The relevance of posting the 40 mile per hour (mph) minimum speed limit on the Interstate Highway System has been increasingly called into question since the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 repealed the federally sanctioned maximum speed limit. In this study, data were collected on major interstate highways in Florida to evaluate speed distribution relative to the 40 mph posted minimum speed limit. The data revealed that the 15th percentile speed at all sites was 60 mph or above on both four-lane and six-lane highway sections. The analysis showed that the average speed at all sites was approximately 5 standard deviations above the 40 mph minimum. The coefficient of variation ranged from 7% to 11%, while the trimmed variance analysis showed that vehicles traveling below 55 mph contributed insignificantly to the variation in traffic speeds. A comparison of data collected before the speed limit rose from 65 mph to 70 mph showed that the average speed increased by 5 mph, while the variances did not change significantly. The coefficients of variation, however, increased significantly. The results reported here suggest that speed variability at the lower end of the distribution is not a significant factor in traffic operating characteristics on Florida rural interstate highways.

The decades-old practice of posting minimum speed limits on rural interstates and other limited access highways is predicated on the desire to reduce vehicle conflicts caused by speed variability in a traffic stream. The relevance of the 40 mile per hour (mph) posted minimum speed limit found on the Interstate Highway System is increasingly being called into question in light of the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995, which repealed the federally sanctioned maximum speed limit of 65 mph on rural highways. Most states, including Florida, then raised the maximum speed limits, and by the end of 1997, most parts of Interstates 4, 10, 75, and 95 in Florida posted 70 mph, which is the maximum speed allowed by the Florida state statutes. While the maximum speed limit fluctuated over time, the minimum did not and, in Florida, the 40 mph limit was in effect and posted across many sections of rural interstate highways, even when the U.S. Congress required states to lower the speed limit to 55 mph in 1974.

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With such a wide (30 mph) gap between maximum and minimum speed limits, it is logical to question the relevance of the 40 mph posted minimum. If the review of the current speed distribution shows that the 15th percentile speed is much higher than the 40 mph posted minimum, perhaps the minimum speed needs to be increased or rescinded. Also, it is important to know if the continued posting of the 40 mph minimum speed limit results in the increase in speed variability on rural interstate highways. A review of traffic operations on sections of Florida highways may provide answers to these questions.

The promise behind the posting of minimum speed limits on interstate highways was to reduce interactions between fast and slow moving vehicles. Many states based their minimum speed limits on the Uniform Vehicle Code (UVC) published by the National Committee of Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances (National Committee 1954). The UVC stipulated that minimum speed limits be established on highways whenever traffic and engineering investigations concluded that slow-moving vehicles consistently impeded the normal flow of traffic on the highways.

Studies showed that, by 1962, many states had adopted slow speed laws in their statutes in compliance with the UVC (National Committee 1964). Florida was among the states adopting slow-speed provision, making 40 mph the minimum on the four-lane interstate system, the Turnpike, and defense highways. Basically, the Florida statutes made it illegal to drive at a slow speed that impedes the normal and reasonable flow of traffic on rural highways.

The literature reveals that, in the early 1960s, 41 states and the District of Columbia instituted slow-speed laws in verbatim or significantly conforming with the UVC, while the remaining 9 states did not add minimum speed regulations in their codes. Like Florida, Georgia and South Dakota statutes explicitly stated that the minimum speed limit was 40 mph, while Michigan and North Carolina maintained a 45 mph minimum speed rule on their interstate highways.

A 2003 survey of minimum speed practices in different states conducted for the Florida Department of Transportation showed that, following the 1995 National Highway System Designation Act, 43 states raised the maximum speed limit on their Interstate Highway System roads (Mussa 2003). However, the posted minimum speed on these systems did not change. In fact, the survey showed that 14 states still use 40 mph minimum speed limit signs, 10 states use 45 mph, and 1 state uses 55 mph. Furthermore, the survey showed that 25 states do not post minimum speed limit signs. Some respondents in states that do not post minimum speed limit signs indicated that slow driving is not a big problem on their highways and if a need arose for enforcement, various rules in their state statutes, such as "impeding traffic flow," can be used to warn or cite slow drivers.

