We post news here regarding the status of the implementation of the "Phase-Out of Reduction of Survivor Benefit Plan Survivor Annuities by Amount of Dependency and Indemnity Compensation," as directed by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020.

Please see this special webpage for news and information on the The Survivor Benefit Plan 2023 Active Duty/Line of Duty Optional Child Annuity Reversion.

If you are currently entitled to and receiving an SBP and/or SSIA monthly payment, you did NOT request the Optional Child Annuity and the 2023 reversion does NOT apply to you. SBP is paid either to the surviving spouse OR to the surviving child/children; it is NOT paid to both spouse and child. The Optional Child Annuity is not an additional annuity payment. It is the option to pay the SBP annuity to the child/children instead of to the surviving spouse.

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A4.2: No, the child remains the designated beneficiary for SBP. Section 622 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 does not impact SBP Child-Only or Special Needs Trust (SNT) elections made by retirees and their spouses at retirement. Spouse eligibility is not restored because the election of child-only or SNT coverage at retirement was irrevocable. The section of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 that discusses restoring eligibility to spouses refers only to certain situations in which the surviving spouses chose to transfer the benefit to a child following the death of a military member on active or inactive duty, in the line of duty, after October 7, 2001.

Hu has worked with Pakistani associates and weapons dealers Syed Asadullah (Asadullah) and Nur Khabib Shakh (Shakh), as well as Russian associate Vladimir Krylov (Krylov), to coordinate sale and business proposals, structure plans for Russian domestic production of military goods, and procure various Chinese weapons and technologies on behalf of the Russian military and defense sector.

Obshchestvo S Ogranichennoi Otvetstvennostyu Plaz (Plaz) subcontracts to AO IEMZ Kupol in the development and production effort of the Russian-developed one-way attack UAVs. Plaz is responsible for the avionics, navigation system, and other components of the UAV. Plaz also produces the Grifon (variant Gryphon) series reconnaissance drone that is used by units within the Russian military.

If you are in the Armed Services, not a resident of Virginia, and are a full-time active duty military member, you may be exempt from the personal property tax and vehicle license fee based on your military status. In order to determine your eligibility, please provide a copy of a current year Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). You may upload your LES to our secure webpage at

Individuals residing on federal installations are required to file leave and earnings statements as all other individuals claiming exemption due to military status. Property owned by Virginia residents as well as property under lease, co-owned with a non-military, non-spouse or used in a trade or business is taxable regardless of physical location on a federally owned installation.

Spouses are vital to the strength, resilience and readiness of our military communities. They are actively engaged in our local, civilian communities while helping our service members serve, reintegrate and remain strong.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Gallup's annual rating of the honesty and ethics of various professions finds five of the 22 occupations rated this year at new lows in public esteem. While the majority of Americans continue to believe military officers have high ethics (61%), the score is down 10 percentage points since it was last measured, in 2017. TV reporters' ethics rating has fallen nine points to 14% over the same period, and judges' has declined five points to 38%.

Line graph. Trends in the perceived honesty and ethics of five professions: military officers, judges, clergy, TV reporters and grade-school teachers. The honesty rating for military officers ranged between 65% and 72% from 2002 to 2017 but dipped to 61% in 2021. The rating for judges was above 50% when first measured in 1999 but has gradually trended down to 38% in 2021. The rating for TV reporters was 36% in 1981 before falling into the 20s for the next three decades but has now fallen to 14%. The rating for clergy was at least 60% in the 1970s and 1980s but has gradually declined and since 2018 has been mostly below 40%, including 36% in 2021.

For the 20th straight year, nurses lead Gallup's annual ranking of professions for having high honesty and ethics, eclipsing medical doctors in second place by 14 points -- 81% vs. 67%. Grade-school teachers (64%), pharmacists (63%) and military officers (61%) round out the top five most revered professions in this year's list, with more than six in 10 Americans viewing each as highly ethical.

Military officers are still revered more by Republicans (67%) than Democrats and Democratic leaners (59%), but their image among the GOP is now the lowest Gallup has recorded since the first reading, in 2002, a period spanning Republican and Democratic presidencies. While it's likely that Republicans' reduced esteem for U.S. military leaders is related to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan last summer, the cause cannot be pinpointed, given the four-year gap since the prior measurement.

Line graph. Trend from 2002 to 2021 in "very high/high" honesty and ethics rating for military leaders among Democrats/Democratic leaners and Republicans/Republican leaners. From 2002 to 2017, the rating among Republicans had ranged from 70% to 84%, but it fell to 67% in 2021. From 2002 to 2021, the rating among Democrats has ranged from 58% to 65%; it is 59% in 2021.

The largest party difference in views of occupations measured in the new poll is for police officers, with Republicans rating them much better than Democrats. Republicans also have more-positive opinions than Democrats of military officers and clergy.

Democrats, on the other hand, give moderately better ratings than Republicans to newspaper reporters, medical doctors, grade-school teachers, TV reporters, pharmacists and members of Congress. Republicans and Democrats view all other professions similarly.

As is the norm in Gallup's long-term honesty and ethics trend, Americans most respect the honesty and ethics of people working in medicine, public safety (the military and police) and child care positions (specifically grade-school teachers and day care workers). Some of these ratings are down from their peaks in 2020, but they are still high.

While the overall rank order of professions is similar to the historical trends, medical professions garner less lofty scores than they did in the first year of the pandemic. Others -- military officers, grade-school teachers, judges, clergy and TV reporters -- are at relative low points that reflect more systemic issues.

The MEU List serves to inform the public of certain parties in China, Russia, Venezuela and Burma that the U.S. government has determined to be military end users. Exports, reexports, and in-country transfers of items identified in Supplement No. 2 of Part 744 of the EAR to parties listed on the MEU List require a license.

This represents the first time Purdue Global has opened an extension office on a military base, specifically designed to serve the educational needs of military-affiliated students and the surrounding base community.

VMI: an undergraduate experience like no other. Since 1839, this historic military college has produced leaders of integrity and honor. The Institute is ranked #5 in the nation for return on investment by Money Magazine.

VMI inspires and is committed to excellence. The Corps of Cadets is able to utilize the training offered by a 24/7 military environment and apply a mindset of overcoming adversity towards their academic and athletic goals, and for those who commission, towards exemplary military service.

Each year, during the month of April, the Department of Defense joins national, state and local government, schools, military serving organizations, companies and private citizens in celebrating military children and the sacrifices they make.

While military members serve around the world and often around the clock, we often forget the challenges faced by their children. Military families move on average every two to three years, impacting military children through changing schools and support networks.

Right now, there are roughly 1.7 million dependent military children across all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. About 1 million of these children are children of active duty servicemembers. The remaining 700,000 dependent military children are children of guard or reserve units. Over 650,000 of these military children are ages 5 or under.

"For CYBERCOM, it all starts with our people," said Maj. Gen. Bradley Pyburn, chief of staff, CYBERCOM. "Having our military and civilian personnel at their best starts with a strong support system at home. Our command family isn't just within the command walls; it's bigger than that. Our families at home play a key role in supporting our cyber operators and staff so they can succeed in their duties.

The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is the premier research and development center for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We discover, develop, and deliver innovative solutions to the nation's toughest challenges in military engineering, installations and operational environments, civil works, geospatial research and engineering, and engineered resilient systems. Learn more about ERDC and explore our missions.

MCPD is a joint initiative between the state and federal agencies to empower active and retired service members, military families, veterans, and civilians in the community. With frequent relocations and deployments, military families face unique challenges and are prime targets for scam artists. 17dc91bb1f

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