Business Field That Are Run Using Mobile Apps

The digitalization of businesses is sought to improve customer experience globally. This makes mobile app development a viable investment for the growth of your turnout and more profits.

Listed below are some industries you might want to consider for app development if you belong to one. If not, they also mark the hottest field to do business digitally in 2021.

Health Wellness and Fitness Apps

There are many fitness apps out there on both iOS and Android systems. The success of your app depends on the kind of user experience it offers, but the more features are incorporated within, the better.

A survey marks that the number of fitness app users is bound to skyrocket from 68.7 million smartphone users in the US using at least one health app once a month, as recorded in 2019, to 86.3 million users in 2022.

The demand for fitness app development companies is ever-growing. To turn it into a big success, make sure to provide workout regime videos, and teach features like social media sharing, push notifications, diet regimes, tracking, and setting goals.

Educational Apps

The education industry had suffered a significant blow during the pandemic, due to which a lot of classes and lectures have been shifted to the online mode.

Essential apps offering tutorials already exist on some platforms, but it is now time to take e-learning to a new level. Integrating AR and VR features can work as an added advantage.

Developing gaming and quiz apps as an interactive mode of education can also help you gain an edge over the older ones. Features like mock tests, giving access to knowledgeable tutors, and video tutorials are also some essential yet necessary tools of E-learning.

Entertainment Apps

OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc., are already a massive hit in the market. With endless streams of content emerging from all over the globe, the popularity of entertainment apps is reaching new heights.

Launching new music and video apps will be a glorious addition to the prevailing collection. Any latest intriguing video content is bound to trend eventually and attract a new demographic.


Gaming apps had created a lot of buzz even before social media apps became a regular feature. Various genres of games are video-based, for example, Pokemon Go, Clash of Clans, etc.

They follow a set storyline that keeps the users hooked indefinitely, ultimately leading them to make in-app purchases for better upgrades since they can’t get enough of it. Therefore, this highly profitable industry constantly demands new and innovative content.

Hopefully, this article helped clarify what all kinds of apps are currently in demand in the market. Whichever one you opt for in the end should fall in line with the purpose you want to achieve with your business. To go ahead with this plan, you need to team up with an app development service that can stand tall to all your expectations.

Lucky for you, the experienced personnel at TechAhead knows how to pull this off. Their firm offers any and every sort of assistance you need to design, conceptualize and ultimately launch an app. With a passionate team of 200+ developers, analysts, designers, etc., TechAhead has delivered more than 2000 mobile apps successfully.

Their methodology sees through the fact that an impeccable user experience is what determines an app’s success.

To double-check TechAhead’s credibility as the leading android app development company in the market, you can have a look at their Portfolio. You can also read up more on their insightful take on How to choose the ideal mobile app development agency while you’re there.

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