MMMM 2018
The 4th annual Mostly Manitoba, Michigan and Minnesota Combinatorics Graduate Students Workshop will be held at Iowa State University, Ames, IA on September 8 and 9, 2018. This is a two-day conference/workshop where participants, including graduate students, are encouraged to contribute talks. There will also be special invited talks. Topics include graph theory, extremal combinatorics, finite geometries, designs, and other areas of combinatorics.
Invited plenary speakers
Please complete the online registration form. There is no registration fee.
The deadline for registration for graduate students requesting support is August 10 (due to hotel deadline); the deadline for all other participants is August 24. Please register as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly. Titles/abstracts of talks can be changed later.
Some support is available for accommodation for graduate student thanks to generous support from the National Science Foundation. Funding priority will be given to students who contribute talks, on a first-come-first-served basis. Accommodation will be at one of the hotels in Ames, double occupancy is expected.
Participants are expected to arrive late afternoon or evening on Friday, September 7. Saturday (September 8) will consist of talks and the conference photo. Sunday (September 9) will have talks in the morning and the conference will end around noon to give participants time to travel home.
A full conference schedule is posted here.
Lead organizer Bernard Lidický. Talks recordings by Joe Alameda, O'Neill Kingston, Kate Lorenzen, Alex Neal Riasanovsky. Refreshments and registration setup O'Neill Kingston and Isaac Wass. Social program Joel Jeffries, Kyle Murphy.
If you have questions, please contact Bernard Lidický (