Innovation Laboratory for Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials
Welcome Message
Our research goals are, in the research field of Organic-inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Materials (OHPs),
1) Study of correlations among defect, phonon-dispersion, and electronic structure
2) Realization of THz-based applications using OHPs for future medical devices
For students, our laboratory asks them about global-standard attitudes and frontier thinkers that are conducted in English. We are sure that you will improve your creativity and open&wide viewpoint for research and technology in our laboratory and university. You can learn basically that
1) Thin film fabrication with vacuum technology
2) Basic characterizations (x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation-based measurements, and THz-time domain spectroscopy)
3) Solid-state physics, Surface Physics, Chemical Physics, and Materials Science
If you want to join in our research group or have some questions, please contact us via email. Always welcome your messages!
Principle Investgator
Min-Cherl JUNG, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, JAPAN
- Surface/Chemical/Condensed Matter Physics (Exp.)
- Materials Physics/Science
- Synchrotron radiation-based experiments (soft x-ray based ARPES, NEXAFS, SPEM) with Dr. Young Mi Lee
- THz-Time Domain Spectroscopy with Dr. Inhee Maeng and Dr. Sung Jae Oh
- Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials (thin film and single crystal)
- Defect, phonon-dispersion, electronics structures and their correlations with Dr. Sunghun Cheon and Dr. Jinwoo Park
- THz-based applications (Sensing, modulating, and imaging devices) for medical deivces
Editor Activity
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Physics (Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics)
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics)
Research history
1998 B.S., Department of Physics, University of Seoul
2000 M.S., Department of Physics, Graduate School, University of Seoul
2003 Ph.D., Department of Physics, Graduate School, University of Seoul
2003-2005 Post-Doctor Researcher, Nano Surface Group, Kore Research Institute of Standard and Science
2005-2008 Beamline Scientist (8A1), Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH
2008-2010 Research Professor, Dept. of Physics, University of Ulsan
2010 Senior Researcher, Memory Division, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
2011-2012 Assistant Research Professor, Department of Physics, POSTECH
2012-2015 Staff Scientist, Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Unit (Prof. Yabing Qi), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
2016-2019 Assistant Professor, Laboratory for Organic Electronics (Prof. Masakazu Nakamura), Division of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
2020-Present Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba
- The honored invited speaker, ThinFilm2018, Shenzhen (China) - International Conference, Min-Cherl JUNG, 19 July 2018
- Outstanding Reviewer (2017), Organic Electronics, Min-Cherl JUNG, 1 December 2017
- 1st JUSUNG Technology awards, Korea Vacuum Society, Min-Cherl JUNG, 22 August 2008
To see the details, refer to my Researchgate page. (
(a) Peer-reviewed original papers (Current total: 70 papers)
Inhee Maeng, Young Mi Lee, Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), Review: “THz-Wave Absorption Properties of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Materials: A New Candidate for THz Sensors “, Small Science, 2300186 (2024)
Inhee Maeng, Shi Chen, Seungjun Lee, Shenghao Wang, Young-Kyun- Kwon, and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), “Predicted THz-wave absorption properties observed in all-inorganic perovskite CsPbI3 thin films: Integrity at the grain boundary”, Materials Today Physics, 30, 100960 (2023)
