
The Sacrament Ritual

The steps on how to go to confession

El Ritual del Sacramento

Los pasos para la confesión

Examination of Conscience

Reflect on the questions


Como hace una examinación de consciencia examina

Examination of Conscience/Ten Commandments

The night before go over and write two "sins" you want to share with Father

I. You Shall Have No Others God
There is only one God
Do I pray every day?
Do I put my trust in luck rather than God alone?
Do I worship God only?

II.You Shall Not Misuse the Name of the Lord
Respect the name of God.Have I used the words “God” or “Jesus” to someone because I was mad?
Have I used bad words?

III. Remember the Sabbath, Keep it Holy
|Go to mass on Sunday.Have I missed services on Sunday?
Do I pay attention during services?
Do I make it hard for others to hear or pay attention?
Do I avoid unnecessary work on Sunday?Do I make Sunday a day of prayer and rest?

IV. Respect your mother and father.
Do I obey my parents?
Have I mistreated them by what I say or what I do?
Am I willing to help around the house?
Do I try to get along with my brothers and sisters?
Am I a tattletale or bully?
Do I give a good example to others?
Do I obey others that I should….like teachers, police, and baby-sitters?

V. You shall Not Murder
Take care of all that God has made.
Do I beat up others or hurt their bodies?
Do I say mean things or make fun of others to hurt their feelings?
Do I say mean things about others behind their backs?
Have I stopped speaking to someone?
Do I encourage others to do bad things?

VI. You shall Not Commit Adultery
Treat your body as a gift from God.
Do I treat my body and other people’s bodies with respect?
Do I look at TV shows, movies, or pictures that are bad and disrespectful to others?

VII. You Shall Not Steal
Respect the property of others.
Have I taken things that were not mine from a store or another person?
Have I ruined another person’s property for fun?
Do I return things that I borrow, and in good condition?

VIII. You Shall Not Lie
Always tell the truth.
Am I honest in my school work?
Do I cheat or copy other people’s work
?Do I tell lies to make myself look good?
Do I tell lies to protect myself from punishment?

IX. You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbors Wife (meaning…you shall not strongly desire another person’s family or friends)
Respect the families of others.
Do I allow my parents to spend time together or do I get jealous?
Do I get mad when I have to share my friends?
Do I get jealous of others family and friends?

X. You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor's Goods (meaning…you shall not strongly desire another’s stuff)
Be happy with what you have.
Am I jealous or envious of the things my friends have?
Am I jealous because my friends can play sports better than I can?
Am I thankful to God and my parents for what they have given me?
Do I share the things I have with my family, friends and poor people?

Act of Contrition

O my Lord, I am heartily sorry for my sins. In choosing to wrong, and failing to do good, I have sinned against You and Your Church. I firmly intend, with the help of your Son, to do penance, and sin no more.

In his name, have mercy, Amen

¡Señor mío, Jesucristo!

Dios y Hombre verdadero, Creador, Padre y Redentor mío; por ser Vos quien sois, Bondad infinita, y porque os amo sobre todas las cosas, me pesa de todo corazón de haberos ofendido; también me pesa porque podéis castigarme con las penas del infierno. Ayudado de vuestra divina gracia propongo firmemente nunca más pecar, confesarme y cumplir la penitencia que me fuere impuesta.



1). Make the Sign of the Cross

2) Say: Bless Me Father For I have Sinned. This is my first confession

3) Confess your sins.

4) Listen to Father

5) Get Blessed and receive Absolution

6) Say the Act of Contrition

7) Sign of the Cross

8) Leave and Pray Quietly