Privacy Policy

Mini Boss Gunfire Games has collected device information, like IP address and device identifiers, as well as events completed or actions taken within the game, including level, number of credits, time it took you to earn them, metadata about in-game communications and the value and details of purchases. Using our systems, the developer of the game has ongoing access to this data. This collection and use of data makes it possible for your experience to operate as expected by permitting you to do things like redeem rewards you have earned or return to where you left off in a game. Other Unity customers may have access to aggregated reports about game activity in general across a number of games. These reports are based, in part, on your game activities, but do not specifically identify you or your device. The reports described in this paragraph help developers make decisions on optimal methods to run the games they have made for you. For example, the developer may need to know the types of devices running the game to determine how to support game updates on an ongoing basis. Some data collected by Unity Analytics or deltaDNA may be used by Unity Ads for personalized advertising; see the FAQs related to advertising for more information.

We do no store collect any personal information and store or share with any third party. for ads network there privacy policy is given below

- unity ads =

- Facebook Ads =

- chartboost =

- Supersonic/IronSource =

-Mobvista =

- Vungle =

- Flurry =

- Tapjoy =

- InMobi =

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