Tingchao He and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), “Editorial: Light Manipulation in Novel Functional Materials and Waveguide Structures”, Frontiers in Chemistry, DOI:10.3389/fchem.2022.1054197 (2022)
Ren Hagio, Hiroaki Benten, Yunju Na, Zhiyuan Liang, Naoki Oyaizu, Junya Suzuki, Shota Kubota, Min-Cherl Jung, Hirotaka Kojima, and Masakazu Nakamura, “Chain aggregation dictates bimolecular charge recombination and fill factor of all-polymer blend solar cells”, J. Materials Chemistry A, 10, 21727 (2022)
Inhee Maeng, Seungjun Lee, E. Q. Han, Yurou Zhang, Seung Jae Oh, Masakazu Nakamura, Jung-Ho Yun, Lianzhou Wang, Young-Kyun Kwon, and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), "Unusual terahertz-wave absorptions in δ/α-mixed-phase FAPbI3 single crystals: interfacial phonon vibration modes", NPG Asia Materials, 13, 75 (2021)
Inhee Maeng, Asuka Matsuyama, Masakazu Nakamura, and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), "Correlation of THz-wave absorption properties by different halogen elements in FAPb(Br, I)-based hybrid perovskite thin films", Applied Physics Express, 14, 121002 (2021)
Inhee Maeng, Hiroshi Tanaka, Valynn Katrine Mag-usara, Makoto Nakajima, Masakazu Nakamura and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), “Terahertz Wave Absorption Property of all Mixed Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Thin Film MA(Sn, Pb)(Br, I)3 Fabricated by Sequential Vacuum Evaporation Method”, Frontiers in Chemistry, 9, 753141 (2021)
Yurou Zhang, Dohyung Kim, Jung-Ho Yun,* Jongchul Lim, Min-Cherl Jung, Xiaoming Wen, Jan Seidel, Eunyoung Choi, Mu Xiao, Tengfei Qiu, Miaoqiang Lyu, EQ Han, Mehri Ghasemi, Sean Lim, Henry J. Snaith, Jae Sung Yun,* an Lianzhou Wang, “Self-Assembled Perovskite Nanoislands on CH3NH3PbI3 Cubed Single Crystal by Energetic Surface Engineering”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2105542 (2021)
Young Mi Lee, Inhee Maeng, Miaoqiang Lyu, Jung-Ho, Yun, Lianzhou Wang, Masakazu Nakamura, and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), “Bias effect on surface chemical states of CH3NH3PbBr3 hybrid perovskite single crystal: Decreasing CH3NH2 molecular effect”, Applied Surface Science, 542, 148536 (2021)
Inhee Maeng, Seungjun Lee, Hiroshi Tanaka, Jung-Ho Yun, Shenghao Wang, Masakazu Nakamura, Young-Kyun Kwon, and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), “Unique phonon modes of a CH3NH3PbBr3 hybrid perovskite film without the influence of defect structures: an attempt toward a novel THz-based application”, NPG Asia Materials, 12, 53 (2020)
Anjar Taufik Hidayat, Hiroaki Benten, Noboru Ohta, Yunju Na, Azusa Muraoka, Hirotaka Kojima, Min-Cherl Jung, and Masakazu Nakamura, “Enhancement of Short-Range Ordering of Low-Bandgap Donor-Acceptor Conjugated Polymer in Polymer/Polymer Blend Films”, Macromolecules, 53, 6630 (2020)
Heriyanto Syafutra, Jung-Ho Yun, Yuya Yoshie, Miaoqiang Lyu, Sakura Nishino Takeda, Masakazu Nakamura, Lianzhou Wang, and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), “Surface Degradation Mechanism on CH3NH3PbBr3 Hybrid Perovskite Single Crystal by a Grazing E-Beam Irradiation”, nanomaterials, 10, 1253 (2020)
Inhee Maeng, Asuka Matsuyama, Jung-Ho Yun, Shenghao Wang, Chul Kang, Chul-Sik Kee, Masakazu Nakamura, and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), “Strong Linear Correlation between CH3NH2 and Molecular Defect and THz-wave absorption in CH3NH3PbI3 Hybrid Perovskite Thin Film”, nanomaterials, 10, 721 (2020)
Min-Cherl Jung (First & Corr. Author), Asuka Matsuyama, Sora Kobori, Inhee Maeng, Young Mi Lee, Myungkwan song, Sung-Ho Jin, and Masakazu Nakamura, “Clean interface without any intermixed state between ultra-thin P3 polymer and CH3NH3PbI3 hybrid perovskite thin film”, Scientific Reports, 9, 10835 (2019)
