Word cloud of the abstract of my publications on Semantic Scholar (made by Scholar Googler)

Publications (first author)

L Gruaz*, A Modirshanechi*, S Becker, J Brea (2024)
Preprint on PsyArXiv

A Modirshanechi, W Lin, HA Xu, MH Herzog, W Gerstner. (2023)
Preprint on bioRxiv: 2022.07.05.498835

A Modirshanechi, K Kondrakiewicz, W Gerstner, S Haesler. (2023)
Trends in Neurosciences 46.

A Modirshanechi, S Becker, J Brea, W Gerstner. (2023)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 82.

A Modirshanechi, J Brea, W Gerstner. (2022)
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 110.
[📹 Presentation at the Active Inference Institue (50 mins)]
HA Xu*, A Modirshanechi*, MP Lehmann, W Gerstner,  MH Herzog. (2021)
PLOS Computational Biology 17 (6).
[💻 Code and data][📹 Presentation at the Bernstein Conference 2021 (10 mins)]
[📹 Presentation at the EPFL Neuro Symposium 2021 (30 mins)]

V Liakoni*, A Modirshanechi*, W Gerstner,  J Brea. (2021)
Neural Computation 33 (2).
[💻 Simulation code]
A Modirshanechi, MM Kiani, H Aghajan. (2019)
NeuroImage, 196.

P Kassraie*, A Modirshanechi*, H Aghajan. (2017)
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications.
[💻 Code and data]

*: Joint first authors; †: Joint senior authors

Publications (collaborating author)

M Binz, E Akata, M Bethge, ..., A Modirshanechi,  ..., DU Wulff, H Xiong, E Schulz (2024)
Preprint on PsyArXiv

R Manna, J Brea, GV Braga,  A Modirshanechi, I Tomic,  AM Jaksic. (2024)
Preprint on bioRxiv: 2024.08.30.610528.

S Becker, A Modirshanechi, W Gerstner. (2024)
Preprint on bioRxiv: 2024.05.01.592002

S Becker, A Modirshanechi, W Gerstner. (2024)
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 47.

A Oryshchuk, C Sourmpis, ..., A Modirshanechi, W Gerstner, CCH Peterseny†, S Crochety†. (2024)
Cell Report, 43.
[💻 Code and data]

J Brea, A Modirshanechi, G Iatropoulos, W Gerstner. (2023)
Preprint on bioRxiv: 2022.11.28.518209

V Liakoni*, MP Lehmann*, A Modirshanechi, J Brea,  A Lutti, W Gerstner, K Preuschoff. (2022)
NeuroImage, 246.
[💻 Code and data]
G Bellecc*, S Wang*, A Modirshanechi, J Brea†, W Gerstner†. (2021)
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 34.
[💻 Code and data]
[📹 Presentation at NeurIPS 2021 (13 mins)]

V Esmaeili*, K Tamura*, SP Muscinelli, A Modirshanechi, ..., W Gerstner, CCH Petersen. (2021)
Neuron, 109 (13).
[💻 Code and data]

*: Joint first authors; †: Joint senior authors