Site dedicated to orbital resonances around a star but probably extendable to satellites around a planet. Relativity, tides and flattening are not considered. This is an alternative (and more simplified version) of Atlas of Mean Motion Resonances site. Own codes written with collaborators. All the codes are not based in series expansions but on a numerical computation of the resonant disturbing function. The codes are based on models that assume elliptical orbits, if the orbits deviate noticeably from the ellipse then the models will not be valid.

An introductory text can be found in Resonances in the asteroid and trans–Neptunian belts: A brief review. An informative text can be found in Science Trends: Orbital Synchronicities In The Solar System.

Asteroidal resonance: only the asteroid is affected by the resonance.

Planetary resonance: all bodies are affected by the resonance.

Star + planet + asteroid (arbitrary orbits)

Star + 2 planets (arbitrary orbits)   or   binary star + planet

Star + 2 planets + asteroid