From Chapter 4, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#3 Racialism, Falsehood and Cruelty

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Racialism is the greatest curse of human beings that has been created by themselves. God Almighty has created this world with different varieties and different colours to create interesting beauty but these varieties are only skin deep. It is said that a long time ago some prolific writers from Britain wrote horrible things against African blacks and all this was so totally accepted that the people who called themselves white-skinned went all out to wipe out people who had some other colour on their skin. For example, Columbus sailed to America by mistake and the Spanish started spreading their own kingdom and most of the Indians were wiped out from their own country. Of course, some of them disappeared into the high mountains and saved themselves. It is difficult to understand why these people landed in a country which belonged to someone else. It was initially a venture to discover new lands but these invaders then began to believe that this land was their own property. They thought it was their fundamental right to hate or kill people who had dark skin colour or skin which was not like theirs and rob their lands forever.

Diversity of bodies, faces and skin created by nature is very important because otherwise everybody would look the same. It would be a regiment of boring human faces. Unfortunately the coloured people were called primitive, while the white-skinned were regarded as advanced.

It is intolerable arrogance to discriminate between one human being and another because of the colour of his skin. They all have the same heart, the same feelings, the same expression of love and hate. They all smile the same way, they all weep the same way. The countries in which coloured people are born are their own countries. They may be primitive or backward but no foreigner, not even a white man, has the right to occupy their lands forcibly by using guns and cannons against unarmed natives. Imagine the brutality of black human beings being treated as slaves. Although slavery was abolished, the colonial white powers continued to inflict unspeakable insults and torture on the poor and simple people of their colonies.

If the history of colonial rule in Africa, Asia and Latin America were written truthfully and objectively, the enormity of crimes committed by white rulers would shock humankind. I have myself experienced some of this during the period of British rule in India. The British arrived in India without an entry pass or visa and stayed on for nearly three hundred years. Now, when Indians travel to the United Kingdom with proper visas, their experience of questioning by the Airport Immigration Officers is generally horrendous. I was holding a Diplomatic Passport, being the wife of a senior diplomat, and yet I was asked rude and insulting questions, all because I was an Indian, a non-white. Once they subjected me to a body search, for no reason whatsoever. This was nothing but blatant racism. The white races seem to think that they have a divine right to be rude and insulting to the 'inferior' coloured races.