MinChung (MC) Kim, Ph.D. 

Associate Professor

School of Business Administration

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)


Tel: 82-52-217-3123

Educational Background

Ph. D. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, US, Marketing, 2008.

M. A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, US, Applied Statistics, 2003.

B.B.A. SungKyunKwan (SKK) University, Seoul, Korea, Business Administration, 2001.

Work Experience

Academic Experience

Associate Professor (Tenured), School of Business Administration, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) (January, 2017 – Present). 

Assistant Professor, School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics, the University of Hong Kong (July, 2015 – December, 2016). 

Assistant Professor, Management and Marketing Department, Faculty of Business, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (July, 2008 – June, 2015).

Non-academic Experience

Supply chain manager, Korea Army (January, 1997 – March, 1999).

Intellectual Contribution

Major Publications (* First or corresponding author)

Kim, MinChung* and J. C. Lee (2024, forthcoming), CEO fashion matters? Effect of consistent versus variable fashion style on perceived competence, Psychology & Marketing. doi/10.1002/mar.22072

Cuili, Qian, MinChung Kim*, Riki Takeuchi, and Seungrae Lee (2024),  “A Multilevel Model of Expatriate Staffing and Subsidiary Financial Performance: An Expanded Fit Perspective,” Journal of International Business Studies, 55(1), 110-120.

Lee, Seungrae, and MinChung Kim* (2021),  Expatriate Staffing and Foreign Affiliate's Labor Productivity: Contingent on Foreign Production Intensity and Cultural Distance,” Journal of Korea Trade, 25(1), 133-151.

Kim, MinChung* and YongHee Kim (2019), “CSR and Shareholder Value in the Restaurant Industry: The Roles of CSR Communication through Annual Reports,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 60(1), 69-76. 

Kim, MinChung*, Guiyang Xiong, and Kwangho Kim (2018), “Where does Pride Lead? Corporate Managerial Hubris and Strategic Emphasis,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(3), 537-556.

Kim, Kwang-ho, MinChung Kim, and Cuili Qian (2018), “Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Financial Performance: A Competitive-Action Perspective,” Journal of Management, 44(3), 1097-1118.

Kim, YongHee, MinChung Kim*, and Anna S. Mattila (2017), “Corporate Social Responsibility and Equity-holder Risk in the Hospitality Industry,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 58(1), 81-93. 

Kim, MinChung*, Boyd, D. Eric, Kim, Namwoon, and Yi, Cheung H. (2016), “CMO Equity Incentive and Shareholder Value:  Moderating Roles of CMO Managerial Discretion,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(4), 725-738. 

Kim, MinChung* and YongHee Kim (2014), “Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Value of Restaurant Firms,” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 40(July), 120-129.

Kim, YongHee, MinChung Kim, and John O'Neil (2013), “Advertising and Firm Risk: A Study of the Restaurant Industry,” Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 30(5), 455-470.

Kim, MinChung* and Leigh McAlister (2011), “Stock Market Reaction to Unexpected Growth in Marketing Expenditure: Negative for Salesforce, Contingent on Spending Level for Advertising,” Journal of Marketing, 75(3), 68-85.

McAlister, Leigh, Raji Srinivasan, and MinChung Kim (2007), “Advertising, Research and Development, and Systematic Risk of the Firm,” Journal of Marketing, 71(1), 35-48 (MSI Paul H. Root Award Finalist)

Other Publications

Kim, MinChung*, Kwang-ho Kim, and YongHee Kim (2021), “Strategic Emphasis and its Performance Implication: Difference between the US and China,” International Business Journal (Korean Citation Index [KCI] Journal), 32(1), 117-142.

Kim, YongHee, Kaming Queena Cheung, and MinChung Kim (2017), “Workplace Relationships and Employee Engagement: Domestic Workers vs. Expatriates,” Academy of Asian Business Review (Korean Citation Index [KCI] Journal), 3(1), 55-73.

Kim, YongHee, Chun Ting (Benjamin) Kot, and MinChung Kim (2016), “SNS and Brand Loyalty of the Millennial: A Case of Hong Kong Hotel Industry,” Academy of Asian Business Review (Korean Citation Index [KCI] Journal), 2(1), 1-20 (Best Paper Award).

