Deloitte is pleased to host a panel of industry leaders from our partners: Meta, Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile to discuss innovation and collaboration on a new approach for in-building mobile coverage using shared spectrum.

Companies around the world are contemplating how the metaverse can help to shape the future. While gaming and entertainment companies have turned their focus towards building interactive and immersive experiences, other enterprises are using the metaverse to maximize collaboration and encourage data-driven autonomy. We've been working toward this digital world for decades, but what do companies need to do to fully take advantage of this technology?

Mobile World

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About the GSMA

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting more than 750 operators and nearly 400 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces the industry-leading MWC events held annually in Barcelona, Shanghai and Los Angeles, as well as the Mobile 360 Series of regional conferences.

In order to amplify the impact of MWC and bring it closer to citizens and the business sector, we developed multiple activities aimed at highlighting our ecosystem on the world stage and attracting investment through various channels and formats.

NXP will host limited opportunities for customers to meet onsite and take a personalized tour of NXP innovations in 5G, mobile and more. Register for MWC and request a meeting with an NXP representative.

Designed for players of all skill levels, Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Call of Duty: Mobile World Championship 2023 is open to eligible entrants across the world and all players who sign up to compete will receive an all-new frame and calling card.

There's no doubt that the current slate of mobile devices have their limitations. There are still better technology options for constructivist, meaningful learning (i.e., laptops) that provide power and flexibility that phones and tablets cannot. That, of course, may change. But regardless, for many kids right now, especially at the lower end of the income scale, these devices are their only connections to the content and people who can help them learn great things. We need to leverage that.

The crown jewels in the telecom environment are the broadband core and edge network workloads, and all the hyperscalers are going after them. As workloads get farther from the mobile core, you reach process-intensive and edge-centric systems like RAN. Porting those functions to public cloud networks is still a distant dream for most. And for some of the digital leaders like Verizon Inc. and Vodafone Plc, these hyperscale partner engagements started in earnest a few years ago. The benefits of collaboration have not always materialized due to lower-than-expected demand for services like public multi-access edge compute (MEC). However, our survey data points to the demand increasing.

The smartphone is a great example of technology leapfrog in countries like India, where a vast majority of phone users never had a landline. The increasing penetration of affordable mobile phones in developing countries is now making it possible for scientists to conduct meaningful and timely research, in the lab, field or while working from home.

Now, imagine a situation when a worried farmer in a remote village clicking a picture of his infested crop, sending it to a specialist sitting somewhere in the world and getting their advice. Or think of this farmer downloading a met department report or checking market prices of their produce, all this by just using their cell phones.

2:36 Rob Strey: In the past, we had experts and these experts came to the field visiting a farmer or didn't visit a farmer. And nowadays, all this knowledge is basically stored on a mobile phone. And farmers have 24/7 access to the information that they really need. We facilitate a farmer-to-farmer information sharing. And it's not just within a certain village, but also among greater distances. And I think by doing so we enable a proactive decision making because we have real time data. And that enables farmer to do better resource management, disease prediction, planning, right, and I think it's really a revolution that is going on.

3:20 Rob Strey: Disease identification is a major issue for farmers, not because they do not know exactly what is the disease, but they have a local name for it. And this local name comes in Hindi or Marathi or in Telugu, and it's just describing the symptoms, let's say leaf curl, or fruit rot. But if you enter fruit rot and Telugu into Google, you will end up pretty much nowhere, right? So we saw how cool would it be, if you actually have a deep neural network. You snap an image of an infected plant, we analyze this image and then play back the result in the local language to the farmer explaining that this is, for instance, a fall army worm. And these would be the active ingredients that you can use. And by doing so, throughout the last seven years, we analyzed more than 80 million images for more than 30 million farmers worldwide and give the farmers an immediate feedback telling them hey, these are the preventive measures that you can take next year to avoid this kind of disease. These would be pest or fungus specific crop protection products that you can apply now.

5:38 Subhra Priyadarshini: Philipp Olbrich is an advisor at GIZ, the German International Development Cooperation Agency, in India. He works closely with government agencies, research organizations, and universities, and he explains to us how farmers are now identifying crop pests using mobile phones.

5:59 Philipp Olbrich: An early warning system for cotton pests that we roll out in multiple states in India that uses an artificial intelligence model to analyze images taken with smartphones. So the application that you can find in the usual app stores, detects cotton pests, and then provides advice to smallholder cotton farmers on how to best deal with the infestation. The data set is openly available, and also the whole code base is openly available so that it becomes easier for others to to use and to adapt. So cotton farmers, of course, not only work in India, but across the world.

8:19 Michael Gomez Selvaraj: Oh, this is a good question right now, I would say this is an app world, right? Mobile phones are fundamentally transforming the agricultural landscape by democratizing access to information and technology. Farmers can now access real time weather forecasts, disease detection and market trends at the touch of a button. That's the great thing happening right now. And also, this not only empowers them to make data driven decisions, but also introduced precision agriculture. Even the most remote farming community with small holder farmers, you know, the mobile app that utilize machine learning and deep learning and artificial intelligence can help farmers to optimize irrigation schedules, identify the disease and pests through image recognition. That's what my research lab is leading, this can even manage their farm inventory.

9:40 Michael Gomez Selvaraj: So community building, you know, mobile phones can connect farmers with each other, with experts. You know, several apps are connecting farmers with experts so that they can ask several questions, they can get a pesticide, where they can get a biological control, informing about their disease, asking the questions, right? So that's a great community building I'm seeing from the app development. And also financial services, you know, some apps even offer micro loans and insurance, helping farmers navigate the financial aspect more efficiently.

10:43 Michael Gomez Selvaraj: So banana is a major crop, farmers need a lot of support to detect pests and disease. So our lab developed, in collaboration with African and Indian partners, an AI based app to easily detect banana diseases, pests and diseases. If you're a farmer, living in a remote area, you don't have access to the internet. So we develop offline models. You can run our model to get disease detection and also recommendation, in five different languages, like English, Spanish, French, Tamil, and Swahili, the African language. We are also developing a database for the government and scientists. We are mapping the GPS points around the world so that this system can lead us to early warning systems, right? So, if you have a problem in one area, you can alert the farmers: okay, here you have a lot of disease. Fusarium wilt is one of the major diseases, so you can alert the farmers and inform them ahead of time about this disease.

These Innovative mobile applications perfectly complement and combine various solutions that can relieve farmers of laborious tasks. For them, the mobile phone is their plant doctor, met expert and financial guru all rolled into one.

At MWC learn about our 5G core technologies that are delivering groundbreaking 5G experiences to 5G system vendors, mobile operators, and enterprise customers. Our exciting demos will be featuring Nokia, Juniper, F5 and a wide range of O-RAN radio partners.

Dassault Systmes' world-class modeling and simulation apps running on a secure, collaborative platform enable multi-discipline experts across technical and business functions to push the envelope for more relevant, secure, and sustainable experiences for consumers, workers, and citizens.

Networks are amplifiers of opportunity. By tapping into their limitless potential, businesses can drive sustainable growth and by working together we can achieve environmental goals to create a better world.

Workers across the world are not acquiring some of the most important skills that their countries demand. This occurs in many sectors, but it is clearest for certain skills in health care. There is a global shortage of nurses, a shortage that takes one of two forms. 17dc91bb1f

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