Mitra Nasri

Homepage of Dr. Mitra Nasri, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands

About me

I am a tenured Assistant Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands. Before joining TU/e, I was an assistant professor at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, a postdoc fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany, and a postdoc researcher at TU-Kaiserslautern, Germany.  I received my PhD from the University of Tehran, in 2015.

Here is a list of my publications.

Research interests


Latest news

Awards and honors

Grants and recognitions


Professional service

Chairmanship and Other Organization Roles

Membership in technical program committees

Journal Reviewer

Conference Co-Reviewer

Research grants and projects

TRANSACT (Transform safety-critical cyber-physical systems into distributed solutions)

SAM-FMS (Scheduling Adaptive Modular Flexible Manufacturing Systems)

4TU NIRICT: Dutch Real-Time Systems Community

Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for post-doctoral researchers


PhD Students

EngD (Engineering Doctorate) Students

Master Students

Graduated MSc. Students

Note: In the Netherlands, grades range from 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest. It is often said that a 10 is "for the gods"—a legendary grade that not every staff member has seen in their lifetime at TU/e or TU Delft. To achieve a 10, a student must typically have two papers accepted at top-ranked conferences in their field during their master's thesis, meaning within just six months of research work! Grades of 9 and 9.5 are also rare and signify "Excellent" research that results in a top-ranked conference paper. Grades of 8 or 8.5 are considered "Very good" and represent research that advances the state of the art and can result in a paper. 

Keynotes and invited talks

Keynote at the Computer Systems and Networking Research in the Netherlands (CompSys 2023)

Title: “The Right Action at the Right Time: Past, Present, and Future Trends in Real-Time Systems Research”

Keynote at the International Real-Time Systems Open Problems Seminar (RTSOPS’22, Modena, Italy)

Title: “Reachability-Based Response-Time Analysis: Motivation, Challenges, and Open Problems”

Invited talk (November 2024) at TNO-ESI

Title: “Past, Present, and Future Trends in Real-Time Systems Research”

Hosted by: TNO-ESI

Invited talk at the Wayne-State University, US

Title: “Reachability-Based Response-Time Analysis for Real-Time Systems

Hosted by: Prof. Nathan Fisher

Research talk at the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

Title: "Real-Time Applications on the Device-Edge-Cloud Continuum"

Hosted by: TRANSACT Project

Invited talk at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Parallel Computing Systems Group

Title: “Past, Present, and Future Trends in Real-Time Systems Research”

Hosted by: Dr. Anuj Pathania and Prof. Andy Pimentel

Invited talk at the first workshop on Trustworthy AI-enabled ICT (hosted by TU/e)

Title: “Smart, dependable, and certifiable real-time cyber-physical systems”

Remarks: Trustworthy AI-enabled ICT is a workshop organized by EAISI and the M&CS Department of TU/e to form a community of sister institutes working on AI (AI center at RWTH, KU-Leuven.AI, and EAISI at TU/e). There were in total 20 speakers in the workshop. I presented my research on trustworthy AI.

Invited talk at the education carousel on lessons learned from COVID-19 (TU/e)

Title: “Covid19 and remote supervision – or – how I won the “motivation battle” and graduated successful master students during pandemic”

Organized by the Education and Student Affairs (TS&QA) at TU/e

Invited talk at the Irene-Curie Fellowship community bi-weekly meetings (TU/e)

Title: “Dependable Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems”

Invited panel at the Industrial Panel of the RTSS 2020 conference

I was invited to host a panel with some of the industrial participants of my paper on a large empirical survey-based study into the state of practice in real-time systems.

Invited talk at the Electronic Systems Group, EE Department, TU/e

Title: “Towards an Efficient and Accurate Timing Analysis for Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems”

Hosted by: Prof. Twan Basten

Invited talk at the Dutch Real-Time Day, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Title: “Efficient and Accurate Schedulability Analysis for Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems”

Hosted by: Prof. Sebastian Altmeyer

Invited talk at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa, Italy

Title: “A Scalable and Accurate Schedulability Analysis for Parallel Real-Time Workloads”

Hosted by: Dr. Alessandro Biondi and Prof. Giorgio Buttazzo

Invited talk at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Title: “Designing Time-Predictable Cyber-Physical Systems”

Hosted by: Prof. Koen Langendoen

Invited talk at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Title: “Holistic Design for Safe, Robust, and Time-Predictable Cyber-Physical Systems”

Hosted by: Prof. Andy Pimentel

Invited talk at the Research Centre in Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems (CISTER), Portugal

Title: “Offline Equivalence: A Non-preemptive Scheduling Technique for Resource-Constrained Embedded Real-Time Systems”

Hosted by: Prof. Eduardo Tovar

Invited talk at the Technical University of Munich, Germany

Title: “Non-Work-Conserving Non-Preemptive Scheduling: Motivations, Challenges, and Potential Solutions”

Hosted by: Prof. Samarjit Chakrabarty

Invited talk at the University of Tehran, Iran

Title: “Non-Work-Conserving Non-Preemptive Scheduling: Motivations, Challenges, and Potential Solutions” and “Quantifying the Effect of Period Ratios on Schedulability of Rate Monotonic”

Hosted by: Dr. Mehdi Kargahi

Invited talk at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Germany

Title: “Non-Preemptive Scheduling in Real-Time Systems”

Hosted by: Dr. Bjӧrn B. Brandenburg

Invited talk at the University of Lund, Sweden, following my short research visit at Lund

Title: “Constructing Customized Harmonic Periods for Real-Time Tasks with Period Ranges”

Hosted by: Prof. Anton Cervin and Prof. Karl-Erik Arzen