Posting a minimum speed limit was and still is motivated by the desire to reduce speed variability in a traffic stream and its attendant consequences in efficiency and safety of traffic operations. Numerous studies have documented the negative effects of speed variability.

In determining the extent to which the 55 mph federally sanctioned maximum speed limit affected safety, a Transportation Research Board (TRB) study found that the probability of crashes occurring increases as the speed variance rises. The study showed that speed variation causes significant lane changing and passing maneuvers, which are known to be potential sources of conflicts and crashes (TRB 1984). The significance of speed variance was observed by developing a fatality model that included highway safety characteristics such as traffic density, percentage of vehicles exceeding 65 mph, percentage of teenagers, and enforcement activity, as well as speed variance and average speeds. The TRB model revealed that speed variance had a statistically significant effect on fatality rates-states with wider variances in vehicle speed on the highway tended to have higher fatality rates. The study further found that the mean speed only affected the severity of crashes. Holding the effect of speed variance constant in the model presented no statistically significant relationship between the fatality rate and any other speed variables. The study concluded that controlling speed variance could be an effective tool in improving highway safety.

Another study of 36 crashes that occurred on Indiana highway 37 indicated that the crash involvement rates per million vehicle-miles of travel were higher for vehicles whose speeds were below and above the mean speed (West and Dunn 1971). After removing data on all crashes related to turning maneuvers, the authors found that the crash risk associated with vehicles traveling faster or slower was more than six times the involvement rates at the mean speed. The West and Dunn findings were supported by Hauer (1971) who developed a mathematical model to correlate accident involvement rates and vehicle travel speeds. Hauer found that the imposition of a minimum speed limit on highways was two to three times as effective as an equivalent maximum speed limit in reducing the frequency of overtaking and thereby crash involvement rates. Hauer suggested that the relationship between vehicle speed deviations and crashes might be due to a higher incidence of passing maneuvers from which the vehicle passes or is passed by another vehicle-a situation caused by the presence of slower vehicles impeding fast vehicles in the traffic stream.

Lave (1985) found that the major highway safety benefits obtained after the enactment of the 1974 National Maximum Speed Limit Act-which reduced the maximum speed limit on interstate highways to 55 mph-were due to the reduction of speed variance rather than average speed. The author argued that a reduction in speed variance was realized because speed differences between slow and fast moving vehicles were reduced enough to cause a uniform flow of traffic on interstate highways. Thus, with small speed variances there are fewer passing and overtaking maneuvers, eventually leading to the reduction in the potential for conflicts and crashes. Lave concluded that slow drivers are just as dangerous as fast drivers and thus posting minimum speed limits is desirable so as to reduce speed variance in a traffic stream.

The posting of higher maximum speed limits on rural interstate highways necessitates an evaluation of the relevance of posted minimum speed limit signs that existed prior to raising the maximum speed. Some studies (e.g., West and Dunn 1971; Hauer 1971; and Lave 1985) documented that posting the minimum speed limit has the beneficial effect of smoothening traffic flow by removing perturbations caused by speed differences.

While evidence obtained from past research shows that vehicle speed variability contributes to crashes, it is a big and unsubstantiated leap to say that posting 40 mph minimum speed limit signs on a highway with a 70 mph maximum speed limit, as is the case on the Florida rural Interstate Highway System, contributes to large differences in vehicle speeds. The effect of the 40(min)/70(max) seeming mismatch can be evaluated through a carefully designed field study in which driver characteristics and the resulting operating speeds are observed over a long period of time on highway sections with similar geometrics and traffic characteristics but with some having the 40 mph minimum posted and others not having the minimum posted. Furthermore, knowing whether the minimum speed limit should be increased above 40 mph and by how much, given that the maximum speed limit has been raised from 65 mph to 70 mph, would also be useful. To obtain this information, a study would require experimental highway sections with the desired minimum speed limit signs posted. e24fc04721

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