Inhee Maeng, Young Mi Lee, Jinwoo Park, Sonia R. Raga, Chul Kang, Chul-Sik Kee, Byung Deok Yu, Suklyun Hong, Luis K. Ono, Yabing Qi, Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), and Masakazu Nakamura, “Significant THz absorption in CH3NH2 molecular defect-incorporated organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite thin film”, Scientific Reports, 9, 5811 (2019)
Min-Cherl Jung (First Author), Takeshi Horie, Hirotaka Kojima, Hiroaki Benten, and Masakazu Nakamura, “An origin of the irreproducibility of hole injection barrier from Au top- contact electrodes and its influence on device performance in top-contact organic field-effect transistors”, Organic Electronics, 69, 92 (2019)
Young Mi Lee, Jung-Ho Yun, Asuka Matsuyama, Sora Kobori, Inhee Maeng, Miaoqiang Lyu, Shenghao Wang, Lanzhou Wang, Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), and Masakazu Nakamura, “Significant THz-wave absorption property in mixed δ- and α-FAPbI3 hybrid perovskite flexible thin film formed by sequential vacuum evaporation”, Applied Physics Express, 12, 051003 (2019)
Min-Cherl Jung (First and Corr. Author), Sora Kobori, Asuka Matsuyama, Inhee Maeng, Young Mi Lee, Hirotaka Kojima, Hiroaki Benten, and Masakazu Nakamura, “Formation of CH3NH2-incorporated intermediate state in CH3NH3PbI3 hybrid perovskite thin film formed by sequential vacuum evaporation”, Applied Physics Express, 12, 015501 (2019)
Young Mi Lee, Jinwoo Park, Byung Deck Yu, Suklyun Hong, Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), and Masakazu Nakamura, “Surface Instability of Sn-based hybrid perovskite thin film, CH3NH3SnI3: The origin of its material instability”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9, 2293 (2018)
Min-Cherl Jung (First Author), Hirotaka Kojima, Izumi Matsumura, Hiroaki Benten, and Masakazu Nakamura, “Diffusion and influence on photovoltaic characteristics of p-type dopants in organic photovoltaics for energy harvesting from blue-light”, Organic Electronics, 52, 17 (2018)
Y. M. Lee, S. Y. Lee, T. Sasaki, K. Kim, D. Ahn, and M.-C. Jung (Corr. Author), “Two different phase-change origins with chemical- and structural-phase change in C doped (1.5 wt.%) In3Sb1Te2”, Scientific Reports, 6, 38663 (2016)
Min-Cherl Jung (First Author), Young Mi Lee, Han-Koo Lee, Jinwoo Park, Sonia R. Raga, Luis K. Ono, Shenghao Wang, Matthew R. Leyden, Byung Deok Yu, Suklyun Hong and Yabing Qi, “The presence of CH3NH2 neutral species in organometal halide perovskite films”, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 073901 (2016)
Min-Cherl Jung (First Author) and Yabing Qi, “Dopant interdiffusion effects in n-i-p structured spiro-OMeTAD hole transport layer of organometal halide perovskite solar cells”, Organic Electronics, 31, 71 (2016)
Min-Cherl Jung (First Author), Sonia R. Raga, and Yabing Qi, “Properties and solar cell applications of Pb-free perovskite films formed by vapor deposition”. RSC Advances, 6, 2819 (2016)
Young Mi Lee, Min-Sang Jung, Duck-Kyun Choi, and Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), “Observations on Si-based micro-clusters embedded in TaN thin film deposited by co-sputtering with oxygen contamination”, AIP Advance, 5, 087131 (2015)
Min-Cherl Jung (First Author), Sonia R. Raga, Luis K. Ono, and Yabing Qi, “Substantial improvement of perovskite solar cells stability by pinhole-free hole transport layer with doping engineering”, Scientific Reports, 5, 9863 (2015)
Sonia R. Raga, Min-Cherl Jung, Michael V. Lee, Matthew R. Leyden, Yuichi Kato, and Yabing Qi, “The influence of air annealing on high efficiency planar structure perovskite solar cells”, Chemistry of Materials, 27, 1597 (2015)
Adam J. Moule ́, Min-Cherl Jung, Chris W. Rochester, Wolfgang Tress, Daniela LaGrange, Ian E. Jacobs, Jun Li, Scott A. Mauger, M. Diego Rail, Oliver Lin, David J. Bilsky, Yabing Qi, Pieter Stroeve, Louise A. Berben, and Moritz Riedee, “Mixed interlayers at the interface between PEDOT:PSS and conjugated polymers provide charge transport control”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3, 2664 (2015)
