Rotary Inverted Pendulum (RIP)

Experimenting in real-time control.
Implemented dynamically reconfigurable PID controller.
Performed in ROS1+Gazebo and Pybullet both.

Pipeline from scratch =>

CADing -> Fusion360
CAD to .urdf -> Fusion2urdf extension modeification
Sim Interfacing -> gazebo_ros_control

PID Tuning =>

Increase P till osciallation about set point.
Increase D for oscillation to die out.
Repeat cycle till response fast enough with minimal oscilaations.

In theory, only PD control should suffice,
since the set point is of equilibrium (although unstable), impying  that no steady state error would be required once we reach it.
However, in reality, it was surprising to find that only I term alone is also enough for convergence to set point.