The decision has drawn widespread criticism from environmentalists who now fear the coal mining activities will harm the environment and worsen human-wildlife conflict as animals move location to get away from disturbances to their habitats.

Acidic precipitation - Snow and rain that have alow pH, caused by sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide gases from industrialactivity released into the atmosphere.

Acidic rocks - Igneous rock carrying a high (greater than 65%) proportionof silica.

Acid mine drainage - Acidic run-off water from mine waste dumps and milltailings ponds containing sulphide minerals. Also refers to ground water pumpedto surface from mines.

Adit - An opening driven horizontally into the side of a mountain or hillfor providing access to a mineral deposit. 

Aerial magnetometer - An instrument used to measure magnetic fieldstrength from an airplane.

Aeromagnetic survey - A geophysical survey using a magnetometer aboard,or towed behind, an aircraft.

Agglomerate - A breccia composed largely or entirely of fragments ofvolcanic rocks.

Agglomeration - A method of concentrating valuable minerals based ontheir adhesion properties.

Agitation - In metallurgy, the act or state of being stirred or shakenmechanically, sometimes accomplished by the introduction of compressed air.

Airborne survey - A survey made from an aircraft to obtain photographs,or measure magnetic properties, radioactivity, etc.

Alloy - A compound of two or more metals.

Alluvium - Relatively recent deposits of sedimentary material laid downin river beds, flood plains, lakes, or at the base of mountain slopes. (adj.alluvial)

Alpha meter - An instrument used to measure positively charged particlesemitted by radioactive materials.

Alpha ray - A positively charged particle emitted by certain radioactivematerials.

Alteration - Any physical or chemical change in a rock or mineralsubsequent to its formation. Milder and more localized than metamorphism.

Amorphous - A term applied to rocks or minerals that possess no definitecrystal structure or form, such as amorphous carbon.

Amortization - The gradual and systematic writing off of a balance in anaccount over an appropriate period.

Amphibolite - A gneiss or schist largely made up of amphibole andplagioclase minerals.

ANFO - Acronym for ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, a mixture used as ablasting agent in many mines.

Annual report - The formal financial statements and report on operationsissued by a corporation to its shareholders after its fiscal year-end.

Anode - A rectangular plate of metal cast in a shape suitable forrefining by the electrolytic process.

Anomaly - Any departure from the norm which may indicate the presence ofmineralization in the underlying bedrock.

Anthracite - A hard, black coal containing a high percentage of fixedcarbon and a low percentage of volatile matter.

Anticline - An arch or fold in layers of rock shaped like the crest of awave.

Apex - The top or terminal edge of a vein on surface or its nearest pointto the surface.

Ash - The inorganic residue remaining after ignition of coal.

Assay - A chemical test performed on a sample of ores or minerals todetermine the amount of valuable metals contained.

Assay foot (metre, inch, centimetre) - The assay value multipliedby the number of feet, metres, inches, centimetres across which the sample istaken.

Assay map - Plan view of an area indicating assay values and locations ofall samples taken on the property.

Assessment work - The amount of work, specified by mining law, that mustbe performed each year in order to retain legal control of mining claims.

Authorized capital - see capital stock.

Autogenous grinding - The process of grinding ore in a rotating cylinderusing large pieces of the ore instead of conventional steel balls or rods.

Mining Dictionary Free Download


Back - The ceiling or roof of an undergroundopening.

Backfill - Waste material used to fill the void created by mining anorebody.

Background - Minor amounts of radioactivity due not to abnormal amountsof radioactive minerals nearby, but to cosmic rays and minor residualradioactivity in the vicinity.

Back sample - Rock chips collected from the roof or back of anunderground opening for the purpose of determining grade.

Backwardation - A situation when the cash or spot price of a metal standsat a premium over the price of the metal for delivery at a forward date.

Balance sheet - A formal statement of the financial position of a companyon a particular day, normally presented to shareholders once a year.

Ball mill - A steel cylinder filled with steel balls into which crushedore is fed. The ball mill is rotated, causing the balls to cascade and grind theore.

Banded iron formation - A bedded deposit of iron minerals.

Basalt - An extrusive volcanic rock composed primarily of plagioclase,pyroxene and some olivine.

Basal till - Unsorted glacial debris at the base of the soil column whereit comes into contact with the bedrock below.

Basement rocks - The underlying or older rock mass. Often refers to rocksof Precambrian age which may be covered by younger rocks.

Base camp - Centre of operations from which exploration activity isconducted.

Base metal - Any non-precious metal (eg. copper, lead, zinc, nickel,etc.).