Min-Cherl Jung (First Author), Matthew Leyden, Gueorgui O. Nikiforov, Michael V. Lee, Han-Koo Lee, Tae Joo Shin, Kazuo Takimiya, and Yabing Qi, “Flat-lying semiconductor-insulator interfacial layer in DNTT thin films”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 1833 (2015)
Min-Cherl Jung (First Author), Dongrong Zhang, Gueorgui O. Nikiforov, Michael V. Lee, Tae Joo Shin, Docheon Ahn, Han-Koo Lee, Jaeyoon Baik, Hyun-Joon Shin, and Yabing Qi, “Ultrathin polycrystalline 6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)-pentacene films”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 33, 021506 (2015)
Min-Cherl Jung (First&Corr. Author), Young Mi Lee, Kihong Kim, “Effects of carbon doping on chemical states of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5, measured with synchrotron radiation”, Current Applied Physics, 14, 1421 (2014)
Nhu Thuy Ho, V. Senthilkumar, Hak-Soon Cho, Sung Ho Nho, Shinuk Cho, M.-C. Jung, Y. B. Qi, and Yong Soo Kim, “Reliability improvement of bulkheterojunction organic solar cell by using reduced graphene oxide as hole-transport layer”, Phys. Status Solidi A, 1-4 (2014)
Y. M. Lee, D. Ahn, J.-Y. Kim, Y. S. Kim, S. Cho, M. Ahn, M.-H. Cho, M. S. Jung, D. K. Choi, M.-C. Jung (Corr. Author) and Y.B. Qi, “Only the chemical state of Indium changes in Mn-doped In3Sb1Te2 (Mn: 10 at.%) during multi-level resistance changes”, Scientific Reports, 4, 4702 (2014)
Yuichi Kato, Min-Cherl Jung, Michael V. Lee and Yabing Qi, “Electrical and optical properties of transparent flexible electrodes: Effects of UV ozone and oxygen plasma treatments”, Org. Elect., 15, 721 (2014)
Y. M. Lee, J. Baik, H.-J. Shin, Y.S. Kim, S.G. Yoon, M.-C. Jung (Corr. Author) and Y.B. Qi, “Observation of chemical separation of In3Sb1Te2 thin film during phase transition”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 292, 986 (2014)
Jewook Park, Sung Won Jung, Min-Cherl Jung, Hiroyuki Yamane, Nobuhiro Kosugi and Han Woong Yeom, “Self-Assembled Nanowires with Giant Rashba Split Bands”, Phy. Rev. Lett., 110, 036801 (2013)
Ming Liu, Shi-Jian Su, Min-Cherl Jung, Yabing Qi, Wei-Ming Zhao and Junji Kido, “Hybrid Heterocycle-Containg Electron-Transport Materials Synthesized by Regioselective Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reaction for Highly Efficient Phosphorescent OLEDs with Unprecedented Low Operating Voltage”, Chemistry of Materials, 24, 3817 (2012)
Y. M. Lee, S. H. Jang, M. Han, and M.-C. Jung (Corr. Author), “Chemical states and photoluminescence of Si0.3Ge0.7-nitride film formed by N2+ gas”, Applied Physics Letters, 99, 123103 (2011)
Y. M. Lee, W. S. Yun, S. C. Hong, and M.-C. Jung (Corr. author), “The trapping N2 molecules and the reduction in its bonding length in Ge(100) due to N2+ ion implantation”, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 124316 (2011)
Y. M. Lee, D. D. Dung, S. Cho, M. S. Jung, D. K. Choi, D. Ahn, M. K. Kim, J.-Y. Kim, and M.-C. Jung (Corr. author), “Characterization of Fe-doped In-Sb-Te (Fe: 10 at.%) material with individual electrical-phase-change and magnetic properties”, AIP Advances, 1, 022150 (2011)
H.-J. Yun, J. Lee, M.-C. Jung, M.-S. Han, K. Park, K.-S. Ahn and C.-J. Choi, "Chemical bonding structures of silicon oxynitride films grown by ionised N2 and pure O2 gas mixtures at low temperature", Advances in Applied Ceramics , 110, 25 (2011)
Y.M. Lee, H.J. Shin, S.J. Choi, J.H. Oh, H.S. Jeong, K. Kim, M.-C. Jung (Corr. author), "Nitrogen contribution to N-doped GeTe (N: 8.4 at.%) in the structural phase transition", Current Applied Physics, 11, 710 (2010)
Min-Cherl Jung (First author), Young Mi Lee, Hyun-Joon Shin, Deok-Hwang Kwon, Miyoung Kim, Changhun Ko, Moonsup Han, Yongsup Park, "Spontaneous formation of Ge nanocrystals with the capping layer of Ge3N4 by N2+ implantation and rapid thermal annealing", Thin Solid Films, 518, 6010 (2010)
Y.M. Lee, M.-C. Jung, H.J. Shin, K. Kim, S.A. Song, H.S. Jeong, C. Ko, M. Han, "Temperature-dependent high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study on Ge1Sb2Te4", Thin Solid Films, 518, 5670 (2010)
