[Mobile User Authentication Using Deep Learning]

Achieve user authentication by applying deep learning techniques to the wireless signals generated by mobile devices

Project mission

  • Use of WiFi signals to capture inherited behavioral characteristics to facilitate identification/authentication.

  • Environment Dependent Solution (Robust to Placement).

  • To examine CSI of WiFi to study behavioral characteristics.

  • Develop a CNN model resilient to spoofing attacks.

The Team

Aditi Satish

Daniel Liu

Sharad Prasad

Emily Gao

David Man


Week 1

- Read the MASS paper from Winlab that uses deep learning techniques to perform user authentication

- Weekly Presentation Link

Week 2

- Read the MobiCom paper from our lab that uses wireless signals to perform activity recognition

- Learnt programming tools for deep learning. (Python and Tensorflow).

- Weekly Presentation Link

Week 3

- Overview of Tensorflow tools- followed the tutorial.

- Tutorial used the Fashion MNIST dataset, which has 70,000 grayscale images in 10 categories. Each item was shown in a low resolution image of 28x28 Pixels.

- Reviewed MobiCom Paper "E-eyes: Device-free Location-oriented Activity Identification Using Fine-grained WiFi Signatures".

- Weekly Presentation Link

Week 4

- Continued to familiarize ourselves with the Python packages (Tensorflow, Scipy).

- Obtained CSI data and began preprocessing.

- Weekly Presentation Link

Week 5

- Study the CSI data.

- Preprocess Wifi CSI data (denoising and segmentation) with SciPy.

- Study ways to segment CSI data using moving variance.

- Weekly Presentation Link

Week 6

- Continued processing the CSI data with SciPy and Pandas library.

- Begin programming the CNN and deep learning model with Tensorflow

- Weekly Presentation Link

Week 7

- Finish segmenting activities from CSI data.

- Record CSI data of different activities/behaviors (squatting, sitting).

- Convert time series data to frequency domain utilizing Fourier transform.

- Continue tuning feature extraction model.

- Weekly Presentation Link

Week 8

- Collect more data to be used as inputs for models (different activities, multiple users and antennas).

- Implement user and activity recognizer models.

- Continue developing & hyperparameter tuning the deep learning to boost validation accuracy

- Weekly Presentation Link

Week 9

- Finish developing & hyperparameter tuning the deep learning to boost validation accuracy

- Finish developing project page

- Complete Open House Presentation

- Weekly Presentation Link