Publications by Journal Type


BKK the EZ Way. International Long-Run Growth News and Capital Flows.

American Economic Review 2018, Vol. 108, Issue 11. 

With R. Colacito, S. Ho, and P. Howard.      

Risks for the Long Run and the Real Exchange Rate.

Journal of Political Economy 2011, Volume 119(1). 

With R. Colacito.   

The Market Price of Fiscal Uncertainty.

Journal of Monetary Economics 2012 Volume 59:5. Lead article. 

With T. Nguyen and L. Schmid.

Long-Run Productivity Risk. A New Hope for Production-Based Asset Pricing?

Journal of Monetary Economics 2014, Volume 66.   

(Based on Chapter 1 of my 2007 PhD Thesis.)

Recursive Allocations and Wealth Distribution with Multiple Goods. 

Quantitative Economics 2019,  Volume 10, Issue 1. 

With R. Colacito and Z. Liu.       

The Short and Long Run Benefits of Financial Integration.  

American Economic Review P&P 2010, Volume 100(2). 

With R. Colacito.

International Robust Disagreement.

American Economic Review P&P 2012, Volume 102(3). 

With R. Colacito.

Growth Risks, Asset Prices, and Welfare 

Economics Letters ,  May 2021, Volume 202


International Asset Pricing with Recursive Preferences.

Journal of Finance 2013, Volume 68:6. 

With R. Colacito.

Currency Risk Factors in a Recursive Multi-Country Economy.

Journal of Finance 2018, Volume 73:6.

With R. Colacito, F. Gavazzoni and R. Ready. 

Fiscal Policies and Asset Prices. 

Review of Financial Studies 2012, Volume 25(9). Lead Article.

With H. Kung, T. Nguyen and L. Schmid.

Toward a Quantitative General Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model with Intangible Capital. 

Review of Financial Studies 2013, Volume 26(2). 

With H. Ai and K. Li.  

Investor Information, Long-Run Risk, and the Term Structure of Equity. 

Review of Financial Studies 2015, Volume 28(3). 

With M. Lettau and S. Ludvigson.

News Shocks and Production-Based Term Structure of Equity Returns. 

Review of Financial Studies 2018, Volume 31(7). Lead Article (Editor's Choice)

With H. Ai, A. Diercks and K. Li.  


Volatility Risk Pass-Through. 

Review of Financial Studies,  Volume 35, Issue 5, May 2022. 

With R. Colacito, Y. Liu, and I. Shaliastovich. 

The Leading Premium. 

 Review of Financial Studies, 2023, Volume 36(8) 

With T. Marchuk and C. Schlag. 

Government Debt and the Returns to Innovation.

Journal of Financial Economics 2019,  Volume 132, Issue 3 .

With T. Nguyen, S. Raymond and L. Schmid. 


Persistent Government Debt and Aggregate Risk Distribution.  [WP version

 Journal of Financial Economics , Volume 140, Issue 2, 2021. Lead Article.

 With T. Nguyen,  and S. Raymond. 

When the Markets Get COVID: COntagion, Viruses, and Information Diffusion [Data]

Journal of Financial Economics, 2024, Volume 157, July

 With M.J. Arteaga-Garavito, P. Farroni, and I. Wolfskeil      

[Covid Crisis Lab, Bocconi]

Press Coverage/Video:

Concealed Carry. 

 Journal of Financial Economics 2024, Vol 159, September Lead article. 

With S. Andrews, R. Colacito and F. Gavazzoni