I'm new to the game and I can't find a source that explains in detail how the inventor construct works. What is the difference with the other companions? I also don't quite understand how companions work in general, if someone could give me a simple but detailed explanation instead of telling me "read the rules" I would really appreciate it. Thank you and sorry if i use the wrong tag.

Hi all,

I have allways problems with the companion (Samsung S7) Very often this happened:

doing some chane in the block or design section with the companion activated the connection Bt got lost:

But the companionis still going on to work with the old version before changing.

Reset connection - restart Companion - new connection and often the same message arrives even while loading the new connexion.

I work in my home network and there is no other stuff that may block my connection. other work fine.

It arrives on my laptop also on my desktop-computer. and with different apps, even very simple apps.

Mit App Inventor Companion Download

Download 🔥 https://urllio.com/2y4PW4 🔥

My MIT App Inventor Companion says "You cannot use two codes with one start up of the Companion. You should restart the Companion and try again." But after I click reset connection, close and open my MIT AI companion, refresh the website, and reset my wifi connection, it still occurs every time I scan the QR code/connect with code. Can you help me with this? Thank you

I've been using Chrome as my browser, I opened MIT App Inventor in Microsoft Edge and it still says "cannot use two codes with one start up of the companion." By the way, I use a home internet connection.

Maximum expert defense and attacks (both at 14, trained before then). Max dex mod of 7, giving it worse than caster defense and worse than caster attack accuracy. Compared to animal companions, for the same feat cost, it has lower movement speed, 3 less ac, and 1 less hit bonus. It has a lot of immunities, but it also can't be healed by spells.

It seems to be complete garbage and certainly not worth using as one's invention. What am I missing? Why wouldn't an inventor just go Beastmaster and retheme it rather than use its own class feats? There are 2 things here:

As a side note, when I wrote the Inventor guide, I started with your vision of the Construct Inventor. But I took some time searching what I could do with a Construct Innovation and ended up finding a few interesting things. Still, if your fantasy is the big Construct that... Explode is very good for construct, but you would have to fall back on strikes with yourself and your construct once you run out of unstable uses. What else would you be doing? AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Ruzza Nov 9, 2021, 01:57 am aobst128 wrote:Explode is very good for construct, but you would have to fall back on strikes with yourself and your construct once you run out of unstable uses. What else would you be doing?How long do your combat encounters usually last? I find that 3 to 4 rounds seems to be the norm. A turn getting into position/setting up, a turn Exploding (likely triggering the unstable)... after that having Overdrive on hand, and still having a decent companion isn't bad, I feel. That said, I don't have an inventor in any of my games, but I don't think that unstable is the limiter it appears to be given how quick combats typically are. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) aobst128 Nov 9, 2021, 02:09 am Ruzza wrote: aobst128 wrote:Explode is very good for construct, but you would have to fall back on strikes with yourself and your construct once you run out of unstable uses. What else would you be doing?How long do your combat encounters usually last? I find that 3 to 4 rounds seems to be the norm. A turn getting into position/setting up, a turn Exploding (likely triggering the unstable)... after that having Overdrive on hand, and still having a decent companion isn't bad, I feel. That said, I don't have an inventor in any of my games, but I don't think that unstable is the limiter it appears to be given how quick combats typically are. You'd likely get 1 use or 2 by 14th level. While it's good, and a likely tactic, most of your turns will be doing something else. Technically, every inventor is built for explode since there's no upgrade to it, only other options with the unstable trait. I guess the idea is to not go with the other options and stick with explode/megavolt to be optimal in terms of damage with construct, but the same would be true for the other 2 innovations. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) SuperBidi Nov 9, 2021, 02:21 am aobst128 wrote: Explode is very good for construct, but you would have to fall back on strikes with yourself and your construct once you run out of unstable uses. What else would you be doing?Yes.

Well, weapon inventor only really edges out in damage at 15th level and instead has more versatile weapons, so the innovations would be pretty equal for the most part then. I do wish there was an option to pick yourself or your construct for offensive boost, but people would probably always pick themselves, Because of accuracy.

What I do see in Construct Companions though is the DC to create the companion again if it is destroyed. Which is effectively the DC to craft the companion.Quote:If your companion is destroyed, you can spend 1 day of downtime and attempt a Crafting check with a high DC for your level. On a success, you rebuild your companion.This is almost certainly referencing the Level-Based DC table with the +2 adjustment for a Hard task. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Losonti Jun 1, 2022, 02:26 pm Well, the good news is that an Inventor can't delay their Crafting proficiency, since they automatically become an Expert at level 3, Master at 7, and Legendary at 15.

While the Repair DC does increase as you gain levels, it doesn't increase as quickly as your proficiency bonus and you don't see a huge spike whenever your proficiency increases. Your construct companion also doesn't become immune to Repair for an hour, so you can work on it continuously. Getting the same effect for Treat Wounds requires a skill feat. By level 7 you're probably rolling with a +18 before any circumstance or status bonuses, so you succeed on a 7 and crit on a 17.

As far as a multiclass Inventor, they can also take a feat to automatically increase their own Crafting proficiency, but seeing as how you'd be capped with an Incredible companion at level 16 and only a single basic modification (and this is with full investment into the archetype), they would probably face a lot more disappointment with their companion than the scaling Repair DCs.

The iOS companion works in the same mode as what the Android companion calls Legacy Mode. This requires that the computer can reach the phone or tablet on its local IP address (as shown on the main screen) on TCP port 8004. This is easiest if both devices are both on the same Wifi network (such as a home router). If you're in a school environment, you may need to have your network administrator ensure that the network is configured to allow the two devices to communicate with one another in this way.


My AI2 Companion isn't connecting to AI2 for some reason. I've done everything I could or found on the inter webs to troubleshoot the problem but nothing is working. The app starts fine and I select the QR option and it reads the code and everything but then nothing happens. I've tried putting the code in manually but nothing still. The Emulator connection works fine but the companion is killing me.

After scanning the QR, if I leave the Companion running for about about 2 minute or so unattended It generates an error like "Error 1103 Couldn't connect to Key=" something something, it's quite a long string of characters.

One odd thing that I've noticed is whenever I log in and select my project and go to connect menu, the "Refresh Companion Screen" Option is enabled even before attempting to connect. I don't know if it was like that before or not but it is enabled on the first login for me, always.

I've been using AI2 for quite a while now and have never had any problems, but now I'm frustrated. I've tried legacy connections, I've uninstalled and re-installed the app, I've restarted the PC and phone, I've double checked the connections, reset the connections, nothing is working. Help me please.

I have the same problem in my case when i type the 6 letters and press connect i see a progresses bar that stay up to 35 % and disappear but the companion dos not sow the screen from the app inventor if i select to use legacy connection then i can see the screen of the inventor on my pone for 2 or 3 seconds and after disappear and i have the message on the inventor that the companion disconnect.

I try to access the web page with or with out domain name and i have the same error the server is taking to long to respond.

the companion app freeze after that and i have to restart it.

I test the companion o two phones same problem .

i am using android phones e24fc04721

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