Professor Mohamed Daoudi

Mohamed Daoudi is a Full Professor of Computer Science at IMT Nord Europe and the Head of Image group at CRIStAL Laboratory (UMR CNRS 9189). His research interests include computer vision and machine learning for human behavior understanding. He has published over 150 papers in some of the most distinguished scientific journals and international conferences. He is/was Associate Editor of Image and Vision Computing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Trans. on Affective Computing and Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Computers & Graphics, Guest Editor for Computer Vision and Image Understanding Special Issue on “Special Issue-Eyes on People Recent Trends on Human Analysis, Perception and Generation-CVIU”,  Guest Editor for Image and Vision Computing On “Learning with Manifolds in Computer Vision”, Guest Editor for Sensors  “Computer Vision in Human Analysis: From Face and Body to Clothes”, and Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior and Identity Science on “Selected Best Works From Automated Face and Gesture Recognition 2019”. He was General Chair of IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition IEEE FG 2019 in Lille (France), 3D Object Retrieval Symposium (2010, 2022, 2023), Shape Modeling International Conference (2015), has organized successful workshops in Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics (FGAHI at CVPR 2023, ICMI 2020, CVPR 2019, FG 2018), Learning with few or without annotated face, body and gesture data (LFA at WACV 2023, IEEE FG 2024), Generation of Human Face and Body Behavior (GHB at WACV 2021, ICIAP 2023), Towards a Complete Analysis of  People: From Face and Body to Clothes (T-CAP at ICIAP 2022, ICPR 2022, ECCV 2022), Manifold Learning, From Euclid to Riemann (ManLearn at ICPR 2021, ICCV 2017),  and has served as area chair at 3DV 2021, IEEE FG 2024, ACM Multimedia (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), EUSIPCO (2013, 2015), and he will serve as General Chair for IEEE FG 2025. He is IAPR Fellow, AAIA Fellow, a IEEE senior member, an ACM member, and a member of ELLIS.


Septembre 2024:  the paper Basis restricted elastic shape analysis on the space of unregistered surfaces", Emmanuel Hartman, Emery Pierson, Martin Bauer, Mohamed Daoudi, Nicolas Charon, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Computer Vision, 

Keynote speaker,  ECCV 2024, 3rd edition of Computer Vision for Metaverse (CV4Metaverse), Milan, Italy, 29th  September 2024.

ECCV 2024, Our paper "ScanTalk: 3D Talking Heads from Unregistered Scans" accepted to  18th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2024

Chair with, Shaun Canavan, Lijun Yin, The 19th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2025.

Tutorial, 3D Human Motion Generation, International Spring School Multimodal Foundation Models and Generative AI,  April 29 - May 3  2024 Rabat (Morocco).

Keynote speaker, The 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 2024 

Keynote speaker,  Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW),  Terme Olimia Slovenia, February 15, 2024.

Tutorial, Apprentissage profond 3D (3D Deep Learning", Coresa 2021 Sophia Antipolis November 3 - 5 2021,

1 paper accepted at WACV 2024 on Bipartite Graph Diffusion Model for Human Interaction Generation

31/8 - 1/09 2023: Chair, with Silvia Biasotti, of Symposium on 3D Object Retrieval 2023 (3DOR’23), 3DOR 2023 will be held in Lille, France, on 31th August and 1st September.

14/07/2023: the paper "BaRe-ESA: A Riemannian Framework for Unregistered Human Body Shapes" Emmanuel Hartman, Emery Pierson, Martin Bauer, Nicolas Charon, Mohamed Daoudi has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of ICCV 2023. 

26/06/2023: the paper "Toward Mesh-Invariant 3D Generative Deep Learning with Geometric Measure", Thomas Besnier, Sylvain Arguillère, Emery Pierson, Mohamed Daoudi has been accepted for publication in Computer & Graphics (3DOR SI).

18/06/2023: Organizer with Zakia Hammal of The Fourth Workshop on Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics at CVPR.

18/05/2023: Computer Vision and Image Understanding Special Issue, Eyes on People Recent Trends on Human Analysis, Perception and Generation, accepted, Guest Editors Mohamed Daoudi and Xavier Alameda Pineda, Federico Becattini, Guido Borghi, Marcella Cornia , Claudio Ferrari,  Tomaso Fontanini, Andrea Pilzer.

05/06/2023: the paper "Generating Multiple 4D Expression Transitions by Learning Face Landmark Trajectories",

Naima Otberdout; Claudio Ferrari, Mohamed Daoudi; Stefano Berretti; Alberto Del Bimbo, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.

13/04/2023: Yujin WU successfully  defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Yujin 

10/03/2023:  Baptiste Chopin successfully  defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Baptiste

3/03/2023: Emery Pierson successfully  defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Emery 

03/04/2023: the paper "Transformer-Based Self-Supervised Multimodal Representation Learning for Wearable Emotion Recognition",  Yujin WU, Mohamed Daoudi, Ali Amad, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.

03/02/2023: the paper "Interaction Transformer for Human Reaction Generation", Baptiste Chopin, Hao Tang, Naima Otberdout; Mohamed Daoudi, Nicu Sebe, has been accepted for publication in  IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.

January 5-8 2023:  the paper "The Florence 4D Facial Expression Dataset", Filippo Principi, Stefano Berretti, Claudio Ferrari, Naima Otberdout, Mohamed Daoudi, Alberto Del Bimbo, has been accepted for publication in IEEE FG 2023.