Kihong Kim, M.-C. Jung (Co-first author), Ju Chul Park, Sang Jun Choi, and Hyun-Joon Shin, "Synchrotron-Based X-ray Spectroscopic Investigation of Nitrogen-Doped Ge–Bi (8.4 at. %)–Te Thin Films during the Amorphous-to-Crystalline Structural Phase Transition", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 49, 072601 (2010)
M.-C. Jung (First author), Y.M. Lee, Kihong Kim, J.C. Park, S.A. Song, H.-D. Kim, H.S. Jeong, H.J. Shin, "Chemical states of Bi-doped GeTe (Bi: 6 at.%) thin film in structural phase transition investigated by synchrotron X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy", Current Applied Physics, 10, 1336 (2010)
Young Mi Lee, Yongsup Park, Chang-Woo Sun, Jeong Yong Lee, Hyun Joon Shin, Yong Tae Kim, Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. author), "High-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of InTe thin film in structural phase transition from amorphous to crystalline phase", Thin Solid Films, 518, 4442 (2010)
Ki-Jeong Kim, Hangil Lee, Junghun Choi, Hankoo Lee, Min-Cherl Jung, H J Shin, T-H Kang, B Kim and Sehun Kim, "Surface property change of graphene using nitrogen ion", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 22, 045005 (2010)
Sung-Hoon Hong, Byeong-Ju Bae, Heon Lee, Min-Cherl Jung, and Hyun-Joon Shin, “Spectrmicroscopic investigation of lateral-type Ge2Sb2Te5 device failure”, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 24, 105025 (2009)
J.-S. Kang, S. S. Lee, H. J. Lee, G. Kim, D. H. Kim, H. K. Song, Y. J. Shin, M.-C. Jung, H. J. Shin, J. E. Lee, and B. I. Min, “Synchrotron-Radiation Study of Valence States and Electronic Structures of AgNi1-xCoxO2 Delafossite Oxides”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45, 2580 (2009)
C. Ko, Y. M. Lee, H. J. Shin, M. Han,K. Kim, J. C. Park, S. A. Song, H. S. Jeong, and M.-C. Jung (Corr. author), “Chemical states of GeTe thin-film during structural phase-change by annealing in ultra-high vacuum”, Eur. Phys. J. B, 66, 171 (2008)
Min-Cherl Jung (First author), Ki-Hong Kim, Young-Mi Lee, Jae-Hyeon Eom, Jino Im, Young-Gui Yoon, Jisoon Ihm, Se Ahn Song, Hong-Sik Jeong, and Hyun-Joon Shin, “Chemical state and atomic structure of Ge2Sb2Te5 system for nonvolatile phase-change random access memory”, J. Appl. Phys., 104, 074911 (2008)
Ki-Jeong Kim, Hangil Lee, Jae-Hyun Choi, Young-Sang Youn, Junghun Choi, Hankoo Lee, Tai-Hee Kanh, M.-C. Jung, H. J. Shin, Hu-Jong Lee, Sehun Kim, and Bongsoo Kim, “Scanning Photoemission Microscopy of Graphene Sheets on SiO2”, Adv. Mat., 20, 3589 (2008)
H. J. Shin, Youn-Seon Kang, Anass Benayad, Ki-Hong Kim, Y. M. Lee, M.-C. Jung, Tae-Yon Lee, Dong-Seok Suh, Kijoon H. P. Kim, and Toonho Khang, “Effect of indium on phase-change characteristics and local chemical states of In-Ge-Sb-Te alloys”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, 021905 (2008)
Y. M. Lee, M.-C. Jung, H. J. Shin, K. Kim, and S. A. Song, “Investigation of electronic structure of amorphous, metastable, and stable phases of Ge1Sb2Te4 film by high-resolution x-ray photoemission spectroscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 211913 (2008)
C. Jeon, J. H. Nam, W. Song, C.-Y. Park, M.-C. Jung, H. J. Shin, Y. H. Han, and B. C. Lee, “Chemical phase transitions of a Si oxide film on SiC by MeV electron beam irradiation”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 111910 (2007)
M.-C. Jung (First author), Y.M. Lee, H.-D. Kim, M.G. Kim, H.J. Shin, K.H. Kim, S.A. Song, H.S. Jeong, C.H. Ko, and M. Han, “Ge nitride formation in N-doped amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 083514 (2007)
J.-S. Kang, S.S. Lee, G. Kim, H. J. Lee, H. K. Song, Y. J. Shin, S. W. Han, C. Hwang, M.-C. Jung, H. J. Shin, B. H. Kim, S. K. Kwon, and B. I. Min, “Valence and spin states in delafossite AgNiO2 and the frustrated Jahn-Teller system ANiO2 (A=Li, Na)”, Phys. Rev. B, 76, 195122 (2007)
