About me

I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Essex, UK.

I publish under my full Greek name, Miltiadis Makris, but otherwise I use the everyday version of my name: Miltos Makris.

I try to keep my webpage up to date. If you would like to see my academic CV please email me at:

m m a k r i s . e c o n (at) g m a i l . c o m

My research areas are Theoretical Microeconomics, Dynamic Public Finance, Public Economics, Political Economics and Economic Growth. For the list of my publications please follow the link Publications at the Navigation menu.

My current research interests include the study of optimal income taxation, dynamic tax competition, understanding the drivers of R&D investment, learning and experimentation, as well as dynamic mechanism and information design. My main research approach has been theoretical modelling, often combined with computational analysis and/or experiments. For the list of my working papers please follow the link Working Papers at the Navigation menu.

My research has policy implications for the alleviation of inequality and the design of the income tax code, the scope of barriers to capital tax competition in Europe, the design of licence auctions, takeovers and incentives for R&D, the organisation of markets, the impact of communications in strategic interactions e.t.c.

A new research interest of mine is on economic epidemiology. My first work on the topic is on Covid and Social Distancing with a Heterogeenous Population. In this work I use mathematical modelling and numerical analysis based on a calibration of the model to UK data to analyse various lockdown policies when there are various mortality-risk groups in the population. I presented an early version of this work at the Virtual Seminars in Economic Theory. To see the presentation follow the link here. An article based on this paper has appeared in VoxEU.

I have also just finished the first draft of another highly topical project with Flavio Toxvaerd on the impact of the anticipation of pharmaceutical innovations on social distancing and infections before the medical innovations arrive. For more details follow the link: Great Expectations: Social Distancing in Anticipation of Pharmaceutical Innovations The first version of the paper has been published on 09/11/2020 at the 56th issue of Covid Economics. An article based on this paper has recently appeared in VoxEU.

Flavio Toxvaerd and I have organised recently a NIESR workshop on what can economics and epidemiology learn from each other. A blog piece that summarises the motivation behnd thiis workshop see here.

For a non-technical explainer of the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic follow the link Coronavirus and the world economy. Parts of this explainer have also appeared in an article in the Daily Express.

I have also written some articles for various Greek media on the Euro crisis. For these and their versions in English please follow the link On Current Debates at the Navigation menu.

For a recent mini interview in Greek for the major national newspaper Kathimerini on the need of preferential treatment for Greece attracting large Foreign Direct Investment please see here

You can also find me at Researchgate