWIDE environment variable, or by passing-debug, -profile, or -release to thedynamorio script. Here's an example of usage:/usr/local/dynamorio/bin/dynamorio -profile mybenchmark args

You simply compile this application and link it with the DynamoRIOlibrary corresponding to your current execution environment (Linux orWin32). On Linux, you must also link with the libc and libdllibraries. When you execute this application, you shouldn't noticeany difference, except that it might run a bit slower. Since there is nextto zero reuse in this simple application, running the application andits library routines in DynamoRIO's code cache will slow down theapplication. If you wrap dynamorio_app_start and dynamorio_app_stop around thefrequently executed portions of your application (those with lots ofreuse), you should observe very little overhead.

Also, check out the references listed in the initial screen you saw when you first launched Dynamo. Autodesk provides a helpful Getting Started document, along with other references and sample scripts. Forums such as the one found at can be particularly helpful. Because Dynamo is an open-source platform and is constantly under development, you may encounter situations where a technique works fine in the current version of your CAD product, but not in an older version, or vice versa. You may even encounter bugs or quirky behavior. The forums are often visited by helpful people who have encountered similar situations and can help resolve your issue. be457b7860

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