Welcome to Masataka Mogi's homepage

Masataka Mogi (茂木 将孝)

Assistant Professor in Applied Physics Department at University of Tokyo

Postdoctoral Associate in Physics Department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology  (Prof. Nuh Gedik's group)

Ph.D. in Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan  (Prof. Yoshinori Tokura's group)

E-mail: mogi_at_ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

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Research Interests

My research interest is to create and control novel physical properties of quantum materials with sophisticated techniques, such as molecular beam epitaxy thin-film growth, precise electrical transport measurements, and ultrafast optical spectroscopy. During my Ph.D. at University of Tokyo, I developed various heterostructures of magnetic topological insulators. My past research projects include improving the observable temperature of the quantum anomalous Hall effect, realization of the axion insulator as a new topological quantum state, and demonstration of the parity anomaly of 2D Dirac fermions with THz magneto-optics. Currently, I am enthusiastic to pursue fascinating ultrafast, non-equilibrium responses of topological materials and strongly correlated systems during my postdoctoral research.