I am using the secondary display and connecting the laptop to the secondary. Even without the secondary display, the top bar on the screen and launcher are missing. When secondary is enabled and laptop display is disabled,there is no menu bar, launcher and bar at the screen top are also missing.

In past Serif products, in the Affinity Photo (windows) Beta and I am pretty sure the beta version of Designer. There is/was a status bar running along bottom of the screen that when you had a tool selected, it displayed the various options you could use with that tool. Like using Ctrl, Shift or Alt to get certain results.

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Now I have the full Windows version of Designer, I no longer seem to have this status bar, even though it is listed as a feature in the Help file under the 'at a glance' heading. Maybe I have some how turned off this feature, but I can't find how to turn it back on again.

I am now editing this post as bizarrely I closed and reopened my window and there is some snapping going on so most of the paragraph below does not apply anymore but I still cannot see an Osnap button the the status bar.

I have Galaxy Fold3 and since last app update, I no longer have the player on the lockscreen when listening to a podcast nor the notification in the status bar. I have checked all the usual options and everything seems as it should.. any advice? Thanks

My RX100m4 is working fairly well, just i noticed that the battery icon showing the charge in the top right of display is missing. Also in the menu, the options to set the brightness of lcd screed and viewfinder, are greyed out and not working. The only clue of another similar behaviour, was in this post of joe91 of few months ago;

Many of the Cybershot camera range, possibly all of them, have a function that varies what settings are shown on the screen. It is operated by pressing the up-button on the 4-way controller repeatedly which causes the display to cycle through its different configurations. Have you tried that?

Thanks yes i tried to cycle through display info settings of course... sincerely i think i tried all 'soft' solutions, including trying to reset, deep reset, initialize... also tried to reflash firmware but Sony program doesnt allow to reflash the same. I am starting to think it is a deeper problem (also because of the greyed out screen brightness settings in menu) hopefully not hardware, needing a solution more related to a service manual than to an user manual.

In this article, you'll learn how to resolve the issue of the Excel status bar disappearing. Also, you'll discover a quick way to hide the status bar and show it again by using keyboard shortcuts and VBA macros.

When it comes to the analysis of various data sets, the Excel status bar emerges as a vital component, providing users with a wealth of essential information and quick access to key features. However, there are situations where the status bar mysteriously disappears, leaving users puzzled and unable to access its features. If you find yourself in this situation, don't worry! We'll guide you through some common scenarios and explain how to restore the missing status bar in Excel.

One possible cause of the disappearing status bar is that your workbook is in full screen mode. In this mode, Excel hides the ribbon and status bar to give you more screen space. Fortunately, there's a simple solution to bring back the status bar. To toggle between full screen view and normal screen view, use the Ctrl + Shift + F1 keyboard shortcut. By pressing these keys together, you can switch the Excel window back to its normal view, allowing the status bar to reappear.Note. This method hides both Excel status bar and ribbon. To only hide the status bar, use VBA as explained further in this article.

Navigating through Microsoft Excel in a dynamic workspace or time-sensitive situation can lead to accidentally triggering certain key combinations that you may not even be aware of. One such combination is the extended full screen mode, also known as full screen reading view or focus mode, which can cause the status bar to vanish. The focus mode is activated by pressing the Alt + V keys together, and then pressing the U key.

To exit the focus mode and regain access to the status bar, you simply press the Esc key.Unhide status bar by maximizing Excel windowAnother scenario that can cause the Excel status bar not showing is when the Excel window is not maximized, commonly referred to as the windowed mode. If the window has been repositioned in such a way that the status bar is located below the screen, overlapped by the Windows taskbar, it may seem as though the status bar has disappeared. However, it is still present, albeit not visible.

To resolve this issue, there are two simple methods. Firstly, you can move the Excel window upwards, ensuring that the status bar is no longer obstructed by the Windows taskbar. Alternatively, click on the Maximize icon in the top-right corner of the Excel window. By maximizing the window, the status bar will become visible once again, readily accessible for your convenience.Hide and unhide status bar in Excel with VBAIn earlier versions of Excel, there was a straightforward way to show or hide the status bar through Excel options. However, starting with Excel 2007, the status bar can only be managed using VBA. If you find yourself needing to hide or fix a missing status bar in Excel, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Once you return to your Excel worksheet, check the status bar. It's important to note that unlike the Ctrl + Shift + F1 shortcut, which hides both the ribbon and the status bar, this VBA method specifically hides or unhides the status bar only, leaving the ribbon unaffected.Note. When you hide the status bar using VBA, you'll need to use VBA again to unhide it.

To avoid manual modification of the VBA code each time you want to hide the status bar in Excel or make it visible again, you can automate the process by creating macros specifically designed for these actions.

VBA code to hide status bar in ExcelSub Hide_status_bar() Application.DisplayStatusBar = FalseEnd SubMacro to show status barTo unhide the status bar, add this code:

VBA code to show status bar in ExcelSub Show_status_bar() Application.DisplayStatusBar = TrueEnd Sub

To add the macros to your workbook, follow these instructions:

That's it! You can now quickly hide or show your Excel status bar whenever you need without extra hassle.In conclusion, if you find that the status bar is missing in your Excel, don't panic. It's likely that it's simply hidden due to specific settings or configurations. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily bring it back or toggle its visibility and continue working efficiently in Excel.

Show and hide Excel status bar (.xlsm file)

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A couple of days ago I was trying to speed up Visual Studio Code by removing some extensions. I think I have removed an extension that would display the Git branch in the bottom left of the status bar.

Hi - The progress bar (Job Status) doesn't display when running workflows in Gallery. We're running Server 2022.1, and have never seen this behavior in previous versions. I searched the known issues and didn't find anything like this. The workflow executes; but, the Job Status indicator lets users know their request is in process and will cause a lot of confusion if missing. Anyone else experiencing this?

I think this was a bad idea because users running a workflow have no idea it's running. If it's a complex job that takes several seconds, not showing a status indicator makes people question whether or not their request is being executed.

After an update to Libreoffice 4.4.2 in Debian Jessie (via backports) a page number in the status bar left below is missing. How can I get the page number status shown in the status bar? It concerns LibreOffice Writer.

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