H. J. Lee, G. Kim, J. –S. Kang, B. Dabrowski, S. W. Han, S. S. Lee, C. Hwang, M.-C. Jung, H. J. Shin, H. G. Lee, J.-Y. Kim and B. I. Min, “Valence states of transition-metal ions in cubic perovskites SrMn1-xFexO3”, J. Appl. Phys., 101, 09G523 (2007)
M.-C. Jung (First author), H. J. Shin and J. Chung, “Photoelectron spectrum from a thin organic layer exposed to intense x rays”, J. Appl. Phys., 101, 034907 (2007)
J. W. Kim, T. U. Kampen, K. Horn and M.-C. Jung, “Thermal decomposistion of ethylene on Si(111): Formation of the Si(111) √3X√3:carbon structure”, Surf. Sci., 601, 694-698 (2007)
Kihong Kim, Ju-Chul Park, Jae-Gwan Chung, Se Ahn Song, Min-Cherl Jung, Young Mi Lee, Hyun-Joon Shin, Bongjin Kuh, Yongho Ha and Jin-Seo Noh, “Observation of molecular nitrogen in N-doped Ge2Sb2Te5”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 243520 (2006)
H. J. Shin, M.-C. Jung, J. Chung, K. Kim, J. C. Lee and S. P. Lee, “Degradation mechanism of organic light-emitting device investigated by scanning photoelectron microscopy coupled with peel-off technique”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 063503 (2006)
M.-C. Jung (First author), H. J. Shin, K. Kim, J. S. Noh and J. Chung, “High-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on oxygen-free amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 043503 (2006)
M.-C. Jung (First author) and M. Han, “Chemical and Structural Stabilities of SiNx Nano-Scale Islands Formed by the Ionized N2 Gas at Room Temperature”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 43, 1127 (2004)
M.-C. Jung (First author), T. G. Lee, Y. J. Park, S. H. Jun, J. Lee, M. Han, J. S. Jeong, and J. Y. Lee, "Nanostructured silicon formations as a result of ionized N2 gas reactions on silicon with native oxide layers", Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3653 (2003)
J. S. Kim, H. I. Kang, W. N. Kim, J. I. Kim, J. C. Choi, H. L. Park, G. C. Kim, T. W. Kim, Y. H. Hwang, S. I. Mho, M.-C. Jung, and M. Han, "Color variation of ZnGa2O4 phosphor by reduction-oxidation processes", Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 2029 (2003)
M.-C. Jung (First author), H.-D. Kim, M. Han, W. Jo, and D. C. Kim, "X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Pt-Oxide Thin Films Deposited by Reactive Sputtering Using O2/Ar Gas Mixtures", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 38, 4872-4875 (1999)
(b) Published reviews (Peer-reviewed)
Yurou Zhang, Miaoqiang Lyu, Tengfei Qiu, Ekyu Han, Il Ku Kim, Min-Cherl Jung, Yun Hau Nh, Jung-Ho Yun, and Lianzhou Wang, Review: “Halide Perovskite Single Crystals: Optoelectronic Applications and Strategical Approaches”, energies (MDPI), 13, 4250 (2020)
Young Mi Lee , Inhee Maeng, Jinwoo Park , Myungkwan Song, Jung-Ho Yun, Min-Cherl Jung (Corr. Author), and Masakazu Nakamura, Focused Review: “Comprehensive understanding and controlling the defect structures: An Effective Approach for Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite-Based Solar-Cell Application”, Frontiers in Energy Research, 06, 00128 (2018)
(c) Researcher information
ORCID: 0000-0002-6073-0908 (
ResearcherID: B-2133-2015 (
Google Scholar:
(d) Patents
Yabing Qi, Min-Cherl Jung, and Sonia R. Raga, US patent application, “Formation of lead-free perovskite film”, US20180247769A1 (08/30/2018), US Grant (Registered)
Yabing Qi, Min-Cherl Jung, and Sonia R. Raga, US patent application, “Doping engineered hole transport layer for perovskite-based device”, US10115918B2 (10/30/2018), US Grant (Registered)
M.-C. Jung (Main investigator), et al., “Fabrication method of nano-crystalline germanium”, 10-1018537 (02/22/2011), Republic of Korea Grant
M.-C. Jung (Main investigator), et al., “Formation method of nano-crystalline silicon in the Si-based nanostructures”, 10-0659280 (12/12/2006), Republic of Korea Grant
M.-C. Jung (Main investigator), et al., “Formation method of nano-crystallline silicon”, 10-0457798 (11/09/2004), Republic of Korea Grant
