Try Minecraft free! Play the browser versions, official free trials, or redeem a free Minecraft account. Minecraft online with multiplayer is available, with the exception of the official trials which only allow singleplayer.

Visit, click on Minecraft, and then scroll down to find the free Java Edition trial. Select your PC type, whether it's Windows, Mac, or Linux, and hit the "Download Now" button. Once downloaded and installed, simply login and select "Play Demo World" to get started with the trial.

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Visit, click on Minecraft, and then Choose the device you want to install the Bedrock Edition trial on. Unfortunately, there is currently no trial for iOS devices. A lot of users prefer this version because it has a cleaner interface and works on several mobile devices. This is great for trying out the game on the go, but also has a time limit.

If you want to run a Minecraft multiplayer server by yourself things get kind of involved (see this wiki article for a tutorial). First make sure you can use java from the command line. On Linux and macOS this should already be set up but on Windows you might have to tinker with the PATH environment variable.

Go to -us/download/server in a browser. It'll say something like "Download minecraft_server.1.16.2.jar and run it with the following command." That version number and URL will change in the future. Right-click and copy link into your clipboard We are going to PASTE it (right click with your mouse) after the "wget" below. So we'll make a folder, download the server.jar, then run it.

I am trying to run a spigot server on my ubuntu vps (openVZ). The problem is that I receive "Killed" messages that shuts the server down. After a bit research i found out that there is not enough memory, but i have the min and the max memory (java) set to 512M (before i had 1G but there were even more crashes). I understand why processses are killed because of too much ram usage, but I dont understand why these processes are not using the swap (2gb).

7. Within the string of command text, you'll see the words "minecraft_server.1.18.2.jar." You'll need to rename that portion of the text "server.jar." That means that the new line of code will now read:

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So I was playing on my minecraft server earlier, and suddenly my pc restarted from nowhere. When I turned it on and tried to come back to my minecraft server, I got the message "Invalid player data". I searched online and decided to delete my .DAT file, it didn't worked. I deleted my name from the usercache.JSON and usernamecache.JSON, it didn't worked. My friends that were on the server when it crashed too can play, but I can't. I don't mind getting my data reseted, but I can't do that either.

The console shows this message when I try to log in:

Give your VM instance a name (I called mine “minecraft-server") and choose a “compartment”. Compartments are just a way to group different things together. You can just leave the default (“root”) compartment selected. Also, choose an “availability domain” - any of them will do, it doesn’t matter for this server!

In the installation process, the minecraft user and group are created. Establishing a Minecraft-specific user is recommended for security reasons. By running Minecraft under an unprivileged user account, anyone who successfully exploits your Minecraft server will only get access to that user account, and not yours.However, you may safely add your user to the minecraft group and add group write permission to the directory /srv/minecraft (default) to modify Minecraft server settings. Make sure that all files in the /srv/minecraft directory are either owned by the minecraft user, or that the user has by other means read and write permissions. The server will error out if it is unable to access certain files and might even have insufficient rights to write an according error message to the log.

The package provides a systemd service and timer to take automatic backups. By default, the backups are located in the backup folder under the server root directory. Though to keep the disk footprint small only the 10 most recent backups are preserved (configurable via KEEP_BACKUPS). The related systemd files are minecraftd-backup.timer and minecraftd-backup.service. They may easily be adapted to your liking, e.g. to follow a custom backup interval.

To start the server, you may either use systemd or run it directly from the command line. Either way, the server is encapsulated in a tmux session which is owned by the minecraft user. Using systemd, you may start/enable the included minecraftd.service. Alternatively, run

In order to run the Minecraft server, you must accept the End User License Agreement. This only needs to happen once after installation. The EULA file resides under /srv/minecraft/eula.txt after being created by the package. You will need to edit this file to state that you have agreed to the contract in order to run the server. All you need to do is change:

To easily control the server, you may use the provided minecraftd script. It is capable of doing basic commands like start, stop, restart or attaching to the session with console. Moreover, it may be used to display status information with status, backup the server world directory with backup, restore world data from backups with restore or run single commands in the server console with command do-something.

For example, more advanced users may wish to enable IDLE_SERVER by setting it to true. This will enable the management script to suspend the server if no player was online for at least IDLE_IF_TIME (defaults to 20 minutes). When the server is suspended, an idle_server will listen on the Minecraft port using ncat(1) from nmap (or any other implementation of netcat) and will immediately start the server at the first incoming connection. Though this obviously delays joining for the first time after suspension, it significantly decreases the CPU and memory usage leading to more reasonable resource and power consumption levels.

Spigot is the most widely-used modded Minecraft server in the world. It can be installed with the spigotAUR package. The spigot PKGBUILD builds on top of the files from the minecraft-serverAUR package. This means that the spigot server provides its own systemd unit files, spigot script and corresponding script configuration file. The binary is called spigot and is capable of fulfilling the same commands as minecraftd. The configuration file resides under /etc/conf.d/spigot.

The Cuberite Minecraft server can be installed as a cuberiteAUR package, which provides a simple web interface by default at port 8080 with which most server operations can easily be done through the browser. The cuberite PKGBUILD builds on top of the files from the minecraft-serverAUR package. This means that the cuberite server provides its own systemd unit files, cuberite script and corresponding script configuration file. The binary is called cuberite and is capable of fulfilling the same commands as minecraftd. The configuration file resides under /etc/conf.d/cuberite.

Most Minecraft server providers will charge a premium for a server with the default minecraft port, therefore if your port differs from 25565 you must specify the port by appending a colon (:) to the end of the hostname or address followed by the port which was allocated to your server, for example if you address was and port was 28543 you would connect to

The first thing you should do is select a seed and version. You can either type it in manually, or you can load it from your savegame. The latter can be done by clicking on "Load from Save..." and selecting your level.dat, or by drag&dropping the level.dat file into your browser window. Level.dat is a small file located in the folder of every Minecraft savegame. You can find the savegames in the saves folder of your Minecraft installation. On Windows you can use %appdata%\.minecraft\saves to get to that folder.

Importantly, before you try to do any of this at home, these instructions are meant for parents who are helping their kids. Thus, kids MUST get parent permission and choose a time when they can supervise and help. Setting up and running an online server means that anyone with your external IP address will be able to join your server and play in your Minecraft world. Think carefully about who you invite to play on your server!

tag_hash_108___________________________Refer to the Minecraft online server set up Wiki article. PLEASE NOTE: Some solutions to server issues require adjusting critical settings on your computer. If this is done improperly, you can damage your computer.

Next, you'll need the server files. You can get these for free from the official Minecraft site: 


1. Go to the Minecraft Server Downloads page and download minecraft_server.1.11.jar. 

2. Once the download finishes, copy minecraft_server.1.11.jar into a new folder on your desktop and call this folder "Minecraft Server". 

3. Double-click minecraft_server.1.11.jar to run it.

And that's it! Remember, always ask parents for permission before starting to set up an online server! And importantly, you must download the server software from Minecraft and use port forwarding to allow others access to your server.

Craftadia is a revolutionary Survival experience that focuses on bringing players together unlike ever before!Our server is a grief-free and protected area where anyone and everyone can come online and play with others. We strive to provide a custom experience while maintaining pure...

Once the cheat has been entered, the /list command will display the number of online players, the maximum number of players allowed on the server, and the names of the players that are currently connected. 0852c4b9a8

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