The MINDS International Workshop on

Advances in High-order Methods

-fluid dynamics, biomedical science, and exascale computing

June  10 (Monday) ~ June. 13 (Thursday), 2024

Pohang, Korea

Call for Papers

We are accepting submissions for our upcoming workshop "Advances in High-order Mehtods: fluid dynamics, biomedical science, and exascale computing". Researchers and students are invited to present their papers on the subject of high order methods and related topics. We welcome your contributions. If you're interested in giving a talk, please indicate it on the registration page or email us at

Workshop Rationale

We organize an internatioal workshop focusing on high-order numerical methods, titled "Advances in High-Order Methods: Fluid Dynamics, Biomedical Science, and Exascale Computing." This workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers to exchange ideas, share recent advancements, and explore the applications of high-order methods in various application areas such as fluid dynamics, biomedical science, and exascale computing. High-order methods are highly advantageous in accuracy and efficiency compared to traditional lower order numerical techniques, making them increasingly valuable in tackling complex problems across diverse domains. Through this workshop, participants will gain insights into the latest developments in high-order methods and their potential impact on addressing real-world challenges in fluid dynamics, biomedical science, and exascale computing.

Confirmed invited speakers 

Confirmed invited student speakers