Microbiome Mentorship Program

This program provides an opportunity to undergraduate and graduate students to receive mentoring from an industry professional.

Application deadline 2019-Feb-15.

Mentoring will be provided one on one between interested students and industry professionals. Mentors and mentees will be encouraged to interact in person or via phone at least twice during the semester. Mentees will be instructed to utilize this opportunity to seek guidance on career planning and development while staying away from requesting job opportunities or research advice. The program runs for an academic semester, but mentors and mentees are encouraged to stay connected beyond the end of the program.


  • All students (Undergraduate and Graduate) as well as postdoctoral researchers are welcome to apply. Priority will be given to those nearing the end of their time as students/researchers.

Program Timeline:

1. The program will be advertised to MIT’s Microbiome club with an emphasis on recruiting undergraduate seniors and advanced graduate students at the beginning of calendar year 2019. The club’s executive board will review applications, and pairings will be made to maximize engagement of the student’s interests.

2. Pairings will be announced the first week of March 2019.

3. After the kick-off, it is the responsibility of the mentee to reach out to the mentor and establish communication. It is important for the mentee to elaborate on her/his interests and expectations.

4. A short survey will be distributed to all mentors and mentees half way through the semester to gauge the level of engagement between each pairing.

5. A final survey will be distributed at the end of the academic semester. The information collected will be used to re-orient the program and identify effective mentors.

To apply for a mentee position, please fill out the application below.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor, of would like more information please e-mail: MIT.Microbiome.Mentorship@gmail.com

Applications for Spring 2019 are now closed. Pairings will be announced shortly.