(e) Recent oral presentations (Only for the invited talk)
"Phonon modes in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials - First step for THz-based application", Invited seminar, Dept. of Physics, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, May. 2023 (Inivted talk)
"Phonon modes in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials - First step for THz-based application", Invited seminar, Dept. of Physics, University of Seoul, Republic of Korea, May. 2023 (Inivted talk)
"Phonon modes in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials - First step for THz-based application", Invited seminar, Severance, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, May. 2023 (Inivted talk)
“Defect and its property on organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite: First step for THZ-application research”, Invited seminar, Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, China, Nov. 2020 (Invited talk: Online)
“New approach for Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite: Understanding of Defect Structure and Its Property Beyond solar-cell application”, Invited seminar of Laboratory, Advance Photonics Research Institute (GIST), Gwangju, South Korea, Oct 2019 (Invited talk)
“New THz-wave absorption property in defect structures of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite thin film and its collaboration work”, Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites: Beyond Solar-Cell Application, Kyung Hee Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 2019 (Invited talk)
“New Approach for organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite Beyond solar-cell application”, Min-Cherl JUNG, Special Laboratory Seminar, Sejong Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 2019 (Invited talk)
“Defect structure in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite thin film”, Min-Cherl JUNG, The 9th International Conference On Technological Advances of Thin Films and Surface Coatings, Shenchen, China, July 2018 (Invited talk)
Defect structure in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite: From material understanding To the new possible application”, Min-Cherl JUNG, Institute Seminar (KIMS), Korea Institute of Materials Science, Changwon, South Korea, April 2018 (Invited talk)
”Defect structure in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite: From material understanding To the new possible application”, Min-Cherl Jung, Invited lecture of Laboratory, Advance Photonics Research Institute (GIST), Gwangju, South Korea, April 2018 (Invited talk)
“The presence of CH3NH2 neutral species in organometal halide perovskite films”, Min-Cherl JUNG, Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2017, Jeju-island, South Korea, June 2017 (Invited talk)
“Electronic structure of organometal halide perovskite for future solar cell”, Min-Cherl JUNG, General Seminar of Dept. of Physics, University of Seoul, South Korea, June 9th, 2017 (Invited talk)
“Electronic structure of organometal halide perovskite for future solar cell”, Min-Cherl JUNG, Laboratory Seminar, Sejong University, South Korea, June 9th, 2017 (Invited talk)
“Substantial improvement of perovskite solar cells stability by pinhole-free hole transport layer with doping engineering”, Min-Cherl JUNG, Laboratory Invitation Lecture of ADVANCED PHOTONICS RESEARCH INSTITUTE at GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology), Gwangju, South Korea, Mar. 2015 (Invited talk)
“Vapor phase preparation of Sn-based organometal halide perovskite”, Min-Cherl JUNG, MCARE(Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy) 2015, Jeju, South Korea, Feb. 2015 (Invited talk)
“Introduction of organic thin-film transistor studied in Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University”, Min-Cherl JUNG, CAS-PSOC Beijing Summer Workshop 1st, Beijing, China, June 2012 (Invited talk)