Kim, MinChung*, Leslie Yip, Yuanqin Li, and YongHee Kim (2015), “Advertising and Ownership Structures: Evidence from the Emerging Chinese Market,” Academy of Asian Business Review (Korean Citation Index [KCI] Journal), 1(1), 17-34.

Kim, MinChung*, YongHee Kim, and Lee Wan Fong (2015), “The Flow Signals from Advertising and Firm Financial Performance,” Chung Chon Ronchong (靑村論叢), 16, 9-34.

Conference Proceedings

Kim, Jongeun, MinChung Kim, and Taehwan Kim (2023), Effective Slogan Generation with Noise Perturbation. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '23), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 3998–4002. https://doi.org/10.1145/3583780.3615193

Kim, MinChung, Kwang-ho Kim, and YongHee Kim (2018), “Strategic Emphasis and Its Performance Implications in China,” APAIB-UNAI Joint Conference (Best Paper Award).

Kim, MinChung, Leigh McAlister, and Woo-jong Lee (2014), “Impacts of Chief Marketing Officer on Financial Performances,” Korean Scholars of Marketing Science International Conference.

Kim, YongHee, MinChung Kim, and John O'Neil (2011), “Advertising and Firm Equity Risk: Observations from the Restaurant Industry,” Asia-Pacific Travel Association, 303-306.

Kim, YongHee, John O'Neil, and MinChung Kim (2011), “Who is Your Rival? : Competitive Dynamics and Hotel Pricing Decisions,” APacCHRIE.


Kim, Taehwan, and MinChung Kim (2023), 대상을 설명하는 텍스트 데이터에 기계 학습 모델을 적용하여 생성된 벡터 그래픽 커맨드를 이용하여 대상을 표현하는 이미지를 생성하는 방법 및 장치

Research Grants

2017: Kim, MinChung (Principal Investigator) “Managerial Knowledge Transfer and Subsidiary Performance of Global Enterprises: The Contingent Roles of Firm Strategy and Country Distances” (US$ 19,000), Korea National Research Foundation (NRF), Korea.

2014: Kim, MinChung (Principal Investigator) “The Flow Signals of Advertising and Firm Financial Performances” (US$4,480), Chung Chon Grant, Korea.

2011: Kim, MinChung (Principal Investigator) “When do Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Create Shareholder Value? The Role of Marketing Communication and its Productivity” (HK$469,983 = US$60,254), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC), Hong Kong

Professional Services

Associate Editor (2021 ~ ) : Psychology & Marketing 

Editorial Review Board (2017 ~ current) : Journal of Business Research, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, Academy of Asian Business Executive Board

Ad-hoc Reviewer : major marketing and hospitality management journals including Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, International Journal of Hospitality Management 

Services to University (UNIST)

University Committee Member : 학생선발 위원회, Visibility 위원회, U교육혁신센터운영 위원회, 융합경영대학원 위원회

Special Lecture “Entrepreneurial Marketing” : UNIST Technology Commercialization Program, 1st and 2nd semester in 2017-2019 Academic year

Special Lecture “Global Marketing” : a lecture for students who participated in the UNIST Global Marketing Consultant Program in 2017-2018 Academic year


Teaching Interests

Entrepreneurial Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Engineering, International Marketing, Marketing Research 

 Teaching Experiences

International Marketing (UNIST)

Entrepreneurial Marketing (UNIST, MOT)

Marketing Management (UNIST, MOT)

Introduction to Marketing (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Principles of Marketing (University of Hong Kong)

Strategic Marketing Management (University of Hong Kong)

Marketing Management (University of Hong Kong, EMBA)

Awards, Honors, and Scholarship


2011/2012: Faculty Prize in Research Excellence, from the Dean of Faculty of Business at Hong Kong Polytechnic University 


2018: Best Paper Awards in 2018 APAIB-UNAI Joint Conference

2017: Best Paper Awards in Academy of Asian Business Review

2008: Finalist for 2007 MSI/H. Paul Root Award. MSI/H. 

2007: AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow 

2006: Houston Doctoral Symposium Fellow