From Chapter 8, Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

#12 World Peace and Children

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and child

In order to secure a peaceful social and political order, it is essential to make every endeavour to resuscitate moral values. For this purpose, we must begin at the roots. We must give the greatest possible attention to our children, to their proper upbringing, for the children of today are the citizens of tomorrow. ... ...

The education and training of children should create respect for elders, respect for their teachers, respect for each other and respect for society, respect for the country and respect for all the people of the world, as we are expecting a global transformation. They should learn and assimilate the concept of one human family, global peace and global religion at a very young age. They should know, through their caring parents, that pure and selfless love is the most important thing in life and that morality is the most valuable virtue, far more important than money.

By reading well-selected stories and novels, children will take to a righteous life. Their language should be sweet and respectfully humble. They must be made aware that, as members of the human race, they are at the apex of evolution and they are born here on this earth to ascend even higher. ... ...

The children should know that avoiding quarrels is not a sign of weakness in personality and that living together peacefully and happily is glorious. One must forgive and forget. That is a virtue. Once the children start enjoying virtues, they will not take to foolish things.