Welcome to my website!
I am an Electrical (Systems) Engineer, researcher, and technology enthusiast. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
My research interests are in the security and resilience of critical infrastructure systems. The focus is on cross-layer design of models, services, and mechanisms for systems and networks that comprise of networked cyber-physical systems (CPS), wireless communication systems, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Latest News
Nov. 2022 - Tutorial presented at IEEE MILCOM 2022.
Sept. 2022 - Paper accepted in IEEE Conference on Military Communications (MILCOM 2022). Congrats to Yuhui!
Sept. 2022 - Paper accepted in IEEE Conference on Network and Security (CNS 2022) Cyber Resilience Workshop. Congrats to Yuhui!
Aug. 2022 - Presented my work on Supply Chain Cybersecurity and Resilience for Internet Of Things at the INFORMS Conference on Security, Arlington VA.
Aug. 2022 - Multi-university project on Zero Trust cybersecurity for 5G networks kicks off! Thanks NSF for the support. (New grant!)
Aug. 2022 - New book on IoT Supply Chain Risk Analysis and Mitigation published in SpringerBriefs in Computer Science.
Jun. 2022 - The research on cyber supply chain risk assessment and mitigation for automotive IoT has been selected for funding by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation under MTRAC Advanced Transportation. (New grant!)
Jan. 2022 - Paper accepted in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022). Congrats to Yuhui!
Jan. 2022 - My research on cyber supply chain risk analysis and mitigation has been funded by the Department of Homeland Security. (New grant!)
Click here for more.
Professional Activities
I serve as a technical reviewer for the following journals and conferences:
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
IEEE Communications Letters
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications & Networking
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
IEEE Transaction on Big Data
Invited Talks
"IoT and the Curse of Massive Wireless Connectivity: A Systems Outlook", at DePaul University CS Colloquium, Apr. 29, 2022.
"IoT and the Curse of Massive Wireless Connectivity: A Systems Outlook", at Center for Urban Science and Progress, NYU, Sept. 25, 2020.
"Supply Chain Risk and Mitigation for IoT-enabled Infrastructure Systems", at I3P Webinar, April 17, 2020.
"Securing Wireless IoT Networks from Coordinated Stealthy Attacks" at Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. USA, Sept. 2019.
"Securing Wireless IoT Networks from Backdoor Stealthy Attacks" at 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS 2019), Brooklyn, NY, USA, Jul. 2019.
"Adaptive and Resilient Revenue Maximizing Dynamic Resource Allocation and Pricing for Cloud-Enabled IoT Systems", at AMS Sectional Meeting on Optimization under Uncertainty, Boston, MA, USA. Apr. 2018.