Basic rocks - Igneous rocks that are relatively low in silica andcomposed mostly of dark-colored minerals.|

Batholith - A large mass of igneous rock extending to great depth withits upper portion dome-like in shape. Similar, smaller masses of igneous rocksare known as bosses or plugs.

Bauxite - A rock made up of hydrous aluminum oxides; the most commonaluminum ore.

Bear market - Term used to describe market conditions when share pricesare declining.

Bedding - The arrangement of sedimentary rocks in layers.

Beneficiate - To concentrate or enrich; often applied to the preparationof iron ore for smelting.

Bentonite - A clay with great ability to absorb water and which swellsaccordingly.

Bessemer - An iron ore with a very low phosphorus content.

Bio-leaching - A process for recovering metals from low-grade ores bydissolving them in solution, the dissolution being aided by bacterial action.

Biotite - A platy magnesium-iron mica, common in igneous rocks.

Bit - The cutting end of a drill frequently made of anextremely hard material such as industrial diamonds or tungsten carbide.

Blackjack - A miner's term for sphalerite (zinc sulphide).

Black smoker - Volcanic vent found in areas of active ocean floorspreading, through which sulphide-laden fluids escape.

Blaster - A mine employee responsible for loading, priming and detonatingblastholes.

Blast furnace - A reaction vessel in which mixed charges of oxide ores,fluxes and fuels are blown with a continuous blast of hot air andoxygen-enriched air for the chemical reduction of metals to their metallicstate.

Blasthole - A drill hole in a mine that is filled with explosives inorder to blast loose a quantity of rock.

Blister copper - A crude form of copper (assaying about 99%) produced ina smelter, which requires further refining before being used for industrialpurposes.

Block caving - An inexpensive method of mining in which large blocks ofore are undercut, causing the ore to break or cave under its own weight.

Board lot - One hundred shares.

Bond - An agreement to pay a certain amount of interest over a givenperiod of time.

Boom - A telescoping, hydraulically powered steel arm on which drifters,manbaskets and hydraulic hammers are mounted.

Box hole - A short raise or opening driven above a drift for the purposeof drawing ore from a stope, or to permit access.

Break - Loosely used to describe a large-scale regional shear zone orstructural fault.

Breast - A working face in a mine, usually restricted to a stope.

Breccia - A rock in which angular fragments are surrounded by a mass offine-grained minerals.

Broken reserves - The ore in a mine which has been broken by blasting butwhich has not yet been transported to surface.

Brunton compass - A pocket compass equipped with sights and a reflector,used for sighting lines, measuring dip and carrying out preliminary surveys.

Bulk mining - Any large-scale, mechanized method of mining involving manythousands of tonnes of ore being brought to surface per day.

Bulk sample - A large sample of mineralized rock, frequently hundreds oftonnes, selected in such a manner as to be representative of the potentialorebody being sampled. Used to determine metallurgical characteristics.

Bullion - Metal formed into bars or ingots.

Bull market - Term used to describe financial market conditions whenshare prices are going up.

Bull quartz - A prospector's term for white, coarse-grained, barrenquartz.

Byproduct - A secondary metal or mineral product recovered in the millingprocess.

Cable bolt - A steel cable, capable of withstandingtens of tonnes, cemented into a drillhole to lend support in blocky ground.

Cage - The conveyance used to transport men and equipment between thesurface and the mine levels.

Calcine - Name given to concentrate that is ready for smelting (i.e. thesulphur has been driven off by oxidation).

Call - An option to buy shares at a specified price. The opposite of a"put".

Capitalization - A financial term used to describe the value financialmarkets put on a company. Determined by multiplying the number of outstandingshares of a company by the current stock price.

Capital stock - The total ownership of a limited liability companydivided among a specified number of shares.

Captive stope - A stope that is accessible only through a manway.

Carbon-in-pulp - A method of recovering gold and silver from pregnantcyanide solutions by adsorbing the precious metals to granules of activatedcarbon, which are typically ground up coconut shells.

Cash flow - The net of the inflow and outflow of cash during anaccounting period. Does not account for depreciation or bookkeeping write-offswhich do not involve an actual cash outlay.

Cathode - A rectangular plate of metal, produced by electrolyticrefining, which is melted into commercial shapes such as wirebars, billets,ingots, etc.

Cesium magnetometer - An geophysical instrument which measures magneticfield strength in terms of vertical gradient and total field.

Chalcocite - A sulphide mineral of copper common in the zone of secondaryenrichment.

Chalcopyrite - A sulphide mineral of copper and iron; the most importantore mineral of copper.

Change house - The mine building where workers change into work clothes;also known as the "dry".

Channel sample - A sample composed of pieces of vein or mineral depositthat have been cut out of a small trench or channel, usually about 10 cm wideand 2 cm deep.

