Mohsen Gheibi

Instructor of Mathematics

Florida A&M University

Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2018


Office: 410 Jackson-Davis Hall

Phone: (850) 412-5235

Research Interests: Commutative algebra and homological algebra with applications in algebraic geometry. Specifically, homological dimensions, free resolutions, linkage theory, hyperhomological algebra and category theory.


5. Quasi-projective dimension, joint with David A Jorgensen and Ryo Takahashi, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol 312 (2021) No. 1, 113-147.

6. Some criteria for detecting large homomorphisms of local rings, joint with Ryo Takahashi, Comm. Algebra, Volume 49, 3490-3500 (2021).

7. Totally reflexive modules and Poincaré series, joint with R. Takahashi, J. Algebra, 520, 440–459 (2019).

8. Associated primes and syzygies of linked modules, joint with O. Celikbas, M.T. Dibaei, A. Sadeghi and R. Takahashi, Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 11, Number 3, 301–323, Fall 2019.

9. Homological dimensions of rigid modules, joint with O. Celikbas, A. Sadeghi, and M.R. Zargar, Kyoto Journal of Math, Vol. 58, (2018), 639–669.

10. Brauer–Thrall for totally reflexive modules over local rings of higher dimension, joint with O. Celikbas and R. Takahashi, Algebras and Representation Theory, June 2013, v. 17, Issue 3, pp 997–1008.

11. Linkage of modules over Cohen–Macaulay rings, joint with M.T. Dibaei, S.H. Hassanzadeh and A. Sadeghi, Journal of Algebra, v. 335, Issue 1, 1 June 2011, 177– 187.

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