5th International Workshop on 

Recent Trends of Internet of Softwarized Things  


in conjunction with ACM MobiHoc 2023 

Washington DC, USA, October 23, 2023

The interest in Internet of Softwarised Things is evident from the growing number of conferences and workshops dedicated to the topic, as well as in special issues of journals including industrial applications (i.e., increased interest in the use of 5G across many applications and significant investment by different industries in their development). 

This workshop will serve as a forum for sharing experiences and findings relating to protocol design, real testbeds, experimental evaluation, prototyping and empirical characterization of security, privacy, QoS, QoE and other relevant issues in IoST. This workshop will also focus on techniques, experiences and lessons-learned with respect to the state-of-art solutions for 5G and B5G and IoST along with some open challenges. The workshop welcomes regular papers and poster proposals for demonstrations of novel work / work-in-progress in this emerging technology.  It is also encouraged to submit research works related to development of testbeds, measurement platforms, and innovative prototypes.

 The workshop will also include:

Best Paper: All the regular papers will be considered for the BEST PAPER AWARD 

Previous Editions