Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy and data security.

We keep this app free by showing ads and our partners may gather data in order to provide ads within our apps.

We collect anonymous information about the way you use our Apps after you have installed them. Depending on how you interact with us, some data is automatically processed if you install and use our Apps, whilst other data is collected and processed if you submit it to us.

1.Overview :

This Privacy Policy describes the information collected by Mirroring Tools Store through our mobile applications and how we use that information. Also Our Product Category is Photography, Video, Entertainment, Tools, Utility, Personalization. These all class apps we created is only for User Entertainment purpose. Our company developers continuously work on all apps and we give periodic updates to solve problems and bugs as well as to provide new features all for smooth user experience.

2.Information We Take When You Use Our Services :

When you use our services, we collect information about which of those services you’ve used and how you have used them. Below is full explanation of the types of information we collect when you use our services :

3.Security :

The technology that we use and the policies that we have implemented are intended to safeguard your privacy from unauthorized access and improper use. We will continue to update these measures as new technology becomes available. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security measures.

If you use a password on our Services, you are responsible for keeping it confidential. Do not share it with any other person. If you believe your password has been misused or your account compromised, please advise us immediately.

* How We Use Your Personal Information:

We use personal information collected through the Services:

1. To communicate with you or third parties;

2. To process your requests and transactions;

3. To improve the Services;

4. To customize the services and/or products we provide to you;

5. To assist with our product and service development;

6. To perform marketing activities;

7. To provide relevant advertising;

4.Advertisement :

We use Google Admob for advertisements in our applications. There could be errors in the programming and sometime programming errors may cause unwanted side effects. Read more about Facebook's ads privacy policy click and jump to Facebook's official privacy page

5.Existence of automated decision-making :

As a responsible company, we do not use automatic decision-making or profiling.

* Link to third party applications :

LightX Express, LightX Photo Editor and Retouch provides option to share edited images using third party social applications such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc. Such applications are governed by their respective privacy policies, which are beyond our control. Once you share your image using these applications, use of any information provided by you is governed by the privacy policy of these Application. If you can’t find the privacy policy of any of these sites via a link from the Application’s homepage, you should contact the Application directly for more information.

* Mobile Device Access :

We may request access or permission to certain features from your mobile device, including your mobile device’s camera, storage, sensors, and other features. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may do so in your device’s settings.

* Mobile Device Data :

Device information such as your mobile device ID number, model, and manufacturer, version of your operating system, phone number, country, location, and any other data you choose to provide.

* Push Notification :

We may request to send you push notifications regarding your account or the Application. If you wish to opt-out from receiving these types of communications, you may turn them off in your device’s settings.

6.Privacy Policy Changes :

In Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time, we will post any privacy policy changes on this page, so please review it periodically. We may provide you additional forms of notice of modifications or updates as appropriate under the circumstances.

7.Contact Us :

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site please feel free to contact us at

Thank You.

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