
Current members

Professor: Dongxiao Zhu

Dongxiao Zhu is currently a Professor of Computer Science at Wayne State University. He received the Ph.D. degree from University of Michigan. Dongxiao Zhu's recent research interests are in trustworthy machine learning and applications to health informatics, smart mobility, natural language processing, biomedical engineering, cybersecurity, and other data rich domains. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed publications and served on the technical committees of flagship AI conferences (NuerIPS, ICML, ICLR, AAAI, IJCAI, ACL, MICCAI, AMIA, ICDM etc.)  Dr. Zhu's research has been supported by NIH, NSF and private agencies and he has served on multiple NIH and NSF grant review panels. Dr. Zhu has advised numerous students at undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels and his teaching interest lies in programming language, data structures and algorithms, machine learning and data science.  (more...) (Google Scholar)

Yao Qiang, PhD candidate

Yao Qiang is currently a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University, working in the Trustworthy AI lab under the supervision of Dr. Dongxiao Zhu.  He received his bachelor's degree from Xidian University. His research mainly focuses on Trustworthy AI,  Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models, Foundational Machine Learning, Medical Image Segmentation, etc. His dedication to these areas has culminated in the publication of numerous research papers at the most competitive AI conferences, including NeurIPS, IJCAI, AAAI, ICML, MICCAI, IJCNN, etc. In addition to his academic accomplishments, Yao has acquired valuable practical experience through a three-month internship as an Applied Scientist at Amazon, focusing on improving the robustness of LLMs against prompt perturbations. Yao's passion for research not only drives him to delve deeper into the frontiers of science but also encourages him to transform theoretical discoveries into practical innovations that make a meaningful impact on society.

Chengyin Li, PhD candidate

Chengyin Li is currently a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University. He received his bachelor's degree from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and a master's degree from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research mainly focuses on Medical Image Applications, Trustworthy AI, and Visual Foundation Models (VFMs). He has successfully contributed to multiple AI research papers accepted for publication in major conference venues and journals, including NeurIPS, IJCAI, MICCAI, ECML, Medical Physics, and Pediatric Research. Additionally, he has been actively engaged in research at Henry Ford Health System, with a primary emphasis on enhancing the performance and robustness of medical image segmentation tasks.  

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Ujunwa Mgboh, PhD candidate

Ujunwa  is currently a Ph.D student at the Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University. Before joining Wayne State University, she received her M.Sc. from Eastern Michigan University (EMU) and B.Sc. from University of Nigeria (UNN). She is motivated by her aspiration to secure a teaching  professorship position at a  renowned university. Her research interests are machine learning methods for medical imaging segmentation, with core concentration on FMP (Fluence Map Prediction).


Rafi Ibn Sultan, PhD candidate

Rafi is a second-year Ph.D. student and a Graduate Research Student at Wayne State University's Department of Computer Science. His research focuses on computer vision, specifically in image segmentation including geographical imagery and bio-medical images. Currently, his research is focused on leveraging the vision foundation model (SAM) in addressing pedestrian infrastructure segmentation. Coming from Bangladesh, after graduating with a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), he was a Lecturer at Varendra University for 2 years. Outside his projects, he enjoys collaborating with peers and colleagues in various endeavors and always looking forward to something exciting and challenging. 



Mohammad Amin Roshani, PhD pre-candidate

Mohammad Amin Roshani, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University, harbors a keen interest in Natural Language Processing (NLP). His research agenda primarily revolves around enhancing the robustness, fairness, and safety of large language models (LLMs), with a focus on identifying adversarial attacks and creating effective countermeasures. Complementing his primary research, Amin is also developing a data donation application as part of an NIH-funded project. This tool is designed to calculate COVID-19 Severity Risk Assessment for patients, enabling doctors to efficiently monitor their patients' data. A University of Tehran alumnus with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Amin seeks to make LLMs more robust and fair through his research, striving for their safe application in industry and society.