Charter - A document issued by a governing authority creating a companyor other corporation.

Chartered bank - A financial institution that accepts deposits andprovides loans.

Chip sample - A method of sampling a rock exposure whereby a regularseries of small chips of rock is broken off along a line across the face.

Chromite - The chief ore mineral of chromium.

Chute - An opening, usually constructed of timber and equipped with agate, through which ore is drawn from a stope into mine cars.

Cinnabar - A vermilion-colored ore mineral of mercury.

Circulating load - Over-sized chunks of ore returned to the head of aclosed grinding circuit before going on to the next stage of treatment.

Claim - A portion of land held either by a prospector or a miningcompany. In Canada, the common size is 1,320 ft. (about 400 m) square, or 40acres (about 16 ha).

Clarification - Process of clearing dirty water by removing suspendedmaterial.

Classifier - A mineral-processing machine which separates mineralsaccording to size and density.

Clay - A fine-grained material composed of hydrous aluminum silicates.

Cleavage - The tendency of a mineral to split along crystallographicplanes.

Closed circuit - A loop in the milling process wherein a selected portionof the product of a machine is returned to the head of the machine for finishingto required specification.

Coal - A carbonaceous rock mined for use as a fuel.

Coalification - The metamorphic processes of forming coal.

Collar - The term applied to the timbering or concrete around the mouthof a shaft; also used to describe the top of a mill hole.

Column flotation - A milling process, carried out in a tall cylindricalcolumn, whereby valuable minerals are separated from gangue minerals based ontheir wetability properties.

Common stock - Shares in a company which have full voting rights whichthe holders use to control the company in common with each other. There is nofixed or assured dividend as with preferred shares, which have first claim onthe distribution of a company's earnings or assets.

Complex ore - An ore containing a number of minerals of economic value.The term often implies that there are metallurgical difficulties in liberatingand separating the valuable metals.

Cone crusher - A machine which crushes ore between a gyrating cone orcrushing head and an inverted, truncated cone known as a bowl.

Concentrate - A fine, powdery product of the milling process containing ahigh percentage of valuable metal.

Concentrator - A milling plant that produces a concentrate of thevaluable minerals or metals. Further treatment is required to recover the puremetal.

Confirmation - A form delivered by a broker to the client, setting forththe details of stock sales or purchases for the client.

Conglomerate - A sedimentary rock consisting of rounded, water-wornpebbles or boulders cemented into a solid mass.

Contact - A geological term used to describe the line or plane alongwhich two different rock formations meet.

Contact metamorphism - Metamorphism of country rocks adjacent to anintrusion, caused by heat from the intrusion.

Contango - A situation in which the price of a metal for forward orfuture delivery stands at a premium over the cash or spot price of the metal.

Continuous miner - A piece of mining equipment which produces acontinuous flow of ore from the working face.

Controlled blasting - Blasting patterns and sequences designed to achievea particular objective. Cast blasting, where the muck pile is cast in aparticular direction, and deck blasting, where holes are loaded once but blastedin successive blasts days apart, are examples.

Converter - In copper smelting, a furnace used to separate copper metalfrom matte.

Core - The long cylindrical piece of rock, about an inch in diameter,brought to surface by diamond drilling.

Core barrel - That part of a string of tools in a diamond drill hole inwhich the core specimen is collected.

Cordillera - The continuous chain of mountain ranges on the westernmargin of North and South America.

Country rock - Loosely used to describe the general mass of rock adjacentto an orebody. Also known as the host rock.

Crosscut - A horizontal opening driven from a shaft and (or near) rightangles to the strike of a vein or other orebody.

Crust - The outermost layer of the Earth; includes both continental andoceanic crust.

Cum-dividend - Buyer entitled to pending dividend payment.

Current assets - Assets of company which can and are likely to beconverted into cash within a year. Includes cash, marketable securities,accounts receivable and supplies.

Current liabilities - A company's debts that are payable within a year'stime.

Custom smelter - A smelter which processes concentrates from independentmines. Concentrates may be purchased or the smelter may be contracted to do theprocessing for the independent company.

Cut-and-fill - A method of stoping in which ore is removed in slices, orlifts, and then the excavation is filled with rock or other waste material(backfill), before the subsequent slice is extracted.

Cut value - Applies to assays that have been reduced to some arbitrarymaximum to prevent erratic high values from inflating the average.

Cyanidation - A method of extracting exposed gold or silver grains fromcrushed or ground ore by dissolving it in a weak cyanide solution. May becarried out in tanks inside a mill or in heaps of ore out of doors.

Cyanide - A chemical species containing carbon and nitrogen used todissolve gold and silver from ore. 2351a5e196

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