Dr Shubham Vishnoi

Dr Shubham Vishnoi

Research Area: Molecular Modelling and Drug Design

Year of Joining: 2019

LinkedIn: Shubham-Vishnoi    Twitter: Shubh_Vishnoi


Shubham Vishnoi is a computational biophysicist who studies membrane proteins and biopharmaceuticals. Shubham's research concerns computational drug design and the application of methods of computational biophysics to pharmaceutical problems.


I, Dr Shubham, am a postdoctoral fellow (computational biophysics) at the Department of Physics, Bernal Institute, University of Limerick (https://ul.ie), Ireland and have a PhD in Computational Biophysics and Drug Design under the supervision of Prof Dr Damien Thompson. I completed my M.S. (Pharm.) from the Department of Pharmacoinformatics, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) (http://www.niper.ac.in), S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali, India. My research concerns computational drug design, GPCR modelling, machine learning predictive model development and the application of methods of computational biophysics to pharmaceutical problems.

I graduated in 2017 from the Indore Institute of Pharmacy, Indore (India) with a B. Pharm. degree. I subsequently began my M.S. (Pharm) in Pharmacoinformatics in 2017, examining the application of machine learning in the prediction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor proteins. I graduated in 2019 and I began my doctoral study at the University of Limerick (UL). As a PhD student at UL, I designed and explored the role of novel peptide-based therapeutics to effectively combat hormonal diseases.

Awards and Recognition

Awarded with the SSPC Industrial PhD Placement of the Year - 2021.

Ambassador for the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI): As an ambassador, my role is to promote SCI events - science communication and engagement within the community. If you're interested in learning more about the society or connecting with me as an ambassador, check out the full interview on the SCI website.

UL Research Week 2023 Volunteering 

Delighted to be awarded the University of Limerick President's Volunteer Award and a COVID-19 PVA, in recognition of my voluntary work for the academic year 2021/22 at UL Ireland.

Scientific Outreach & News Feed

Here is my #RSC @RSC_CICAG lightning oral presentations, let's get talking about the "Applied #ArtificialIntelligence to Expedite Drug Design & Discovery Process" @SSPCentre @sci_engUL @UL @molecular_lab #AIChem21posters 

Presenting a poster of my PhD work at the British Biophysical Society Biennial Meeting 2022.

Volunteering at the annual event "PMTC KNOWLEDGE DAY 2022" 

Presenting co-agonist peptide work at the Institute of Bioinformatics and Evolution (VIBE), All-Ireland Conference 2022.

BBS 2022 NUI, Galway

Member of Unicef Ireland (UL Chapter)

SSPC Manufacturing & Modelling Theme Meeting 

Proteomics Tools & Publications



Affiliations/Collaborations/Membership/Volunteered for

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