The RouterOS backup feature allows cloning a router configuration in binary format, which can then be re-applied on the same device. The system's backup file also contains the device's MAC addresses, which are restored when the backup file is loaded.

If The Dude or User-manager or installed on the router, then the system backup will not contain configuration from these services, therefore, additional care should be taken to save configuration from these services. Use provided tool mechanisms to save/export configuration if you want to save it.

Mikrotik Cloud Backup Download


If a password is not provided in RouterOS versions older than v6.43, then the backup file will be encrypted with the current user's password, except if the dont-encrypted property is used or the current user's password is empty.

On the MKController platform, two options are available: binary backup (used only to recover the RB itself) and Mikrotik configuration backup. In both options, the latest backups will be stored in the cloud, available for use after logging into the platform.

To test I manually ran the script on my router and waited; it takes about a minute sometimes for the script to see the files, but the end result is that each night a new copy of all my router backups come flying into my Google Drive folder ready for any emergencies.

But we can automate the switch from primary to backup interface (and back again) using a few simple routing rules.Be warned: this assumes a particular IP address as the default gateway; it is not picking it up automatically from DHCP.

You can now have your Mikrotik router configured with a backup WAN interface using a 3G or LTE USB modem.And some very simple routing rules to switch to the backup link if the primary fails.(Or, you can just disable the primary interface).

Each tenant will be able to create buckets in their instance through which they can use multiple clients within their tenant account. That would mean that a client within the tenant in theory could access the data of another client, or that the server administrator could look inside of all the backups.

Over the past year, since I got more serious about my growing YouTube channel's success, I decided to document and automate as much of my backups as possible, following a 3-2-1 backup plan:

For each category, I have at least three copies, on different storage media (locally on my main Mac and NAS, or on my primary and secondary NAS in the case of video files), and one copy in the cloud (some data uses cloud storage, other data is rcloned to AWS Glacier (using an S3 Glacier-backed bucket).

About 11-12 years ago, I thought I had a good backup plan. I was running Windows at the time, using Carbonite for cloud backup, and had a NAS for onsite backup. 3-2-1 plan. There was a hole in that plan. I managed to delete several folders with RAW photos that I didn't discover missing for several months. By that time, Carbonite had rolled them off the backups and they were no where to be found. I now am running more of a 6-5-4-3-2-1 plan with snapshots and archival storage. Local NAS (RAID 6 with 8x10TB drives) that has critical backed up nightly to an external drive. NAS is backed up to B2 in the cloud. Computers backup to NAS, Backblaze, and shared files in DropBox that are backed up to everything else also. I know it is overkill, but I haven't lost anything since! :)

Hi, retarted youtube didn't wanted me to post this in comment, so i'll instead post it here

"it's hard to automate backups for most consumer networking gear"

That being said presenting Mikrotik.

Same Mikrotik which has scheduler, is able to run scripts in timely manner and literally everything you need is to /export file=today.rsc followed by RPi scping this file to asustor ;d

Same goes for router, most of them (and i am talking about consumer grade, cheap ass tplinks as well as dryteks) has this or other form of "configuration backup", usually being triggered by single POST to embedded httpd.

For a guy who literally automates daily coffee brewing with Ansible writing a playbook which authenticates to router and issues config dump should take less than one afternoon. (mikrotik, openwrt and tplink gear user here :))

Have you given any thought to Ransomware protection (e.g. on your NAS / mount points) in your backup strategy? I have a Synology and looking at differences between synology drive client, windows file history to windows share or direct share mounting. I don't really want to have duplicate backups going to the same location. Would a proper network backup via named pipe be safer if there is no direct network write access to share?

For my needs, Glacier is offline but if something crypto'd my digital life, if I didn't halt my backup job the next Sunday it would propagate to my Glacier backup too (though nothing that was already backed up already would be destroyed).

If you have never experienced a hardware failure or even just a software crash that caused you to lose some important files, you can count yourself as one of the lucky few PC users. As for the rest of us, who at some point had to deal with this painstakingly annoying problem, we learned how to use backups to keep our files safe and avoid headaches. If you never went through this but still use regular MikroTik backup for redundancy, hats off to you; keep up the good job.

