Privacy Policy

Mirror App ("we", "us", or "our") is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your information when you use the Mirror App, a mobile application available on Google Play. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not access or use the Mirror App.

By downloading, installing, or using the Mirror App, you agree to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We may collect the following types of information when you use the Mirror App:

a. Personal Information

We do not collect any personal information (such as your name, email address, or phone number) unless you voluntarily provide it to us, for example, when you contact us for support.

b. Device Information

We may automatically collect certain information about your device when you use the Mirror App, such as your device type, model, operating system, IP address, and unique device identifiers.

c. Usage Data

We may collect information about how you use the Mirror App, such as the features you use, the time you spend on the app, and any error messages you may encounter.

We use the information we collect to:

We do not sell, rent, or otherwise share your personal information with third parties for their marketing purposes. We may share your information in the following circumstances:

a. Service Providers

We may engage third-party service providers to perform functions on our behalf, such as analytics and hosting services. These service providers may have access to your information only to the extent necessary to perform their functions and are obligated to protect the confidentiality of your information.

b. Legal Requirements

We may disclose your information if required to do so by law or in response to a court order, legal process, or a request from a government or regulatory authority.

c. Business Transfers

In the event that we are involved in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or any other change of control, your information may be transferred to a new owner, subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no method of transmission or storage is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information.

We retain your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. When we no longer need your information for these purposes, we will securely delete or anonymize it in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The Mirror App is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has provided personal information to us, please contact us, and we will take steps to delete such information from our systems.

If you are using the Mirror App from outside the United States, please be aware that your information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in the United States, where our servers are located and our central database is operated. By using the Mirror App, you understand and consent to the transfer of your information to the United States and other countries that may not offer the same level of privacy protection as your country of residence.

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, legal requirements, or other factors. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the updated Privacy Policy on this page, along with the date of the last update

at the top of the policy. Your continued use of the Mirror App after any changes to the Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of the updated policy. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about our privacy practices.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at:

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

Email: [Your Company Email Address]

This Privacy Policy and any disputes arising out of or in connection with it shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which our company is established, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have certain rights with respect to your personal information, such as the right to access, correct, delete, or restrict the use of your personal information. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the contact information provided above.

If you believe that your privacy rights have been violated, you may have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority in your jurisdiction. We encourage you to contact us via:  first so that we can address your concerns directly.

Last updated: March 30, 2023