Miruna-Ştefana Sorea

Emails: mirunastefana.sorea(at)ulbsibiu(dot)ro    miruna.stefana.sorea2022(at)gmail(dot)com

I am a Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, the Faculty of Sciences, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.

I am also a member of the Research Center in Mathematics and Applications, which is part of the Faculty of Sciences, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, in the Numerical Methods and Approximation Theory Group.

Picture credit: ULBS, Sibiu, 2023. 

My main research interests:

Real and Applied Algebraic Geometry:

- topology and geometry of singularities;

- algebraic statistics;

- polynomial dynamical systems inspired by interaction networks.

Picture credit: Özde Bayer as part of the 2019 compilation: Nonlinear Algebra People

From October 2020 to September 2023 I was a co-organizer of the Geometric Structures Research Seminar at SISSA, Trieste, Italy - see also here.

Some recent activities and news:

 CIMPA Research School on Algebra and Algebraic Geometry for Applications, LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan. 

One of the main goals of the School was to provide a comprehensive understanding of modern algebraic and geometric methods, as well as their practical applications. Click here to see videos for:

 Course 1, Course 2, Tutorial 1, Course 3, Course 4, Tutorial 2.

CIMPA - Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées: "founded in France in 1978, CIMPA is a nonprofit organization that promotes research in Mathematics in developing countries. Located in Nice, it is a UNESCO Category 2 centre and  is part of the Laboratoire d'Excellence CARMIN (Centres d'Accueil et de Rencontres Mathématiques Internationales). It benefits from the financial support of Germany, France, Norway, Spain and Switzerland. CIMPA co-organizes and sponsors numerous activities in developing countries, on all continents."

Abstract: The aim of this course is to provide a local study of the singular points of plane curves. The theory of singularities of complex algebraic plane curves is situated at the crossroads of many interesting areas of mathematics, making the study of curve singularities particularly fruitful up to this day. We start with a short introduction to the subject, where we briefly review results about manifolds and plane algebraic curves. Moreover, we focus on polar curves, Puiseux's theorem and resolution of singularities. Next, we show how combinatorial tools such as the Eggers tree can be used in the study of the contact of two branches of a curve. One of the core concepts in the first part of the course is equisingularity of curves. In the second part of the course we study the geometry of the link of a singularity, Milnor's fibration theorem and the Milnor number. In addition, we also see a proof of Klein's equation (using Euler characteristics of constructible functions), which relates invariants of a projective curve with invariants of its dual curve. Time permitting, we will also tackle the decomposition of the link complement and the computation of the monodromy of the Milnor fibration.

A long version of my CV is available upon request.

Review activity for: SIAP (SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics),  SIAGA (SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry), AMS Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet), The Graduate Journal of Mathematics