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However, when I use MakeMKV to pull them from the DVD and drop them in to Plex for our family members to watch, they are at 480p. I thought that MakeMKV was just a mirror of what's on the DVD so I'm left wondering if I might be making a rookie mistake somewhere or if it's the Plex server that's somehow downgrading these.

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I recently switched from a dual monitor setup to an ultra wide, and I have a bit of a frustration I was hoping to get help with. SteamVR consistently opens a display mirror of my in-game view, and that display mirror is always full screen. This prevents me from easily sharing my gameplay on Discord, and it obscures my Taskbar when I view my desktop from within SteamVR. I'd love to find a setting to set the display mirror to always be in windowed mode and/or be at a specific render size, but I can't seem to find any setting like this in SteamVR. Does anyone have a suggestion on a way to fix this issue, or is windowed display mirror not a feature?

I had a first-generation Chromecast, which would play YouTube videos just fine, but defaulted to only playing them in 480p. I read that the second generation of Chromecast would offer better quality, so I bought a second-generation Chromecast and gave my old one away.

However, the problem remains. Videos from YouTube are only 480p, which look terrible on a 1080p monitor. Small text becomes unreadable, which is especially bad when watching gameplay. I found out when I pulled the cable from my Chromecast and have it restart, the first new video would be in 1080p, but all subsequent ones are in 480p.

Also somebody suggested trying to use another app: Any other app is better.Youtube has multiple resolutions available, just like netflix, and both companies have decided not to let chromecast set the resolution manually(doable on a desktop and mobile for youtube and on desktop for netflix)The option still exists for some resolutions and has its own link.If your chromecast requests said link it gets 720p/480p(some people are trying to limit their bandwith use thats also only doable unofficially).You need to use web video caster or a similar app to find the links for each resolution and send them to chromecast.Sadly this isnt an option for youtube 1080p or higher/netflix due to DRM as those links are DRM protected.

There are several collections of video clips available:Derf's collection.This set includes many standard definition clips widely used in the video compression research community. Generally uncompressed from analog source.Basil Gohar.This is a set of timelapse sequences by Basil Gohar. Generally availableas scaled y4m streams and original jpeg image sequences.Firebelly.Several performance clips, including the miniDV originals.Miscellaneous.A catch-all for various contributions.Most are computer generated at the moment.VQEG Test Sequences mirror.We have a mirror the the Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG test sequences. These are inraw yuv format. See the thumbnails directory for and index.LDV Test Sequences mirror.Mirror of the HD test sequences from tu-muenchen.SVT Test Sequences mirror.A partial mirror of the SVT 4k test clips as published by VQEG. These are stored as 16 bit .sgi RGB files, one per frame.More to come.

Stability of beryllium mirrors is said to be unpredictable. Three recent mirrors demonstrate excellent stability. JPL produced a plano-concave, 0.5 m solid test mirror that was machined from a HIP'ed billet of special I-70 Be powder, polished bare and tested to 4K. It was thermally stable and had no hysteresis. The JPL ITTT 0.85 m primary mirror used similar material and processes, but with more stress relied treatments. Tests of this bare-polished, very lightweight single arch hyperboloidal mirror to 5K showed similar excellent results. The ESO VLT chopping secondary is a 1.12 m, machined lightweight, nickel plated, convex paraboloid. Similar fabrication processes are being used but with higher strength I-220 Be. In-processes testing indicates a stable mirror. The results show beryllium to be a stable and predictable mirror material.

She's all sweet, all innocent, but Julia Roberts steals the show with her imperious and autocratic Queen. She consults her own image in a mirror, located as only Tarsem would place it in a weird structure in the middle of a lake. She never asks who is the fairest of them all, and thus never has to hear the inevitable answer, but the Queen's vanity and fear of aging give Roberts some plum scenes. Consider the one where she's having a spa-style beauty makeover before the ball. Her lips become bee-stung with the help of real bees, she gets a manicure from disgusting wormy creatures, and her skin is refreshed with a preparation made up from parrot droppings. Yes, parrot droppings, and we see the parrots dropping them.

Mirroring with Apple TV, the mirrored picture on the tv is in the upper corner and not full size, is this a Reaslution issue on my TV? I dont believe my TV supports 720 but does support 420 and 1080, the airplay video worked fine full screen but when I switch to mirror it shrinks the display on the TV.

I have exactly the same problem. I have an older rear projection tv ... Panasonic PT-47x54. It supports 480p and 1080i. Im plugged in directly to the tv, using a HDMI cable. Im also mirroring from an iPad 2.

I have seen reports of TV's that don't specifically support 720p doing some rather strange things (not using mirroring, but in general use with the Apple TV). Some have displayed in one corner such as yours, others have shown multiple images side by side. I don't suppose that helps in any way but I thought it was worth mentioning.

it is already at 480, i dont see any where to change this, it must detect what the TV is. i would still like to know from some apple person if you have to have 720p for the mirror, i suspect this is the issue.

The specifications for the Apple TV state it requires a TV that supports 720p. I assume that TV's that don't support 720p have worked either by good luck or by intervention from Apple. I'm wondering if the difference in results between mirrored playback and non mirrored playback is something to do with the apparent adaptive features of the Mirroring stream.

I just read the spec you are right it does say "capatible with HD TVs, with HDMI and capable of 720p", I am wondering why my Apple TV works with everything other than mirroring. In the Apple TV setup under controls it even says resalution 480p. It sure seems as if it should work with 480p since everything else works with this setup.

The resolution settings are new for this update, we haven't had them before, so it isn't really possible to know whether the Apple TV output 480p previously if it only detected a 480p TV, unless of course one had a TV that displayed the resolution it was receiving in the corner upon changing channels.

I have the urge to purchase a new camera and considering making the jump to mirrorless. I currently have a 1DX Mark II, 5D Mark IV and a whole array of lens. I spend 90% of my time shooting sports and the other 10% random stuff for the local paper. ... ff782bc1db

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