Contact: 931-372-3496

Office: Bruner Hall, Room: 236

Tennessee Tech University

Cookeville, TN 38501 



Social link: Linkedin, Google Scholar

Hello everyone! I am 'Mir' Mehedi Pritom, an assistant professor of Computer Science at Tennessee Tech University. I am also a faculty affiliate within the Cybersecurity Education, Research, and Outreach Center (CEROC) at Tennessee Tech. Prior to joining TTU, I was an assistant professor at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. My current research interests cover a variety of cross-disciplinary topics and approaches focusing to solve real-world challenging problems in Cybersecurity. Particularly, I am interested in applying Trustworthy and Interpretable ML/AI in security domains to enhance the trust, transparency, dependability, and usability of existing and future cybersecurity and defense systems. I am also interested in the areas of data-driven approaches for designing intelligent decision-support system, uncertainty quantification, and explainability in cybersecurity. Previously, I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas- San Antonio (UTSA) in Summer 2022, where I worked on tackling various website based cyberattacks and emerging event-themed threats.  

At UTSA, I worked under the guidance of Dr. Shouhuai Xu and Dr. Ravi Sandhu within the Institute of Cyber Security (ICS). I also received my Master's of Science degree in Information Technology from UNC Charlotte in 2018, and a Bachelor's of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh back in 2014. I worked as a Software Engineer at Samsung Research Institute Bangladesh prior starting my graduate studies. 

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Get in touch at mpritom[at]