Innovation Laboratory for Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials

Welcome Message

Our research goals are, in the research field of Organic-inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Materials (OHPs)

1) Study of correlations among defect, phonon-dispersion, and electronic structure

2) Realization of THz-based applications using OHPs for future medical devices

For students, our laboratory asks them about global-standard attitudes and frontier thinkers that are conducted in English. We are sure that you will improve your creativity and open&wide viewpoint for research and technology in our laboratory and university. You can learn basically that 

1) Thin film fabrication with vacuum technology 

2) Basic characterizations (x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation-based measurements, and THz-time domain spectroscopy)

3) Solid-state physics, Surface Physics, Chemical Physics, and Materials Science

If you want to join in our research group or have some questions, please contact us via email. Always welcome your messages!

Principle Investgator

Min-Cherl JUNG, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, JAPAN 


- Surface/Chemical/Condensed Matter Physics (Exp.) 

- Materials Physics/Science

- Synchrotron radiation-based experiments (soft x-ray based ARPES, NEXAFS, SPEM) with Dr. Young Mi Lee

- THz-Time Domain Spectroscopy with Dr. Inhee Maeng and Dr. Sung Jae Oh

- Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials (thin film and single crystal)

- Defect, phonon-dispersion, electronics structures and their correlations with Dr. Sunghun Cheon and Dr. Jinwoo Park

- THz-based applications (Sensing, modulating, and imaging devices) for medical deivces

Editor Activity

- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Physics (Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics)

- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics)

Research history

  1998 B.S., Department of Physics, University of Seoul

  2000 M.S., Department of Physics, Graduate School, University of Seoul

  2003 Ph.D., Department of Physics, Graduate School, University of Seoul 

  2003-2005 Post-Doctor Researcher, Nano Surface Group, Kore Research Institute of Standard and Science 

  2005-2008 Beamline Scientist (8A1), Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH 

  2008-2010 Research Professor, Dept. of Physics, University of Ulsan

  2010 Senior Researcher, Memory Division, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.

  2011-2012 Assistant Research Professor, Department of Physics, POSTECH

  2012-2015 Staff Scientist, Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Unit (Prof. Yabing Qi), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

  2016-2019 Assistant Professor, Laboratory for Organic Electronics (Prof. Masakazu Nakamura), Division of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology

 2020-Present Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba


- The honored invited speaker, ThinFilm2018, Shenzhen (China) - International Conference, Min-Cherl JUNG, 19 July 2018

- Outstanding Reviewer (2017), Organic Electronics, Min-Cherl JUNG, 1 December 2017

- 1st JUSUNG Technology awards, Korea Vacuum Society, Min-Cherl JUNG, 22 August 2008


To see the details, refer to my Researchgate page. (


(a) Peer-reviewed original papers (Current total: 70 papers)

(b) Published reviews (Peer-reviewed)

(c) Researcher information

ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-0908 (

ResearcherID: B-2133-2015 (


Google Scholar:

(d) Patents

(e) Recent oral presentations (Only for the invited talk)