The frequency at which performing backups is recommended depends on how often the backed-up information changes, how valuable the said data is, and how long it takes to execute the process. In the case of MikroTik configuration backups, we recommend that they be done every time the said configuration is edited.

Despite computer hardware becoming more and more reliable, there are still countless circumstances in which your data could be lost or corrupted. Be it a hardware failure, unexpected power outage, software bug, or an inexperienced intern accidentally deleting the wrong thing (professionals occasionally do it as well), having a recent backup of the lost/corrupted files just makes life easier for all PC users.

You will not need to go digging in the recycle bin for that accidentally deleted file. Neither will you have to redo that important excel document for your work. As for MikroTik, you will not have to try and remember all the previous configurations you have created and manually redo them. Simply restore the previously created backup and enjoy being back on your feet with minimal downtime.

Making backups and saving MikroTik configuration backup is one of the most important parts of MikroTik usage. Follow these 6 simple steps to create MikroTik backup and export MikroTik backup on your local device.

If you were previously unfamiliar with the concept or process of backups, we hope you learned a new neat computer feature that you will start using more, as well as why it is so important to frequently create backups of your files. We are also happy to present this short yet comprehensive tutorial on how to backup MikroTik configuration. In this way, you can easily secure your MikroTik server. If you have any questions or have any issues, leave a comment below, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Important: When restoring a binary backup file to a new Mikrotik Router the backup will change the mac addresses of all interface to match the previous router. This usually is not a problem unless you are using a backup to configure a second router. If you were to connect say ether1 between the old and new router they would both have the same mac-address on ether1 causing them to not communicate. You can use the Reset Mac Address button on each interface to revert back to the factory hardware mac address.

Any very obvious way to do backups of the Vyos that Im not aware of? Its hard to believe that the system cant have its whole configuration saved and loaded back into a new installation with a few commands. Every system out there have such options.

The new EVE install have same locations, so, copy your backup data contents in the new EVE-NG. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT overwrite whole directories in the new EVE, Just copy in the contents of your backup folders.

Regularny backup konfiguracji jest kluczowym elementem, ktry wpywa na popraw bezpieczestwa i stabilnoci nie tylko urzdze sieciowych, ale rwnie innych systemw. Kady administrator powinien zobowiza si do regularnego wykonywania kopii zapasowych, a take systematycznego testowania ich odtwarzania. To jest niezwykle istotne, szczeglnie w kontekcie urzdze sieciowych. W przypadku awarii, bdu konfiguracji czy ataku cybernetycznego, szybkie i skuteczne przywrcenie poprawnej konfiguracji moe by kluczowe dla utrzymania cigoci dziaania sieci i ochrony danych. Dlatego te, regularne tworzenie i testowanie kopii zapasowych powinno by integraln czci strategii zarzdzania sieci kadego administratora.

Podsumowujc, tworzenie kopii zapasowych w RouterOS jest nie tylko proste, ale take niezbdne dla zapewnienia nieprzerwanego i bezpiecznego dziaania sieci. Wykorzystujc rne metody przesyania i przechowywania kopii, administratorzy mog dostosowa proces backupu do indywidualnych potrzeb i wymaga bezpieczestwa.

Backups are created automatically every 6 hours and sent to the cloud for storage. Please note that only changes are sent(incremental backup) and only in encrypted form.

I am also considering using the backup-test-samples option to verify backups, but by back-end provider (B2) charges for download bandwidth, so I obviously want to minimize the amount of data downloaded to verify backups. Does using that option change how I would set the block and dblock sizes?

I've been using 2 of these VMs (each in a different AWS region), as redundant VPN routers (configured exactly the same, except for IP addresses) for SSTP and OVPN clients for the past 2 years or so. Never any one of them has failed, though I use AWS Route53 to monitor (HealthCheck) and failover the DNS record if the active router goes down - a cheap and reliable way to fail over. RouterOS upgrades could be done as on a physical router. I do it one at a time with Route53 DNS failover during upgrades.

Advantage of running these VMs on AWS is that you do not have to depend on the Mikrotik firewall. I use AWS security groups for that purpose.

I've setup daily AWS auto snapshotting of the root volume of the VMs as a reliable backup.

Mikrotik support is not that great, but recently their response times have improved. 9af72c28ce

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