From Chapter 9, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#17 Global Evolution via Kundalini Awakening

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

At night I went alone to the seashore, sat there alone meditating about how, somehow or other, I could use my own Kundalini for the en masse realisation of people. That was the moment when it worked and it clicked. I was surprised that, with a little deeper penetration, I could work it out. The experience was like this. I saw my Kundalini rising very fast like a telescope opening out and it was a beautiful colour that you see when the iron is heated up, a red, rose colour but extremely cooling and soothing. The Kundalini went through my fontanelle bone area (Brahmarandra) which was open from my childhood and was pouring out divine vibrations (Puranabrahma). But this new experience gave me a new dimension of understanding of my divine force. It came like a very promising reality that it was time for me to start my collective work. I found that the whole of my being was filled with great peace and joy. ... ...

I started my work with one person and I was amazed how she reached her fourth dimension in no time. She was a very old but a very nice religious lady, who achieved this state in no time. Another one was a younger lady, who also was very easy and in seconds she received her ascent. Since that day she has not lost her vibrations. Then I took some twenty five people to the same seashore and I was surprised that twelve out of them felt the self-realisation. From that day, this work started working en masse. ... ...

I had to move to London because my husband got elected to the post of Secretary General of the International Maritime Organisation and there I started my work with seven hippies, who were very difficult people. I found that in their escape from the Western culture to anticulture, they had become extremely arrogant, possessive and aggressive. I started to work on them and gradually they became aware that they were not in the fourth dimension (in which they always felt they were) and that they had no right to assert their so-called higher state existence on others. After four years I could manage to get these seven hippies to come around. In between, I kept coming to India and had a great response in my state of Maharashtra, where thousands of people started getting realisation.