From Chapter 11, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#24 The Heart Centre and Physical Health

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

On the central path is placed, behind the sternum bone, in the spinal chord, the fourth centre, which is called the Heart Centre, Anahatha. It has two other subsidiary centres, one on the left, one on the right. ... ...

This centre is very important, because until the age of twelve years, this centre creates, in the sternum bone, the antibodies which are then circulated in the whole body and they are under the remote control of the sternum.

Whenever one feels frightened or is under attack, this sternum bone starts pulsating and giving messages to the antibodies, which are called as 'ganas' in Sanskrit. These antibodies fight the disease, or the attacker.

The centre heart, in the central position, is the one for our immune system. When we commit sins against the Primordial Mother, that is, indulging in wrong type of perverted sex habits, alcohol, drugs, internal stress from anxiety and fear of oppression, then this centre goes into jeopardy, making our immune system weak, thereby losing it’s power to help fight the diseases of the person.

On the left hand side, the centre of heart looks after the heart itself. This is the centre where God Almighty is reflected as the spirit, which actually later on, after realisation, enlightens the attention. This centre is caught up when people exert too much physically and mentally and also drink heavily. Thus, this heart goes down into a kind of a position where anything can trigger the heart attack. Especially in young age, if people play too much tennis, or any such games, and also drink too much, they become the victims of massive fatal heart attacks.

This is connected with the problems of the liver, of the second centre, which we call Swadhisthan. The futuristic people have dry natures or hot-tempered, aggressive natures. They become prone to a heart attack which is massive, even later in life. This type of people, who are vulgar, crooked, cunning and of vile nature are always in danger of massive heart attacks.

The left heart is connected to our worldly mother. The right heart is connected with the relationship we have with our worldly father. This centre gets into trouble if the father is dead early, or has left the son or daughter in childhood, or ill-treats the son or daughter early in life.