From Chapter 8, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#14 Democracy, Religion and Global Peace

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Now, one has to understand that any democracy should not allow an exclusive religion to be the basis of the state. Religion is a personal matter and every human being should have the right, in each and every country, to follow the religion of his or her free choice. Single religion states are an anachronism in the present age. When a country is declared as Islamic or Christian or Jewish, the followers of that one particular religion become superior citizens and others have an inferior status. This is totally contrary to the accepted concept of equality in a true democracy. These exclusive religions are absolutely 'blind faith' oriented. People believing in them follow their religious injunctions blindly and divide themselves into antagonistic groups. ... ...

So, people are fighting in the name of God and there is no World Peace. Behind all these activities there is also powerful money orientation and, when it comes to economics, the people of the highest order in a religion succumb to compromise, however immoral it may be. They have neither character nor courage nor real faith to resist fashionable trends. In fact they allow their followers to swim with the evil currents of the day and thus lead them into Hell, from where there is no return. These religions inject fixed ideas into the brains of people. These fixed ideas start developing in a collective way and this can produce a very big, collective monster, which can believe only in killing others and pushing its own ideas. ... ...

There are many people even today who believe that they belong to a higher race and that they can destroy all the rest of the people because they don't belong to that race or maybe that religion. All such fixed ideas constitute a grave threat to peace in any country and indeed to global peace. ... ...

As we all know, wars start in the hearts and minds of military and political rulers, who are power and money-oriented. The only way to prevent wars and to promote global peace, is to work for the transformation of people in power, so that they take to the path of righteousness, rather than that of aggrandisement.