Xiangyu Zhou, PhD candidate

Xiangyu Zhou is currently advancing as a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University, specializing in the realm of Trustworthy AI. Xiangyu embarked on his academic journey by obtaining his MS degree from the Stevens Institute of Technology. His research ambitiously spans areas like safety in the Large Language Models and the innovative domain of In Context Learning (ICL). Prior to this, Xiangyu laid a strong foundation by studying computer science and software engineering, which further led him to develop practical applications such as chat platforms, data donation tools, and movie forums. 

Hui Zhu, PhD pre-candidate

Hui Zhu is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Wayne State University. He holds a B.S. degree from Dalian University of Technology. While my interests span computer vision and machine learning, I had developed a research interest in interpretation methods for foundation models within the realm of computer vision. These interpretation methods are crucial in demystifying the decisions made by large-scale models, enhancing transparency, and providing insights into their inner workings. 

Saleh Zare Zade, PhD pre-candidate

As a Ph.D. candidate passionate about NLP and Machine Learning, I've completed numerous projects in these fields, honing my skills in areas such as text classification, sentiment analysis, and entity recognition. In Machine Learning, I've worked with deep learning, reinforcement learning, and neural networks. I am dedicated to exploring the latest advancements in these fields and applying them to real-world problems. I'm eager to collaborate with like-minded individuals to push the boundaries of AI and make a positive impact on society.

Hao Liu, PhD pre-candidate

Hao Liu graduated in December 2019 with my undergraduate degree from Kent State University, where I studied computer science for about 4 years. After that time, I have been working as an IT systems engineer in Michigan for over 2.5 years. As a result, I have extensive experience in computer systems engineering, programming and data science.

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Supriya TS. Kumar, MS candidate

I am a Data scientist/Analyst with 5 years of industry and research experience. Currently a Computer Science graduate student at Wayne State University with specialization in Machine Learning and its application in different sectors. I also hold a master’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Oklahoma State University. With my varied experience as research assistant and data scientist I got to work with large data in healthcare, natural language processing, social media etc., to develop Machine Learning/Deep Learning models and systems with focus on adversarial robustness, explainability and fairness in AI.

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Harrison Larvins, MS candidate

Harrison is currently a Robotics M.S. student at Wayne State University and software engineer based in Detroit, MI. He received the B.S. in Computer Science and a B.M. in Music at Oakland University in 2021. He is a certified ScrumMaster and Scrum Developer, and has experience in a variety of projects related to machine learning, mobile development, full-stack web development, autonomous robotic systems, and algorithmic music composition. His research interests are in the design of wearable embedded systems, applying deep learning and natural language processing methods within the fields of music theory and musicology, and explainable recommender and computer vision systems. His hobbies include playing the piano and traveling 

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Recent graduates

Xiangrui Li, PhD 2020

Xiangrui Li is a 4th year PhD student in Computer Science. Before entering Wayne State University, he received BS and MS in math from University of Science and Technology of China. His research interests are machine learning and its applications in healthcare and imbalanced learning in deep learning.

Current position: senior algorithm engineer @ ByteDance Ltd

Xin Li, PhD 2022

Xin Li is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University. He received the B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2013), the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Atmospheric and Space Sciences from University of Michigan (2016) and the M.S. degree in Industrial and Operation Engineering degree from University of Michigan (2016). Xin’s research interest is about theories and applications of deep learning in visual recognition and natural language processing for healthcare. He also works as a graduate teaching assistant and enjoys sharing knowledge, communicating concepts and inspiring deep thinking with students.

Current position: research scientist II @ Bosch AI

Deng Pan, PhD 2022

Deng is currently a PhD candidate at Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University. He received B.S. degree of Financial Mathematics from South University of Science and Technology. Deng’s research interests include deep learning based recommender systems, semi-supervised learning techniques, and graph neural networks. Personal hobbies include math, physics, JRPG, anime, electronics.

Current position: algorithm engineer @ Alibaba Group